View Full Version : is it me?

17-05-09, 21:36
all through my life ive felt up and down i remember at school once a teacher said i never seemed happy as i never smiled made me feel great :mad: and right now my up and downs are worse, at hospital the nurses told oncall pshych i was very up and down in my mood, my parents said they wanted whatever i had been given when they visited me as i had gone on a high, then day later was on a downer again :weep:
im beginning to think im just strange


18-05-09, 03:17
This is quite hard to answer this post as there is not a lot of information, may be tell us more about your situation, if your ok with that.

18-05-09, 09:42
please dont think your strange if unhappy go to docs for advice you might be depressed or even talking to freinds or family might help to see why your up and down xx