View Full Version : bowels

18-05-09, 15:43
hi people im new to this. for about aslong as i can remember i have HA i hate this feeling. this may sound gross so sori but i check my poos i look through them and have noticed red/orange bits in it i have now scared myself in2 thinking this is blood. ive been to my docs about thinking i have bowel cancer and she listed of a list of symptoms and asked if i had any of them and all the ones she listed og i didnt have i asked to be sent for a coloscopy adnd she sed she woundlt send me for one has i didnt have any symptoms to make her worry tht i had bowel cancer but im still scared im only 22 have a 3 year old daughter and im so scared tht im going to die and leave her. its making my life miserable plz help xxxxxx:weep:

18-05-09, 16:08
Hi scared lass

i too have problems with my bowels - diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrone due to anxiety but i'm learning to accept and live with it. I am a nurse and just to let you know faeces contains a lot of undigested food so if you look closely enough at it you will see other colours such as green, The reason orange and red stick out is because they are bright colours - this is why the "black" box flight recorder on an aeroplane is actually bright orange / red - so that it can be easily found after a crash. If you eat red meat or carrots for example, undigested parts of them will be found in your faeces. Also bleeding from the bowel is actually brown in colour and would leak from your back passage and stain your underwear. G.P.'s know the symptoms of serious bowel problems well so believe them and rest assured that it is nothing serious. I hope this helps and try to stop worrying. Good luck.

18-05-09, 16:46
thank you soooo much u have made me feel a millions times better :) i have been on here a couple of weeks but didnt post anything formus and just read wot over peoples were but actually posting my own and getting a reply has made me feel better so thanks you ccc

19-05-09, 21:31
i also have problems with my bowels. honestly, its the one symptom of anxiety that just really gets me. whenever i feel anxious, i get diarrhoea and flatulance, which can be both embarassing, uncomfortable and just not very practical in situations. ive too, learned to deal with it in the last few months, but i must say, it has been very difficult. i hope you feel better soon :)