View Full Version : here i go again, help please!

18-05-09, 09:37
hi peeps, hope u are all well. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, had the pains in my legs again (i think this is what started my HA off) it starts just by my right knee, it hurts if i touch it, it hurts when i walk or rest it, it sorta hurts when i lie on it (not as bad as it did previously), it then spreads down my leg and today my other leg is hurting too :mad: grrrr. When i had these probs before, it was my first time at the doctors (one of many visits in the past 6 months!:blush:) she listened to my symptoms, my hands and feet are always cold, they are cold now while i am typing, i said i was worried i had a blood clot! anyway, she felt my calves (?) calfs(?) said they were nice and soft, no need to worry, she put it down to circlutaion....which made sense! previously my feet just used to fall asleep! my hubby found it hilarious! i would get up on a evening from my night of tele, and i coudnt walk! anyway, im ramberling! sooooo, my legs are hurting again......when i had my son 3 years ago, i passed a clot the day i got home from hospital (the midwife told me, if i pass anything bigger than a 50p to ring her) needless to say i didnt, just thought it was being over the top! now that is playing on my mind, what if it is a blood clot i have, please help me xxxxxx

18-05-09, 10:44
hi peeps, hope u are all well. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, had the pains in my legs again (i think this is what started my HA off) it starts just by my right knee, it hurts if i touch it, it hurts when i walk or rest it, it sorta hurts when i lie on it (not as bad as it did previously), it then spreads down my leg and today my other leg is hurting too :mad: grrrr. When i had these probs before, it was my first time at the doctors (one of many visits in the past 6 months!:blush:) she listened to my symptoms, my hands and feet are always cold, they are cold now while i am typing, i said i was worried i had a blood clot! anyway, she felt my calves (?) calfs(?) said they were nice and soft, no need to worry, she put it down to circlutaion....which made sense! previously my feet just used to fall asleep! my hubby found it hilarious! i would get up on a evening from my night of tele, and i coudnt walk! anyway, im ramberling! sooooo, my legs are hurting again......when i had my son 3 years ago, i passed a clot the day i got home from hospital (the midwife told me, if i pass anything bigger than a 50p to ring her) needless to say i didnt, just thought it was being over the top! now that is playing on my mind, what if it is a blood clot i have, please help me xxxxxx

Aww Helen,

Dont do it!!! You sound like you are dealing really well with your anxiety whether or not you realise it!

I really think that the clot thing after you give birth is something specific to the time period following and not for too much after. I know that i was given injection s of blood thinning stuff for a week after i had my baby and they told me to wear those sock things for a few days too. So i think that everyone is at risk of clotting issues just after giving birth, but I really really really dont think that it means you are especially predisposed to having blood clots normally - as in this long after having your wee one.

I find that at certain times of the month i have aches and funny feelings in legs. I think that it is very much related to adrenaline and stress which makes your blood flow to extremities lower by sending more blood to the major muscles for the old 'fight or flight' mechanism that HA people are forced to be sooooo familiar with!. Think that the leg pains are related to the extra blood flow to your muscles. But its toooooooootallllly anxiety related.

Please dont worry!!


18-05-09, 10:52
thankyou so much for ur reply! i know it has been 3 years since i had my son, so if it was anything nasty it would of reared its ugly head by now! its just things play on your mind dont they?! i had to wear the stockings after i had my daughter (so very attractive) the midwife and me fought to get them on! that was 5 years ago. I am putting alot of my aches and pains down to the adrenaline rush that we get (my nurse also explained this to me).
It also puts my mind at rest that it is not a constant pain, it was 5 months ago that i had it, so i am thinking again, if it was anything bad, the pain wouldnt just go away!

thankyou so much lisa for replying, u r a gem xxx