View Full Version : Anyone know anything about EKG's?

18-05-09, 21:49
I went to my gynecologist last week for pelvic pain and my blood pressure was up and she had me have an ekg and she showed me a spot on the ekg that didn't match the rest of it and told me i possibly had a heart attack recently and i freaked out and called my cardiologist and he had the ekg faxed over and said it matched up with everything he had of mine and the ekg was fine, but why did it look like there was no waves in one spot on all my ekg's then? anyone have a clue? i had just gotten over the heart attack fear and now even though i have been reassured its nothing to be worried about, i keep thinking it is why i keep having pain in my chest, jaw and left arm!! don't know what to think anymore!

18-05-09, 21:59
I'm not a doctor, but a past Paramedic. Cardiologists like to compare previous EKG's with current EKG's to see if there are any changes. In your case there are none and he is confident you are Ok. No EKG's are exactly the same person to person.

Although most are consistent with respect to electrical conduction in the heart. Everyone has subtle differences. If the Cardiologist said it is fine, he would certainly know best. Picking up serious issues on an EKG are pretty straightforward even at the Paramedic level.

I am surprised your gynecologist said that to you without FIRST comparing with the Cardiologist. As far as your symptoms, if you are still concerned go see your Cardiologist again, or the ER if you have these symptoms.

Sometimes we can relate symptoms to bad things. But if you feel uncomfortabe then call him , or go in. But it sounds like he reassured you.

You know when you don't feel right, if in doubt chek it out.

18-05-09, 22:23
exactly. ALSO ask your gyno to stick to your vagina, no offense.

19-05-09, 00:04
Thank you so much for answering my post, you actually made me feel better by explaining everyone has differences in ekg's. I was just thinking that they should all read the same if it was normal! If all of mine match up the same over the past couple years then that is probably the way my heart is, right?:)

19-05-09, 01:27
Hi mom, have you ever had an echocardiogram stress test? I have had two just to make sure that there were no blockages (although they can't see small ones but still a good test to get). They just wire you up and you get on a treadmill. Maybe you can request one. They never gave me a hard time about getting one, in fact after the ER (twice, EKG normal, probably reflux) they told me I must have that done when I leave. I have insurance so it's covered.

19-05-09, 03:02
never had one done, was wondering if i should, my heart always feels like its racing...

19-05-09, 03:05
never had one done, was wondering if i should, my heart always feels like its racing...

A stress echo would definitely rule out anything bad. It that makes you more content then go for it. However I have a hunch ...... you're fine. ;)

19-05-09, 03:17
Thanks!! I appreciate all your help in making me feel better!!