View Full Version : something new

17-05-09, 22:42
I have been struggling for the past week with a new symptom, I wasn't able to sleep early before because I was afraid, and for the past week I have been more anxious than I've been in months, but this time there is no perceivable thing I am anxious about. All I know is that I am trembling inside, I can't fall asleep and I am so scared, incredibly scared, but not anxious about anything in particular.

I ended up in the emergency room today, I've been to the ER 10 times in 9 months, out of those 10 8 where in the beginning month of this and then I didn't do it for a while. They found nothing wrong yet again, and still I feel like I am dying, that this anxiety is killing me and really overwhelming me. Please help, please tell me people get anxious about nothing in particular sometimes and that I can get through this.

17-05-09, 23:08
I went to my doctors several times regarding this problem and I found it really difficult to explain how it felt.
I suffer from tremors, It starts as i'm falling asleep, it's a horrible feeling I can have it in any part of my body but more often then not it's in my head and chest area. I'm usually very sleepy when it happens so I keep a glass of water next to my bed and when the tremors start I have a drink, it works for me. It's all part of the anxiety unfortunatly.:mad: I hope this helps

17-05-09, 23:10

You poor thing, please don't feel that you are alone in this. I get panic attacks for no reason what so ever. I am workign with a CBT councellor to try and find out the cause but to be honest i don't know so how the hell they are going to be able to help me i don't know. I have ended up in A&E before as well and you just come away feeling silly. These feelings are really real to us and i don't think anyone can truely understand if they don't do it themselves.
When these feelings happen try to lie down and just go with it, the more you try and stop it the worsse it will become. I have been advised to not try and fight these feelings and to just make sure you are sitting or lying down and let go. If you try and "snap out of it" (i hate that phrase) you can cause more anxiety and it feeds the anxiety which becomes a viscious circle.

My heart goes out to you hon, i feel like a masssive coiled spring is in the middle of my chest and it just gets tighter and tighter and it is so hard to just relax, i find myself paseing back and forth.

Are you on any meds just now. I have just started taking diazepam 2mg 3 times a day and this appears to be helping. The scared feeling is the panic because your body percieves a massive danger even if you are not aware of it. The hard part is figuring out what the root cause is.

Take care, i'm off to my bed just now but feel free to PM me if you like.

Your not alone in this and you will get through this one step at a time


17-05-09, 23:13
yep - anxiety and panic attacks for nothing - people keep telling me its because of this or the other, but i dont actually feel scared/nevous/anxious because of any of that... i just am.

i want to laugh at myself, but its taken over by fear. Im walking round in a zombie state because of getting no sleep and on top of this im also shaking pretty much 24/7.

I truly do hope you feel better, i wouldnt wish panic or anxiety on anyone, its beyond scarey!! :( x