View Full Version : Why cant i find out why!!!

18-05-09, 00:53
Hello people, I am currently new to this forums i found it when i googled the medication the doctor had prescribed me. I just have a few questions to ask seeming i am feeling lost and helpless at this point. I have been diagnosed with anxiety about 5 to 6 years ago by my family and my local doctor. when i was diagnosed the doctor gave me a prescribed drug called Zoloft which was 50mg (at that time) the medication worked and i was ok for a couple of years then my anxiety came back full force un controlable. so i went back to the doctors they gave e a stronger dose of Zoloft. So then i was taking 100mg's.
a couple of years past again (this is now the present date a week ago) it happend again. I am a sales manager of the computer franchise of harvey norman it got that bad at work when it happened my bosses wife had to take me home. i immedietly made a doctors appoint for that day at 4pm before that i was browsing the internet trying to get my mind busy. i came accross a drug called CITALOPRAM HBR TABLETS 20MG (CITALOPRAM GENRX) i asked the doctor about them and he said yes i can change over to those seeming these ones are really helping as they should.
now i have been taking them for about 5 days now slightly feeling better but not as yet fit to go to work.
What i cant understand is i cant find anyone else online that have my symptoms. when i get my anxiety its is like what ever i look i panic as if im feared of everything around me, its like my head goes funny and im scared of existence and i cant believe what im seeing, thats probably the best way i can explain it. but after saying that there are other symptoms like sweaty hands shakey nausea etc that i came accross and those are signs i have seen other people having. Im just curious for any feedback any help i will be most greatful. i forgot to say half the reason why i asked the doctor if i could changed the medication is because i didnt want yo stay on something that works for a year and then stops, it makes me think the drug Zoloft is not for me. and i didnt want the doctor to up my dosage to 150mg. right now im clueless and lost. id love any advice possible.
thanks for reading...

18-05-09, 07:58

Really sorry to hear about your troubles. Believe me, your strange experiences are probably an exagerrated reaction caused by your nervous state.
Everything can seem frightening when we are feeling anxious and the physical symptoms you describe don't help, of course.
Just hang in there and try to keep yourself busy. Anything to take your mind away from any preoccupation you may have with those symptoms.
Try not to worry about what goes on in your head. Try to remember that strange thoughts and feelings of unreality are very common. Don't dwell on these too much or pay them too much attention.
Perhaps these strange sensations are only temporary and will pass once you have had enough rest and allowed more time for your medication to work.
I think Citalopram is an anti-depressant with a tranquilliser built in. You have to give these time to work. Maybe about three to four weeks.
I'm no Doctor and hope my information is correct on this.
Believe me, you're not going to go crazy. Reality can seem frightening when we are feeling unwell and our perceptions and conclusions about what is happening to and around us are nothing more than distortions brought on by nerves which have become acutely sensitive.
Perhaps your job as a Sales Manager has brought all this on. I imagine this must be very stressful, with all kinds of pressures placed upon you to meet sales targets and product deadlines.
Have you thought of a less stressful choice of career? Prehaps something which doesn't demand so much of you.
Hope this helps. Take care of yourself and don't overdo what you do, if you know what I mean.

All the Best

18-05-09, 09:43
Allan thank you very much for taking your time and reading, thanks very much for your advice and for trying to help, i am most greatful!

18-05-09, 10:00
Hi Ant0ny,

Im sorry to hear what you are going through, but start believing you will get better. I have read many people here going through what you are going through and can definately help you by sharing their experiences and you will realise you are not alone on this.
I suggest you can go to the forum of "Medication" and click on sub-heading "Citalopram". You will find an amazing post from a guy called "PSYHCO POET" who has taken a great lenghth of time to write up everything he knows and has heard about Citalopram and its affects. He too suffers from anxiety and is writing first hand what he is going through and could really help you.
Also, why dont you check out the forum of "SYMPTOMS" too. You will find others who are suffering the same effects and can share with you how they are over-coming them.

Im sorry i couldnt be of any further help at this stage, but good luck, and let us know how you're getting on.


18-05-09, 10:13
Hi Anth0ny - Welcome to the site :)
You wrote "What i cant understand is i cant find anyone else online that have my symptoms. when i get my anxiety its is like what ever i look i panic as if im feared of everything around me, its like my head goes funny and im scared of existence and i cant believe what im seeing, thats probably the best way i can explain it"
You are definitely not alone! you just described exactly how I felt when my anxiety was really bad. Since I have been taking citalopram I have found they have really helped me. I can relate to what you wrote about being scared of existence. I would look at other people and get really panicky plue the whole thought of life and existence just seemed too much - too overwhelming and made me want to run and hide - which is what triggered the agoraphobia for me I am sure. People really scared me and life itself did. It all seemed really surreal - thats the only way I could describe it. I could not see how I was going to get through life - during my worst times I wanted to be propelled into being a pensioner because I thought then at least I wouldn't have many years in front of me to get through. It really was a struggle.
I am now overcoming agoraphobia and my anxiety (although I think anxiety will always be there in the background for me) but the citalopram does really help me. Maybe you body got used to Zoloft after taking it for such a long time, and became no longer effective? I hope that citalopram works for you. The gps tell people that it takes 4-6 weeks for it to become effective and I have found that I am beginning to feel the positive effects at 8 weeks.
I hope your situation improves and that you are soon back at work feeling much better.:)

18-05-09, 11:27
i am so glad to have found this site.. and also to have found you guys by you guys expressing what you feel and trying help has really made me feel better. i will look for the thread on citalopram. thank you