View Full Version : progress?

18-05-09, 09:38
well started taking citalapram on thursday so on day five now .first day was hellish ended up at doctors the next day as i was freaking out at side effects .doctor explianed side effects and told me to take diazapam 3 times daily so i have been just about fine.but now worrying what happens when i stop the diazapam as its that that is making me feel beter not the anti depressents yet ....lol always something to worry about ,felt better for eating first thing .not working for last month an half and practically housebound but i hope it will alll come together and i wil get on the mend soon.

18-05-09, 16:30
Hi. I'm more of an expert on Escitalopram - a cousin to Citalopram, but its pretty normal to get bad side effects initially with Citalopram. Even just chemically its about a week for your dose to stabilise in the body. Then it has to take effect. Most people talk about 3-4 weeks to get a steady benefit from most of the SSRIs, sometimes a bit longer.

There is a big post in the forum by psychopoet which is meant to be quite helpful on managing Cit' and its side effects. So its well worth having a read of that.