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View Full Version : 3 1/2 years on Propranolol and now coming off, help?

17-05-09, 19:58

I have been 3 1/2 years on Propranolol and now I have been coming off these for just 1 and half months like this:

from 160mg a day in slow release form to

80mg a day slow release for 1 month


10mg 4x a day for a week

10mg 3x a day for a week

10mg 2x a day for a week

I am now on the 2x a day since Saturday (yesterday) I have been having some side affects and my g/f thinks that my doctor has rushed the last ones as the first doctor did it for a month with the 80mg and that was ok.

I have been having:

sleepy all the time
higher anxiety
more and bigger panic attacks
feeling sick

Good thing is I am loosing weight and getting back to how I was lol, I am happy to try and stick out these withdrawels and see if I can do the reast witch is 1 tablet for a week after this week and then stop.

But has any one got any really good tips?

I have been doing this:

7/11 breathing
relax time
not stopping my tasks I get from my CBT
Using lavender to relax
cutting out lots of carbs and having better protean

I am on another tablet that I cant spell, but I hope to come off them next.

I was on diazpam for over 3 years and actualy come dependent alot on them, I got to a stange that I took 2 x 28 tablets within a month and my docter then wouldnt allow any more so I had to go cold turkey and that was bad I didnt feel great for weeks, but I am so glad I did as they were actualy stopping me from doing more than I could due to them cosing anxity and me not knowing.

Hope some one can help.

Thank you

23-06-09, 18:29
well i just have to say congrates 4 havin the strengh to do this in the first place! iv been on mine for 5yrs n but have got down to 10mg once a day. it does get easier

23-06-09, 19:33
Well I have been fully off them now I think for 3 weeks, its hard and my heart is bouncing like mad, also getting out is harder but I will not let it beat me

04-04-13, 16:29
I have Bipolar Disorder II, anxiety and PTSD. Until this past year was taking Lamictal (100mg), Xanax (1.5 mg nightly) and Inderal (120 mg). I was taking the Inderal mainly for bad hand tremors which I generally have and was worsened by Lamictal. I've taken most of these meds for about 10 years.

After completing a round of EMDR sessions for my PTSD (traumas that occurred 20 years ago but greatly impacted my life since then), I found I was able to drop many of my meds with no trouble. It was AMAZING! My Lamictal will stay the same, I dropped the xanax slowly but completely and have recently been reducing my Inderal with the goal to get to zero.

My reduction from 120mg of Inderal to 60 was not even noticeable. Then the following slowly scheduled drops from 60-10 were a bit more of an issue (it's no longer extended release below 60mg), just had issues for a day or two each time. All of my withdrawal symptoms have been physical; I've had no problems with anxiety or Bipolar symptoms.

More excitable than usual depending on the situation
Some headaches

Once I dropped the last 10 I had major issues that did not let up over time (no real anxiety or panic attacks but a bit of tightness in the chest. Night sweats and sometimes during the day were a new development.

Doctor had me go back on 10mg for a few weeks and now I only take it M/W/F for a couple weeks. I'm experiencing some issues but no sweats; doctor says the symptoms should disappear shortly. After that hopefully I am off it completely - doctor seems confident it won't be a problem! Hasn't been fun but I see the light at the end of the tunnel!