View Full Version : Wat it a PA?

28-08-05, 10:53
I get very panicky but only in work settings (meetings epecially) I'll having a racing heart and feel generally uncomfortable. I had a massive drop in confidence about 6 weeks ago so ewnt on prozac. Been on it 4 weeks and feel worse than ever.

I also have a kidney infection so not sure what has caused what I think may have been a panic attack.

I was on the way to a restuarant in back of car. Suddenly felt sick. Got in rest. and felt really really hot, suddenly hands started to shake and felt very faint. Sat down and head started shaking. Got taken home and threw up four times. Felt terrible still the next day.

I have been feeling faint at work all week and had to go home the other day cos I felt so awful. Felt 30 seconds behind myself. Anyone know whether this was a prozac induced panic attack or whether it was becuase of the kidney infection (I'd had my antibiotic half an hour before this happened).

I think I'm going to comwe off Prozac cos I'm so worried this was a PA !!

Oh, I wasn't hyperventilating - I was able to talk quite calmly when sitting down.

28-08-05, 11:30
Will leave answering this one to people more expert than me and give you a big hug instead.

Big hug.

Love Piglet :)

28-08-05, 12:24
hi KD sorry to hear how you are feeling. When i first had anxiety and panic was a long lomg time ago and I didnt know what it was at that time I just felt realy Ill and often came home early from work. This was about 40 years ago, went to Doctor but there was very little help or understanding at that time so I continued thinking I was Ill and that doctors where just not listenning. The Prozac usualy do make you feel bad for a while before they start to work, usualy you feel worst for about 4 to 8 weeks before they settle in. I tried Prozac but found they did nothing for anxiety and lots I have spoke to say they work for anxiety but not so good for panic and anxiety, so I asked doctor for Cipralex as i heard they where good for panic and anxiety. But you said about Antibiotics, wekk I got put on antibiotics a few days ago with a chest infection and i also noticed I felt more panicky, feel sick and the runs, so maybe it is the effects of the antibiotics same as I am having at the moment. I would talk to the Doctor before stopping the Prozac and maybe even try a different antidepresant one more for panic and anxiety. Hope you feel better son, take care. Vernon

28-08-05, 13:42
hi there KD,

This sounds like a trademark panic attack to me. I doubt very much that it is the meds that are making you feel this way. Chances are the meds haven't had a chance to start working yet as it normally takes a month. If I were you, I would give it a little more time and see how you feel then..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal