View Full Version : So panicy, ovarian cancer fears

18-05-09, 19:49
I have felt so bad the last few days, posted about this before but just cant get over it. Few months ago had a bladder infection that took awhile to clear up, and I still have a lot of external sensitivity "down there", which the doctor said was just irritation. It is getting very slowly better but is a constant reminder of my panic since the physical sensation is so annoying. Then got put on birth control which is causing me some cramps and i keep pushing on my pelvis to check myself out.
To make a long story short when I got the bladder infection I decided it was ovarian cancer. Thats right, I use the term decided because i know that is the reality of it. I am convinced Im dying, and am so mad because im newly married and keep thinking about all I wanted to do before I went.
I have been to the doctor so many times and really cant afford to go just to allay my fears. And he knew about my anxiety and was so nice about it. He felt my ovaries are normal size but of course how can he actually tell? especially after all Ive read about women who went so long without a diagnosis even when their ovaries felt fine? I am at the point in my health anxiety where I see doctors as enemies who really dont care and just want to rush you out of there.
Is is possible to push on a part of your body so much you bruise it to the point you really think there is pain and something wrong?
Is it possible my doctor is RIGHT?
I am so depressed and confused.
Trying really hard to manage this though, just need some support. :weep:

18-05-09, 20:08
Hi sweetie I am so sorry you are going through this. I can relate...I fear HIV after a - test. I taked every single bad thing that happens to normal everyday people and turn it into an HIV symptom. Yesterday...it was chapped lips...LOL...today I can laugh about it! Sweeite, I know what you read on the internet about ovarian cancer but I need for you to realize that this information is VERY general. Most women who have yearly paps w/cancer are diagnosed in time. You go to the Dr. regularlly, you have no other probelms, I am sure you are fine! Aside from your poor ovaries being pushed and prodded by you...which they do not like....that is the only think they have wrong with them :) Relax and enjoy your new hubby. I promise you if you had cancer...you'd know it!

18-05-09, 20:10
I can completely sympathise with you as this was my fear only a matter of weeks ago as I had pelvic pain and a bloated tummy. I had an ultrasound scan that showed that everything was ok - perhaps you could look into this?

What I did learn when I was going through this was that ovarian cancer is very rare under the age of 40 and that the majority of cases are over 50. This is because it is thought that the more times a woman ovulates, the more susceptible she may be. Therefore, an older woman who has started her periods early and had a late menopause may be more at risk. Similarly, being on the pill, being pregnant and breastfeeding are thought to be major protective factors even later in life.

I know it is hard to believe the facts when you are so focussed on something being wrong. I often think that I could just be one of those rare and tragic cases - I think a lot of us have been there. It sounds as if you did have a nasty infection and you may not be suited to the pill that your doctor has put you on either. There are many different sorts - sometimes, you may need to try a couple to find the one that is best for you.

Thinking of you. Hope you are feeling better soon x

19-05-09, 19:21
Thank you ladies, your replies helped calm me down a lot. :hugs: