View Full Version : strange symptoms

18-05-09, 22:56
Hi everyone

I am new to the forum but I am hoping someone can help reassure me that these symptoms are in fact anxiety.
It started last week with twinges in both my legs & buzzing in my right foot. After a few days of major anxiety I descided to see my GP who seemed to be more concerned about my anxiety than my twitching symptoms so after a brief consultation I was sent home with a percription of propranolol & a diagnosis of major anxiety.
Once I got home I was feeling very anxious and the twitching had manifested into a burning sensation in my legs...So guess what more MAJOR ANXIETY!!!!
Next day woke up and the burning had spread to my upper arms and my chest! I felt as if I was being BBQ'd all over.
So a trip to A&E & had blood work done everyting ok only slightly high calcium but put down to hyperventilating & me only eating cereal for the past 2 days.
Sorry to go on a bit but I'm just wanting to know if this sounds like anxiety or should I get a second/third opinion.
The burning has calmed down a bit but its still there & I feel very tired during the day at work.


18-05-09, 22:58
this does sound like anxiety totally. what did the buzzing feel like?

18-05-09, 23:07
Hi there

You only ate cereal for 2 days? Was that it? What kind of cereal?

18-05-09, 23:16
Hi Justbananas

Thanks for the reply. the buzzing in my foot is more like a trapped nerve but I am sure I've had this for a while.
I forgot to mention I have also had pins & needles in my hands & doctor done a physical test (tapping reflex points & balance check) everyhing ok.


18-05-09, 23:28
Shreddies - My nan knitted them!

19-05-09, 03:13
these are not strange symptoms.. they are common ones. go under search and type in your symptoms one at a time and you will see most of us get these things. buzzing, burning, tiredness.. i get almost everyday. My leg buzzes now only when i run, before it was all the time.

19-05-09, 04:17
romo - your leg buzzez too? mine sort of vibrates.. is that how you would describe it?

19-05-09, 07:50
Hey Romo

Thanks for the reply I just have a lot of trouble believing that all these sensations are anxiety. In the past few years I have had a steady amount of panic/anxiety with only what I considered to be normal symptoms "hyperventilating ,dizziness constant fear & worry" but it seems recently I've started to feel physical symptoms and I never new they could be this debilitaing.:unsure:

I will check the other posts & gain more knowledge.


19-05-09, 12:55
Shreddies - My nan knitted them!

Aww :roflmao:

19-05-09, 23:20
yeah you will be shocked, surprised, and delighted to see how many symptoms anxiety can bring about. welcome:)

20-05-09, 21:19
yup, twitching, buzzing, burning, vibrating, inner shaking...been there felt that! lol. it's anxiety dear

Captain America
20-05-09, 21:55
felt them all!

if the burning was new to the propanapanol, er...propanal, uh...the beta blocker it can be a side effect of that so you should mention to your dr. if it was a new symptom. since it's died down then most likely just anxiety but new symptoms in the presence of new meds you should always mention to the doc.

i follow my own advice. but my dr. just says 'anxiety' to everything i mention to him now so hopefully you get a better response from yours at this point