View Full Version : please help me burning tongue :(

18-05-09, 20:53
Hi all, i have posted about this before but i was told it was anixety. I have the worst feeling like i have burnt my tongue all down the left side. Dentist said there was nothing there and it was a b12 deficincy well i have been taking hardcore vitamins and it hasnt helped at all. It does come and go but sometimes its there for a week or so. Its been on & off since i had my son 4 months ago. Im so scared its something like cancer or HIV. This past week i havent been worried at all about anything so i really really dont think this is anxiety or b12 related. Please help!!

18-05-09, 20:59

i have had this for so long now, comes and goes, today it is so sore, you've been the dentist hun, believe me, they know about it, its called burning mouth syndrome and it is anxiety related, when i first got it i was terrified of what it could be, there is no real pattern for me with it, sometimes when i don't even feel anxious it hurts so much, hope this helps and feel free to pm

best wishes

di xx

18-05-09, 22:26
oh WOW im so glad you posted this today. i have had REALLY bad anx the past week or so but then got better.. but now my tongue feels weird. not numb, exactly, but strange.. like i burnt it on food (but didn't) and mostly only on one side, exactly half of my tongue. CREEPY. now i know what it is. WHY DIDN'T I GUESS IT WAS MY LOVING HEALTH ANXIETY. no just kidding, i did guess that's what it was .. it's going away now that i've stopped analyzing it.

19-05-09, 13:37
Hi all, i have posted about this before but i was told it was anixety. I have the worst feeling like i have burnt my tongue all down the left side. Dentist said there was nothing there and it was a b12 deficincy well i have been taking hardcore vitamins and it hasnt helped at all. It does come and go but sometimes its there for a week or so. Its been on & off since i had my son 4 months ago. Im so scared its something like cancer or HIV. This past week i havent been worried at all about anything so i really really dont think this is anxiety or b12 related. Please help!!

Hi Tash

I had a baby 6 months ago and i keep getting that too along with loads more really freaky things that i hate. I obsess over having HIV too but also like you have been tested negative ( four times one eith antnatal testing)

I think that this HA thing causes your body to be in stress mode even when your mind isnt feeling so bad. SO you will still have the physical stress symptoms even when you mentally feel okay. Think is the whole GAD thing. Plus im sure that the messy hormones after having babies cause your stress hormones to go wierd too.

Dont worry luv, its just anxiety

19-05-09, 13:59
Hi Tash, I know you probably want a diagnosis more than a solution but there is a mouthwash called Biotene that soothes this. Doctors know what oral cancer looks like, please try to stop thinking about that or get an oral surgeon's opinion. This is what they specialize in. Tash, one thing at a time...i think you said you had negative HIV tests. Is there some reason you think you are positive. Is there more behind this, some doubts about your partner's faithfulness? I ask not to be nosy or plant ideas but that was the case with me once...I had a test but just didn't trust him.

19-05-09, 14:06
That was also one of my symptoms and I used a mouthwash called Oasis, it is made for burning mouth and it worked great. I dont have that anymore, but maybe the mouthwash could help you guys. Take care.

19-05-09, 17:35
Its sadly more common than most people think - I've had phases of burning mouth, there's nothing "to see" but it sucks, I sympathise. It is a real enough syndrome but it is certainly exacerbated by anxiety.

agent orange
19-05-09, 17:49
I have something similiar, I was tested for iron levels, and a full blood count, nothing came up, i think it's anxiety. I feel like the tip of my tongue is burnt and it has a metalic taste sometimes.

19-05-09, 20:26
hi all, im so glad im not alone. tbh the hiv thing is my biggest fear but i was stupid at 15 i am now 21 and have been tested. I have been with the same man for 3 years and i know he has been faithful so i think im just obsessing. I always relate my symptoms back to hiv its horrible. doesnt help that i googled and found an article which said burning tongue is a symptom of aids !!! Lisa, it reasurring that you have had it after having your baby, maybe its hormone related! thanks all x

19-05-09, 21:43
I've had it really bad for a week or 2 now, and am not normally HA, however the hormone related thing is interesting as it's period time and a lot of my anxiety symptoms get worse at this time and the week preceeding, so perhaps there's more to that. or.. I am also 6 days into meds so it could be that who knows..

