View Full Version : Pain in chest,jaw, arms...

18-05-09, 21:46
Ok, I am freaking out again, I am getting pains next to my breast on the left side, and the tops of my chest on both sides right above the breasts. Also been having pain in my jaw and my arms, mainly the left are achy and hurt. When my chest hurts, my left shoulder blade hurts too..so then I start panicking thinking the worst of course. I have had many ekgs in the past and blood work, the last one being 2 months ago....just wondering if anyone else gets this on a regular basis, also when i push on the spots on my chest that hurt i can feel it too. On top of all that I have been lightheaded and verrrrrry tired today where it feels like I never went to sleep last night!

18-05-09, 23:52
Ok, I am freaking out again, I am getting pains next to my breast on the left side, and the tops of my chest on both sides right above the breasts. Also been having pain in my jaw and my arms, mainly the left are achy and hurt. When my chest hurts, my left shoulder blade hurts too..so then I start panicking thinking the worst of course. I have had many ekgs in the past and blood work, the last one being 2 months ago....just wondering if anyone else gets this on a regular basis, also when i push on the spots on my chest that hurt i can feel it too. On top of all that I have been lightheaded and verrrrrry tired today where it feels like I never went to sleep last night!

I get the SAME thing and it has been ongoing for about 2 months. Some days are worse than others, but it has been constant. You aren't alone, I even went to a Cardiologist and had a bunch of tests done (which I get results of on Wed. FINALLY) and if they tell me my heart is fine, I'm not sure what to think. I also have tunder spots on my chest bone area and heaviness and pressure under my breast. It's been hard, I totally understand.

19-05-09, 00:06
do you ever get the pain in your elbow and palm of your hand? my pain is in my chest, shoulder, my arm in between shoulder and elbow, pain in elbow and palm of my hand....anyone have any idea what that could be? could it all be muscle?

19-05-09, 00:10
do you ever get the pain in your elbow and palm of your hand? my pain is in my chest, shoulder, my arm in between shoulder and elbow, pain in elbow and palm of my hand....anyone have any idea what that could be? could it all be muscle?

Wow, yes! Palm of my hand and between shoulder and elbow. I was just telling my mom about it last night and she didn't understand what I was talking about.

19-05-09, 00:12
no way! that is weird! maybe it is a nerve or muscle thing? i do carry my infant around on the left but it would bother me before he was born too...i also have a racing heart all the time too. do you get chest pain?

19-05-09, 01:05
Oh my goodness, I was just going to make a new post when I saw this. I sometimes get a pain in my left chest which is followed a second later by a pain in the inner palm of my hand. This happened over the weekend. It's like it's connected. Do you also get it like that, a second later? I looked at a diagram of our nerves and don't see any connection.

19-05-09, 01:55
Ok, well at least we should feel better knowing other people are feeling the same strange stuff.

For me, there are areas on my chest bone/collar bone that a tender to the touch. My back is an absolute mess, painful big knots everywhere especially where my shoulder blades are and right below my rib cage.

I don't generally have chest "pain", just heaviness and pressure that kind of starts under my left breast. I guess it most often feels muscular, but my terrified nervous systme boosts into gear and I get panicky.

Then I get the strange twinges or cramps in my hand, near my heart, in my back and my left arm.

Sound familiar to you gals?

19-05-09, 02:59
yes i get the same things except i keep getting pains on and off in both sides of my chest now, when i push on it, i can feel it, i think the dr said if you are able to feel it when pushing on it, its usually muscle related, anyone hear that?

19-05-09, 03:08
mom and shelly, could you please tell me exactly where you get the pain in your palm? I am really scared about this and if you could describe the spot, closer to your wrist or thumb or closer to your pinky? Is it a steady pain or a flash or a few quick flashes, sharp or dull? Does it last? Thanks so much.

19-05-09, 03:14
mine is like a squeezing kinda pain or throbbing, usually in the meaty part of the palm, near the thumb and near the pinky

19-05-09, 04:38
mine is like a squeezing kinda pain or throbbing, usually in the meaty part of the palm, near the thumb and near the pinky

Mine too, kind of throbbing but it doesn't stay long. Its like a twinge. Exactly in that same spot, meaty part of the palm near the thumb and pinky. This is too crazy. I feel those pains, then start getting nearvous and think I'm having a heart attack.

19-05-09, 12:20
Mom and shelly, I hate to be a pest but I don't know which part you mean since the area between the thumb and pinky looks more flat and hollow to me. Is it the part with the 3 long lines or is the part right underneath where the fingers start where it's a little more meaty? Is it near the wrist or more near where the fingers start? Just trying to figure out if we have the same area.

19-05-09, 15:16
It's closer to the wrist

19-05-09, 15:25
Mom, me too, mine is in the fleshy part under the thumb near the wrist. It's like a flash of lightning. So strange. It wouldn't scare me but it always follows a second after the chest pain.

magpie girl
19-05-09, 15:53
Hi well eveything you all have described is what i also get !!!!!!!i always get shoulder pain and in my arm even before i realise the anxiety is taking hold. the thumb pain and wrist i did ask my accupuncturist about as it was really starting to freak me.She said rubbing the back of the thumb or having a needle in (accupuncture)has a calming effect as its linked to your nervous system,so the opposite applies with the pain if your anxous.

