View Full Version : please help,weird thoughts again argh!

18-05-09, 22:20
Okay.. I put a thread up not long ago about stress and everything and that I have been worrying about hair loss :( I am terrified that I am loing my hair and I dunno what to do. 'I'm 22 and have really long hair but I need to get it cut anyways.

But I am scared I am going bald. I have a very small sort of patch on the left side of my head near my middle shed and I'm terrified it spreads and I can't grow my hair again. And all these thoughts are going trough my hair like it oculd be a bloody tumour or cycst or something blocking the follicules in my head andall sorts.

I'm getting abit out of hand. someone help please :weep:

Im sorry for the bother but i am feeling sick to the stomach

18-05-09, 22:34
Stress stress and more stress will make your hair fall out so you need to address that.

How is the daily relaxation going and diet?

18-05-09, 22:39
cystse etc. would not make your hair fall out.. it doesn't work that way. what CAN though is stress and hormones (which also in turn both affect each other) .. a good thing to do if you're concerned is to see your doc and get referred to an endocronologist (or just have the GP do it) for a full hormone workup. i was having weird hair loss and other issues and i did this - it revealed a whole slew of hormone imbalances that i corrected with diet, supplements and a med. sometimes relaxation techniques can work but not if there's an underlying hormone issue. depends on if and when the last time you had your levels checked. all SO NOT a serious issue though.. it's one of those things where the doc is like, oh i see your prolactin level is a tad high, let's do xyz. and then you're done. i think all women should have their hormones checked out at some point just to keep everything in check. not a big deal but so helpful when you do.

18-05-09, 22:45
is your hormones checked with your thyroid through blood tests?

And nic,my diet is crap..and relaxing not so much. im sorry for typos.i am quite shaky jus tnow :(

thanks for the replies petals
xxxxxxxxxx hope all is well with yous xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-05-09, 22:49
even if you have a complete blood workup with a thyroid check, usually no, docs don't normally do a full blood hormone panel. it is usually discussed and requested, when for example something like hairloss or weight gain is happening. it's often something super simple and easy to correct as i found out from personal experience.

18-05-09, 22:53
Wee - there is a saying something like "you put sh1t in you get sh1t out" lol.

So what it means is that if you don't look after your body it will rebel and won't be happy.

I think a lot of your problems may be diet related.

Maybe that is a starting point.

I would also look at CBT therapy like I said before for the HA.

18-05-09, 22:58
I forgot to say also then since I have been ill my hair has hardly grown at all in 7 months and I asked my hairdresser and she said it is normal that hair is effected by stress and anxiety.

I also noticed all hair stopped growing so didn't need to shave my legs for months lol.

You are probably experiencing the same.

Yours is falling out and mine never grew!

18-05-09, 22:59
I go to a psychologist for cognitive but it isn't really helping at all :(

I dunno. I think I will get an app at docs yeah. :(

18-05-09, 23:00
And I know stress plays a big part yup,God I even have some grey hairs seriously! I'm only 22 : O

18-05-09, 23:06
Why isn't it helping?

What does he/she do with you in each session?

What do you talk about?

Are you taking things on board and doing the "homework"?

18-05-09, 23:17
Hi there, i went through this same worry about 2 years ago, i noticed a 'thinning' near the parting at the front of my head! I have quite thick hair, and i know that we lose up 200 hairs a day naturally. My doctor said it was a combination of anxiety and time of the year!! whatever that ment! said it was normal. Well now present moment, i still have loads of anxiety, but thankfully i still have all my hair too : ) I know u can take supplements to help re- growth if u have loss of hair, but i guess as u are 22 i don't think that will be a problem for you.

My guess is talk things through with your psychologist, and really tell them what you are feeling and what makes u scared. I find it's good to do that.
