View Full Version : Body aches/pains/twinges

18-05-09, 01:13
Does anyone else get strange aches or zappy feeling pain in different parts of your body? My main HA fear is heart trouble and every time I feel these aches or twinges, I think its from a heart attack or something. I know its not the case, but my mind just goes there anyway.

So, the sharp twinges can be anywhere, my back, left arm, palm of my hand (again, left side) to my jaw.

Is this just stress pains??? Oh my goodness, this has been the longest month ever just waiting for the results of my stress EKG and echo test. Hopefully when they tell me my heart is in good shape, I can start putting these heart attack fears to rest.

18-05-09, 10:59
It does sound like anxiety/stress pains, I get so many different pains, twinges, aches in the strange places but mostly on my left side, chest/arm/hand etc.

I cant offer any advice as I dont really know how to deal with it myself and just end up crying constantly.

I hope it puts your mind at rest that you are not alone though

Take Care

18-05-09, 11:11
I have the same thing its from tensing up, Relax hun im sure your hearts fine.

18-05-09, 16:33
Thank you guys! It really does help to hear others feeling the same stuff. I know that being obsessed with my heart leaves me open to creating a ton of symptoms with my mind. Its just hard to accept that I'm doing it to myself.

18-05-09, 22:33
dude i get those pains all the time, and to add insult to injury, they usually cause a head rush or 'heart rush' as i like to call it and the first time it happened i genuinely thought i was having a heart attack. now i know it's me feeling a NORMAL bodily pain or ache, and being oversenstive/reactive to it and without a moment to think it over, my heart or head gets an adrenaline rush that feels weird. i'm used to it mostly now.

18-05-09, 23:55
dude i get those pains all the time, and to add insult to injury, they usually cause a head rush or 'heart rush' as i like to call it and the first time it happened i genuinely thought i was having a heart attack. now i know it's me feeling a NORMAL bodily pain or ache, and being oversenstive/reactive to it and without a moment to think it over, my heart or head gets an adrenaline rush that feels weird. i'm used to it mostly now.

:D Thanks for the reply. Also, I love that you said Dude. Sorry, I just start half of my conversations like that too. How cliche American huh??

20-12-09, 23:12
Hi Shelley,

I was JUST about to post the same question and searched to see if anyone has posted this b4. I get this all the time and mainly in my left side too!

Isn't it horrible what we can do to ourselves!!!!