View Full Version : Asthma

18-05-09, 17:50
So I kept waking up in the night wheezing and gasping for breath and my doctor gave me an inhaler. I hadn't even considered asthma I thought they were throat spasms. I've never had asthma up until now - Im 19- and I don't feel like I know anything about it/ I've stopped having the attacks in the night but now whenever I shout too loud/laugh too much/spray something like hairspray or perfume I catch my breath/wheeze for a short while.

You can die of asthma right? :(

18-05-09, 17:51
It has to be quite serious to cause death but yes people have died after an asthma attack.

If you get it really bad then you may need hospital treatment but most of us (I am asthmatic) have it under control with daily inhalers and regular check-ups so please don't worry too much.

18-05-09, 18:05
I agree with Nicola, I have asthma and mine can be pretty bad especially during summer with hayfever and when I come into contact with rapeseed. Asthma has to be very serious for you to die of an asthma attack, and this can be easily countered with inhalers and treatment. I have had attacks in the past and I am still here!