View Full Version : HEY to all, im a newbie here

18-05-09, 10:10
Hey, i just wanted to take a chance to introduce myself to you all.
My names Amanda, im 20 years old and live in Canada.
I've been on a couple other anxiety suppot forums, but just signed up for this one yesterday, im hoping it will be as good to me for support as the others have been.

Well where do i start. I have Emetophobia(fear of vomiting), GAD, and suffer with panic attacks.
It all started for me around 8 months ago, Before then, i was pretty much normal, and happy. I had a good job, lived on my own, just graduated, and even earned a high honor scholarship for my studies.
Around 8 months ago it all started with a general uneasy feeling which would come and go. Nowadays its there a lot more, I've had to quit my job because of the stress it was giving me, i felt like i could no longer cope with it.
I also had to move back home because of the job loss, and loss of income.
So that also adds more stress on top of me.
A couple months ago, i was housebound, and terrified.
I wouldnt leave the house in fear of suffering another panic attack while i was out. Gradually, i was able to get out of the house. Although i have not done "a night out" like going to the movies or such in the past 7 months.
I get depressed a lot of the time because of the anxiety keeping me from doing so much, and feeling very overwelmed as i'm sure most of you do as well. Most of my panic attacks come from me feeling "off" in some way.
nauseous, dizzy, too hot.. etc. I have a fear of loosing control when i feel these symptoms. It's a vicious cycle.
I especially hate that "tight" stomach feeling i get when im feeling anxious
and the shortness of breath. I hate that i let these stupid things get to me, and keep me from doing so much, Im so young, i shouldnt be living like this.
Anyway this puts a lot of stress on me..i have good days , bad days, and terrible days, but Im still here and fighting this!

Sorry if that was a long post, but thank you for reading!

18-05-09, 10:51
A huge warm welcome to nmp

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx