View Full Version : Google? GOOGLE? you dipstick Jaco

18-05-09, 17:38
When are we having a league table for muppet behaviour? I feel I have a good chance of winning.

I have had steady toothache all day, but this afternoon it felt so damn painful, I had to stop working and pace up and down like a man with bad toothache.

I know, I will call the dentist I thought (I am quick like that). Now, I hate dentists. Don't get me wrong, if you are a dentist I don't hate you personally, but to be fair you need to have a good, long hard look at yourself, what kind of person wants to stare into peoples mouths for a living ?

Anyway, they said call tomorrow, I did explain I might die of pain in the mean time but she laughed and said call back tomorrow (all I need, a sadist receptionist).

So, sitting here, feeling like my jaw is being pulled by a gorlilla, and being far too responsible to down a few whisky's at 3 pm, I thought I need to sort this.

So lets google toothache, what harm can it do? I tell ya what freakin harm it can do, 1st website listed the causes (I am not a complete numpty, I was after what to do whilst waiting for a dentist).

Most causes are to do with sensitive teeth, tooth decay, cracked tooth abscess, (yer yer I know all this), sinuses, impact, heart attack, drug abuse, teething, gum disease

WOOOOOOOOOW what? Heart Attack?

Back up here, heart attack? what muppet listed heart attack?

Come to think of it, my left arm was tingly.

Right get a grip, take a couple of nurofen, gargle with salt water and ride it out like a man (ok, a man terrified of dentists, heart attacks and tax bills).

Right relaxed? no not really. I know,I will take my blood pressure. don't ask me why :doh: .

o look, 170/101 WHAT?

Right, beta blocker, get one down me right now.

An hour later, I take my BP again, 134/80, cool I can live with that. Hang on, pulse 52 ? Ain't that supposed to be like around 60 plus?

2 and a half hours later I have calmed down, my toothache has gone (for now) and my hearts still under 60 bpm.

So a warning, feeling fine to toothache to near panic all in the space of a couple of hours and all thanks to google ;)

That site should have a health warning

18-05-09, 17:47
Aww Jaco you do make me laugh mate. :roflmao:

Poor you. Have a hug from me even though you hate them.. :hugs:

Have you tried clove oil - it really does work. Or gargle (NOT google lol) with soluble aspirin.

You mention ...

Don't get me wrong, if you are a dentist I don't hate you personally, but to be fair you need to have a good, long hard look at yourself, what kind of person wants to stare into peoples mouths for a living ?

I always thought the same of those that I see a lot of - gastroenterologists - as they spend all their time up your backside!!!

Hope you feel better soon.

18-05-09, 17:57
Only YOU can make something like that sound hilarious you muppet :doh: Lmao

Ok how long you been a member here now?? and you are STILL googling!? :lac:...Google again and toothache will be the least of your worries boyo http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m104/rmkeeley/slap.gif

Nah seriously, i'm glad your toothache has gone and you have calmed down.
Instead of using the google monster, use the nhs 24 site mate, it's far less scarey!

Big huggies

18-05-09, 18:33
VERY GOOD POST!!! I did the same over the weekend over.....CHAPPED LIPS! I managed to connect Chapped lips to HIV...I am a frickin nut thanks to google!

18-05-09, 19:14
This is good for toothache http://www.expresschemist.co.uk/product_7673_orajel-extra-strength-dental-gel-5-3g.html

18-05-09, 19:32
jaco no googling allowed you should know the rules, ill set lisa on yer you daft man , goo luck at the dentist


18-05-09, 19:42
Ive only been a member of this site for 4 days but it makes so much sense.
Going through panic disorder and a massive fear of death (dying any second) which has made me have anxiety 24/7 for two weeks ive been on google most of the time.
So far I have a brain tumour and bleed, Bowel Cancer, Stomach Cancer, Heart problems and Bi-Polar.
Dont use google, it can destroy your confidence in yourself that it is something as simple as a headache, toothache, chest pain or anxiety and worry.
Until today I've not understood my panic disorder but going through the forums over and over again, it makes me realise everything is related to this.
Yes, I will panic and have anxiety until I have my fear under control and realise I am a relatively healthy 21 yr old and can live a normal life but seriously like the other guy said use the NHS 24 site, its alot more calming and makes you realise most of our symptoms can be managed at home.
Today Ive got a tingly sensation in my chest and scared my hearts stopping but I just run on the spot for 3 minutes, get it up to speed and calm down.
Tomorrow is counselling and just speaking to the doctor and determined to go outside :-)

