View Full Version : right guys, im at one of them points where i need your help please!

19-05-09, 01:28
i have a wierd pressurised feeling in my head, and i have a pain which seems to be like insidee my upper neck maybe?

im gunna set myself off

19-05-09, 01:57
Hey biffa, I'm actually feeling a "pressurised head" feeling right now! I was just looking at the last 6 hours of new posts to see if anyone had ever mentioned this! I have no clue what could cause it. I imagine there's an explanation that is related to anxiety somehow, but I don't personally know what causes it. You're not alone though. :hugs: I'm also feeling very dizzy and "drunk" at the same time if that means anything. Hope it goes away soon, for both of us!

19-05-09, 02:15
i hate it, its so wierdd.
its going to send me into panic soon, i can sense it.

what does yours actually feel like hun?

its awful.
i cant sleeep ha.

lets hope it does go away and we can get to sleeep

19-05-09, 19:14
I had this, went to er cause i panicked, it was a combination of tension and full sinuses. i was shocked to learn that your sinuses go all the way to the back of your head. also doc told me that tension goes from the neck up and can wrap around your head--my headache felt like my head was full of cotton or maybe air being pushed around in specific spots.

19-05-09, 20:07
I had this for the last 3 weeks, pressurised head, feels like cotton wool and my neck hurt. It was a virus that I had, which made my sinuses play up. It's cleared itself up now, but gave my anxiety something to worry about for a while. You'll be fine too hun xxx