19-05-09, 22:07
Hi there, yes, I have also experienced a burning tongue & wondered what caused it. Interesting that it occured when my anxiety was at a peak so it is caused by anxiety - never too old to learn,hey!!

20-05-09, 00:18
tash- if u had aids think of all the other symptoms u would have too....diareah (sp?), weight loss of huge amounts, night sweats, boils on your skins....think about that. The symptoms of hiv don't just come on in one area...trust me, if u had it and were having probelms, it would lead to diagnosis. Plus...you know u dont have this b/c u, just like me, have had a - test. have u changed toothpaste? have u done anything different to cause an allergic reaction? did u eat food that was too hot? i do that and it blisters my mouth. one thing is for sure....there has to be something b/c ur not hiv+.

20-05-09, 01:02
a b12 deficiency takes ages to correct. i suffer from an iron deficiency and have had problems with my mouth for the past 5 months. keep taking your vitamins and eating food rich in vitamin b, especially red meat and leafy green veg. eating live active culture yogurt can help balance the natural flora in your mouth and replace bad bacteria with good, but unfortunately, mouth issues go without saying when it comes to b12 and iron deficiency as it makes the mucous membrane in your mouth more sensitive. A sore and often red appearance to your tongue, often with the loss of patches of tastebuds, as a result of a b12 deficiency, is called glossitis. You may find it helps to use a vegetarian toothpaste from your local health store (like holland and barrett etc) as they usually dont contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, often referred to as SLS. When you have a b12 deficiency, it thins the mucous membrane in your mouth making it far more sensitive to chemicals. SLS is a hardcore chemical often used in cleaning industrial machinery. It is hard to find a toothpaste that does not contain it unless you get one suitable for vegans/vegetarians, using natural products. If you carry on using normal toothpaste with a b12 deficiency, it is very common for it to result in mouth ulcers and sores. If you need any more info, send me a private message. x

20-05-09, 09:49
Hi all, thanks again, stressed32 i know your right its just bloody dr google & that little what if.

Xfilme, i didnt realise that it can take a while to sort out i kind of assumed it would be instant. I wonder if i have an iron defciency hmm, i might take some iron tablets. I have also sent my partner on a hunt for that tooth paste, do you get a burning tongue too? x

20-05-09, 21:47
Wow Wow Wow

I have had a sore tongue on and off for two years. It feels like I have dipped the end of my tongue in a hot drink and burnt it. I have been trying to describe this symptom to everyone in the medical profession and they all think I am barmy. If it is Burning mouth syndrome I will be so pleased as another explanation to a vexing array of symptoms.


20-05-09, 23:12
I egt the wierdest anxiety symptoms all the time. Burning ears, tingley toungue, burning nose..its wierd how the tiniest symptoms can make us freak out so much!.. Im sure its nothing to worry about hon, Maybe your possibly allergic to something your eating or using in your mouth?

21-05-09, 00:41
Hi all, thanks again, stressed32 i know your right its just bloody dr google & that little what if.

Xfilme, i didnt realise that it can take a while to sort out i kind of assumed it would be instant. I wonder if i have an iron defciency hmm, i might take some iron tablets. I have also sent my partner on a hunt for that tooth paste, do you get a burning tongue too? x

I do not get a burning tongue no, but i have iron deficiency and not b12 deficiency. Both cause mouth problems. Mine has played havoc on my throat and ulcers. b12 deficiency and b12 deficiency anaemia (which are different) can cause pernicious anaemia, which often causes glossitis and burning of the tongue. It does indeed take a long time to correct. If you are deficiency it can take a long time, but if you are anaemic, it can sometimes require permanant iron therapy, to the point you need monthly b12 injections. I am assuming you are not too bad as you would be on someting strong for a while if this were the case. Make sure you have it treated.

21-05-09, 00:43
By the way Sarakan toothpaste, available in Holland and Barrett in a pink tube is SLS and chemical free... and tastes very nice indeed x

21-05-09, 12:58
Hi xfilme, thank you! i am off to the docs next week about it but im v scared of blood tests so not too sure how they are going to diagonse it lol. x