View Full Version : eating disorder

18-05-09, 20:28
my eating disorder is getting worse since i came home from hospital last week, i bareyl eat anything and when i do i make myself sick i don't think i drink enough either, i just feel i have to be clean inside i know its getting out of hand but just can't stop it :weep: in last week ive lost half a stone im now 6 1/2stones last week was 7stones, i see gp tomo but scared to admit it to them that its out of hand incase i get told off :wacko:
when kept n hospital overnight for other reasons last week i did eat as i didn't want the nurse or anyone to say anything and when one persuaded me to eat some ice cream and fruit i felt i had to but i did it now home im a mess again

18-05-09, 20:41

I don't know an awful lot about eating disorders but I do know that you need to get some professional help as you are making yourself ill. No-one is going to tell you off - it is not something that you have chosen to do - it is an illness.

Is there anyone that can go to your GP with you? I am sure that once you set the wheels in motion, you will no doubt be referred to someone in the health care profession that deals with similar problems all the time. You seem anxious about it and want to sort it out. That is a step forward. Please make an appointment tomorrow and let me know how you get on. x

18-05-09, 20:49
they do know about it but not how bad it has got this last week, ive got appointment 5.15pm tomorrow

18-05-09, 22:24
Hey you.. I dunno if you remember me when I was pming you about this.. Really it is good that you are getting seen to sweety. It is a long and winding road but you will get better honestly.

Do you know what started this off or anyhting??

19-05-09, 12:57
ive no idea why it started off i dont think im fat i know im thin and have never been much higher then 7 half stones, but i used to love my food but now don't even want to eat any