19-05-09, 16:35
Mine kinda feels like the muscle or something, sometimes I have to push on it to make it feel better, its weird. I also have a vein right there that seems to bulge out sometimes...which scares me even more. I get the pain in my left jaw, chest, arm, elbow and hand.....freaks me out....does anyone get that? And I don't seem anxious til I start feeling the pain, that's the part I don't understand!! If it has been going on for months, I am assuming I probably would've had a heart attack by now if thats what it was, right?

19-05-09, 18:21
I also have this pain in my palm and my back inbetween each shoulder has really started hurting. when I noticed I realised I was very very tense.

19-05-09, 22:23
Hiya All,this is most interesting as I often have discomfort in my chest area( esp. the left side, my back between the shoulder blades & my left arm. I am currently going to an osteopath who said that those of us who are right handed do not use or stretch the muscles of our left shoulders & arms therefore these muscles become stiff & sore. I also know that when I am breathing shallowly,not properly, I have chest pain. I then practise my breathing exercises which helps. I, like many of us on this website, feel freaked out by these symptoms as I think that there is something wrong with my heart so I then end up having a PA.


20-05-09, 01:10
Mom, we would have shortness of breath most likely...I think it would be good for you to get an echocardiogram stress test (treadmill) if you can. I would like to see a cardiologist and get this clarified too and find out if I perhaps have angina. I think he would have told me this but the cardiologist I went to spent two minutes with me. I now have names from a doctor relative of mine, people who are supposed to be the best in my city. I don't want to worry anymore, I just want a diagnosis and treatment. I am not concerned about the chest pains...if it were a heart attack, I'd know by now...but the hand thing is creeping me out. I'm sure a neurologist would explain the immediate chest to hand pain but I don't want to run from dr. to dr...so will see a cardio guy soon.

21-05-09, 14:39
I have just posted about Left arm pain - really freaked me out.
My legs are like jelly the fear was / is so bad

21-05-09, 18:12
Hi girls, (sorry if my spelling is horrible, no patience today)

Well, I finally got the results of my echo/stress ekg tests. All came back great, no heart problems detected, structurally sound and performed great during the stress test. She said I have a pretty heart.

So.....I spoke with the cardiologist about what else could be causing this and she gave me a little anatomy lesson since I can be rather clueless about where everything is. She said that the actual stomach is directly below the heart and behind the sternum and that I might be experiencing esophegal spasms. She also thinks that when I pulled my back out a few months ago, I started changing how I was holding my body and it knocked some diaphram muscles out.

Anyhow, I'm starting to feel like I can finally stop worrying about my heart so that is good. Going to go start at the beginning and start looking into GI tract issues.

Oddly enough, I found out yesterday that my father has stage 2 melenmoa. We are all optimistic since he found it early, but it really helped to take me out of my own head and put things in perspective.

Hope we can all find peace and feel better soon,


22-05-09, 11:29
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
great news that al your tests are fine
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

spoke with the cardiologist about what else could be causing this and she gave me a little anatomy lesson since I can be rather clueless about where everything is. She said that the actual stomach is directly below the heart and behind the sternum and that I might be experiencing esophegal spasms.
This bit interested me greatly as i get all sorts of pains / aches in that area and as i said my left arm.
Any pain or ache in that area does not make you think of your stomach!!!!!!!:blush:
My anxiety levels are real bad at the moment - and of course - left arm pain ???? I did see my doc yesterday who said it is a pulled muscle :blush: BUT Oh my it hurt at the time and now the fear that the pain MIGHT come back is making me ill:weep:
This health anxiety is so draining:weep:
It is so good to hear someone has GOOD news
best wishes

23-05-09, 12:41
OMG everyone, I can relate to this!!!

When stressed, I get pain in my bottom jaw and underneath my left arm. I've seen a Cardiologist because of my father's history and he says "loose a little weight and get out more". He only ran an ECG which if you have angina and aren't having an angina attack when the ECG is being done, it would be recorded anyway.

I'm trying to convince myself that all is okay but it's hard and it is debilitating isn't it - I worry when I'm driving in the car with the children in the back just in case I get chest pain and would have to pull over "what would happen then" and if I'm swimming with them in the swimming pool and I get chest pain again "what would happen then" etc etc - I know these thoughts aren't going to help but at the same time, I can't help having these thoughts because I get chest pain.

Thing is, if we weren't having chest pains, we wouldn't be on here worrying ourselves silly about it. Some people think that our anxiety causes pain. I would disagree and say that our pain is the thing that is causing the anxiety. If I wasn't in any pain, then I wouldn't be anxious. Some people just don't get it do they.

The Cardiologist told me that if your chest feels tender to the touch, it's muscular pains. Heart pain is also felt NOT on the left side of the chest but right in the centre and also heart pain wouldn't cause your chest to feel tender because you have a great big chest bone infront of your heart. Also I've found that heart pain apparently feels more like a concrete slab is stuck on the top of it, more like a heavy pain rather than the sharp pains that we can get.

Hope this little piece of info helps xx