View Full Version : Can anyone help :( worrying myself stupid!!

18-05-09, 22:55
Well i have 2 worries as the moment, bladder cancer and ovarian cancer!!!

I've had frequent urination now for the past 10 days, bloating and stomach cramps (just around the belly button area, feels tender to touch) i don't have any other problems with my periods or pain with sex...however i do suffer from IBS, and told that frequent urination can occur with IBS, And of course anxiety.

I've had loads of urine tests done... all normal
Loads of blood tests done (including the blood test for ovarian cancer)...all normal. I'm just sooooo confused on what to believe, the doctor says not to worry, i have spoken to other doctors 2 they have said the same thing. I'm just so scared that my symptoms are something more serious.

By the way i'm 33 and been on the contraceptive pill now for about 8 years.

(Just to add this is the 3 rd time i've had this problem with frequent urination, it all started back in AUG 08. Blood tests taken in March 09)

I swear i feel i'm going CRAZY:wacko::wacko:

18-05-09, 23:28
I get frequent urination when my IBS is bad, which happens when my anxiety is bad too...if you had all of those tests then I am sure you are fine and just suffering with your IBS/anxiety.

18-05-09, 23:36
Hi there, thank you Mondie for your response, its comforting to know that some1 else goes through the same as me. I wasn't sure how many who have IBS also get frequent urination as well. I have IBS at the moment, had it for about 10 days, that and the peeing as well!! I suppose i should look at the fact my blood/urine test results have come back normal and my doctor doesn't feel it necessary for me to have anything else done.

Just worry about it that's all, u know what it's like when something gets stuck in your head u just can't get it out!

18-05-09, 23:50
I know that feeling well! I'm am relatively new to IBS so it took me a long time to figure out what symptoms I had that were due to my IBS, but slowly recognising them and my triggers.

Unfortunately my biggest trigger is anxiety and my IBS symptoms give me anxiety, like I said a nasty vicious circle!

I'm sure that if your doctor is happy, you should be happy too :)

19-05-09, 00:01
It took me a while to figure out what symptoms were related to my IBS, i guess what has worried me was the peeing symptom is a newbie, and started last AUG, (i've had IBS now for nearly 3 years) if i remember rightly the IBS was present at the time.

This is now the 3 rd time i've had this episode of peeing!!
1st in AUG 08
2nd Jan/Feb 09
3rd May 09

All times have lasted around 10 days, this time it seems to drag on a bit longer, maybe because i am soooo anxious at the moment.

19-05-09, 00:09
how long have you had the bloating and pain around your belly button? i had the same thing last sunday and it just finally went away on saturday, it was making me a nervous wreck, i had just gotten my period and thought it had something to do with that but i still had it when my period stopped, i think it may be a virus or something...my doc sent me for an xray and ultrasound and everything came back fine.....

19-05-09, 00:20
I have the bloating on/off and pain for about 10 days, my stomach along the belly button line from left to right, feels tender to touch. My doctor tells me it's IBS but u know how it is, and how hard it is to stop worrying!! In the past i've had it much worse, to the point i was in so much pain i thought i was gonna die!!! Apparently IBS can be quite severe sometimes. My period isnt due yet for a while, however i do get it much worse around that time of the month.

19-05-09, 03:34
So now you have me wondering if it was from ibs that i had it...lol.

19-05-09, 13:56
Please don't worry, I certainly don't want you to freak out as well :) lets just stick with the IBS. I might be worried about other things but part of me knows thats what it is. I am pretty sure the same applys to you as well :)


20-05-09, 10:47
Ugh, I am exactly the same at the moment. I am 100% convinced I have ovarian cancer. My logical brain and my HA brain are at war:

I have always had dodgy bowels as I have Crohn's disease = "I have always had dodgy bowels because I have had a cancerous ovary for years."

I have had a nagging dull ache in lower left abdomen, right by where ovary is, for the past month and a half = "That is my cancerous ovary; it cannot possibly be Crohn's/IBS."

I have had Labyrinthitis and I am still a bit woozy/headachy even though it's a good few months on = "The cancerous ovary has metastasised to brain/spine and it's killing me."

I have had a full blood count and it came back clear: "The full blood count won't spot anything wrong with me if I have ovarian cancer."

Additionally....I am constantly pressing my tummy to either find a big lump or to see if I have fluid retention...however, I do not know if I do or not (or whether I am just flabby....siz 14/16 makes it hard to tell...)

I don't dwell on the fact that I DON'T have some symptoms (frequent weeing; funny periods) rather on the fact that I DO have others (wind; changeable bowels; possibly distension but don't know)...I know that's stupid but it's the way HA works.

Have an appointment tomorrow and if he EVEN TRIES sending me away I am going to go MAD. I want an ultrasound, goddamnit!

20-05-09, 22:57
Hi there the_nub, it is difficult to shift your train of thought especially when it's stuck on something! I certainly know what that feels like. And its awful :( I still have the problem with frequent urination, its linked to my IBS/anxiety.

I did in the end go back to the doctor, saw a lady doctor this time, she explained everything to me, my blood test results the CA125 test for ovarian cancer my fear over bladder cancer, it certainly put my mind at rest that in fact i don't have these diseases.

We can all freak out that the headache we've had for days is a brain tumor, the sharp pain in our chest is a heart attack, or for me my frequent urination was a sign of bladder cancer or ovarian cancer. I'm not certainly not saying that my fears are gone, because they haven't. However very slowly I am learning to accept that alot of my symptoms relate to minor problems unfortunately alot of them are linked with anxiety.

Maybe all I need to do now is find a cure for anxiety???

20-05-09, 23:14
I have frequent urination a lot of the time as well,
Do you drink a lot of fliuds, that could be a reason
i've also heard constipation can cause this as well, from straining your muscles from straining for a BM

20-05-09, 23:49
Hi there icicledreamz,

I don't drink anymore or any less then I always have. Its totally weird!!
I've stopped drinking tea (caffeine) i now have decaf, which is ok, i also drink plenty of water too.

However my doctor says that its not uncommon to experience frequent urination, especially as i have IBS plus anxiety. Not to say that everyone who has anxiety and IBS will also get this, maybe I'm ones of the lucky ones!!!

Yes i too have heard that constipation can cause this as well.

I've been given medication for the condition so, i will have to wait at least 3 - 4 weeks b4 i know if its working!!