18-05-09, 19:45
awww jaco

i have been getting tooth ache also it is bloody horrid.:hugs:

would your pulse be 52 coz of the beta blocker u had taken ?

anyway no more google you will convince yourself u have all kinds tut:lac:

jodie xxx

18-05-09, 21:35
Hi Jaco,

I did exactly the same thing. I'm now convinced i have all sorts of problems from my tooth abcess.

I think google it to put my mind at rest and then end up having full blown panic attacks thinking i'm going to drop down dead at any point

18-05-09, 22:10
Aaaaw Jaco poor you nothing worse than toothache....but:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
your priceless!!...always make me laugh

18-05-09, 22:39
Google - tut tut tut!!!:lac:

Jaco I had the worst toothache ever (much worse than yours :winks: ) last year so I totally sympathise. Anyway in the end (after making a lot of fuss about nothing) I did have the offending wisdom tooth out because the root was damaged. The whole business was a good experience in a way cos I now know I can handle root filllings and extractions so it won't be so scary if there's another time.:yesyes:

Often its just a simple little filling that needs doing - it's amazing how painful toothache is isn't it though!

Let us know how you get on tomorrow mate.

Piglet :flowers:

19-05-09, 09:30
Re: Google? GOOGLE? you dipstick Jaco

You numpty!!!!:D:D:D

back to the toothach: make a paste with porridge oats and either oil of cloves or freshly ground cloves add a little honey.

Put this paste all over the affected tooth. Repeat as required.

My fellah tried it and it worked!

19-05-09, 12:38
You truly are priceless Jaco!
And braver than me. I spent £85 I haven't got for a dentist to come out to remove my tooth last Bank Holiday. The pain was excrutiating.
Hope you have it all sorted today.

PS. Pleeaasseeee don't google!

19-05-09, 12:46
thats post made me laugh u cheered me up.

i know what toothache is like i get it all the time and like u i hate dentist dont go unless i have too.

and dont google lol

19-05-09, 14:16
Jaco...sorry about the toothache but thanks for making me laugh...not laughing at you but at myself because as you were going through the different stages of' 'Panic courtesy of Mr Google' I was right there with you and have been so many times!! Have BP anxiety too so I could so relate to that, but as you described it it sounded hilarious but when I'm there it is terrifying!! Hope toothache cured soon. XX

19-05-09, 14:32
:hugs: Oh Jaco :hugs:
:hugs: how I sympathise with your pain:hugs:
But the rest of your post did me the power of good :yesyes:
Hope you are OK now????
Best wishes

19-05-09, 17:59
That's it, I am offically losing it.

Tell me, I was in pain right? lol

I went to the dentist, as soon as I got through this morning at 9 am and got an emergency appoitment at 2pm, the pain went away.

I still went, the dentist poked, and prodded around inside my mouth with metal things similiar to the ones I cut up chickens with.

He tapped and tapped the teeth in question, I never even flinched. He took an xray, then looked at me as if I was stupid (I get that alot).

"Have you heard of sinusitus mr Jaco?", I thought here we go, a bloody quiz, all I need. I had that once I told him (little did he know after googling I have had heart attacks, strokes, HIV, MS, ME, PMT MFI foot and mouth and been pregnant 3 times).

The thing is, when I had that before I was like a snot monster (sorry if you was eating your tea reading this, but it was awful lol).

Well it seems that possibly that could have been it.

But he kindly said, while you are here, we will test your teeth (good idea I thought, may as well since I am at the dentists with my mouth open, numpty).

Now my dentist is a Nigerian chap, nice fella, but me and him have a real language barrier. My accent is all over the place at the best of times, and he has this thick nigerian accent (it don't help when he talks about the bill I go all "no speaka de English", in my strongest Scottish accent pal).

But he said, what I am going to do is pressure test each tooth, (I had visions of getting smacked in the mouth several times at this point). Out comes another friggin metal thingy, it was turning into the Marathon man I swear.

This gadget he held lovingly (I swear, these dentists are radio rental) blows cold air on your teeth.

Cold air? ha ha that don't scare me my young Nigerian friend, do your worst. He said, "now give me a sign if you are in pain", yer yer mate I thought, cold air? fill your boots chap bring it on. ironically he ran along the top teeth and not a thing, was this really the teeth that kepted me up all night?

To the bottom row, starting from the opposite end, then finally over to the side that gave me all the trouble.

Well I tell ya, I shreeked like a girl, my hand went up in the air (looking for his throat) and I nearly bit his precious metal implement of torture in two.

He found a chipped tooth (should have gone to spec savers the muppet) and on Thursday I am getting a filling.

But after all that, he maintains that was not the problem.

Answers on a postcard to ;)

19-05-09, 18:27
The red head from Sex and the City once said "Google symptoms?? you can type in any random symptom and watch the word "cancer" come up".

She has a point.

Hope your tooth stops aching soon. :)

19-05-09, 19:18
Oh god i am absolutely howling. Ben has just given me that ' will you stop laughing because i can't hear the tv' look.

Sinusitis in your tooth! now that is clever, infact that's genuis. A bit like that advert-pea and ham soup, from a chicken!. :shrug:

Mate i so know what that cold air on the tooth thing feels like. Hits the nerve like a bolt of lightening and you have no control over the way you react.

If he is adament that it's sinusitis then try to see your gp before your next appoinment. If he is right, then you can shake him by the hand and congratulate him on his medical knowledge, if he is wrong, then well...........those metal impliments spring to mind :winks:

Thanks for the laugh mate!
Pure class as we would say here :whistles:

19-05-09, 19:29
Oh i'm howling,

that is soooooooooo funny

sorry jaco but i never thought someones visit to the dentist would make me laugh so much

di xx

20-05-09, 13:59

This is for you mate..


20-05-09, 19:36
lmao Nic xx

20-05-09, 20:16
:roflmao: Best giggle I've had in years, my husband and kids are at this moment looking at me as though I'm mad ( but I am aren't I ).
I do hope you are sorted though and get no more T/A. This is Tooth Ache for the unqualified, yes i'm ashamed to say for 20 years I was one of those strange people that poked around in others mouths ( confirms it I am mad:wacko: )

:hugs: :hugs:

20-05-09, 20:55
Jaco u are a scream! A big man like u scared of the dentist. I have just had the best laugh at your expense ever. I too hate the dentist Robbing B's all that pain and they get paid my dentiist has a Bently and I think i paid for most of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yesyes: GOOD LUCK MATE XX
p.s ALSO HATE THE TAX MAN more robbing b's

20-05-09, 21:03
I have to say Jaco when are u on tour it would be a sell out!!!!!!!! i havent laughed so much in ages. Bless u mate:bighug1:

20-05-09, 21:05
:roflmao: :roflmao: Very clever! Sue

21-05-09, 00:19
Laughter apart -good luck at the dentist Jaco

21-05-09, 09:37
Aww Jaco you do make me laugh mate. :roflmao:

Poor you. Have a hug from me even though you hate them.. :hugs:

Have you tried clove oil - it really does work. Or gargle (NOT google lol) with soluble aspirin.

You mention ...

I always thought the same of those that I see a lot of - gastroenterologists - as they spend all their time up your backside!!!

Hope you feel better soon. laughing my ass off Nic, ur as comical as jaco lol xxx

21-05-09, 09:42
jaco u crack me up lmfao.......u have said it all about dentists to a T lol i hate them just as much..........like u say blimen sadists !!! but moral of the story dont blimen google lmao
thankfully i never do.........anyway cheers for the giggle...aint the scots humour fantastic lmao xx

miss diagnosis
21-05-09, 12:37
thanks jaco you made me laugh !

for future reference clove oil is great for a toothache!
Im currently undergoing some gum treatment at the dentist cos i had gum disease. it took me long time to get up courage to go cos i too hate the dentist and was convinced would have to have all my teeth pulled cos my gums were that bad. turns out but of infection under the gum line.root planing. not plesent but not as bad as i thought!