View Full Version : A panic attack is looming.

19-05-09, 06:09
Hi everyone! I haven't had a panic attack in about a month, and then suddenly today one seems to be looming over my head. I keep trying to fight it off, but it's like a monster wanting to be unleashed. Now come these weird sensations. I feel like I have something stuck in my throat obstructing my airways, and I've been getting this funny pressure on the top center of my head. I keep telling myself that this is just my GAD playing tricks on my mind, but I still feel the pressure of it on my back. My doctor gave me klonopin just in case I have a panic episode. The problem is, I know what it is and I'm trying to fight this monster on my own. I was told that klonopin is very addicting, and I don't want to take it. Has anyone ever had these weird sensations in their heads? I think that is what is triggering it the most, and then all the rest of the symptoms is following close behind. Also has anyone tried Klonopin? I don't like taking medicine. Afriad of the side effects. LOL, another funny thing about GAD! Hugs to all who read.

19-05-09, 09:03
Sorry you are not feeling too good. I am having a bad time myself after a few better days.
I can't advise you about the medication as I don't know anything about it. It's possibly called something else in the UK anyway?
I have definately had the same feeling in my head as you describe. It's really horrible and freaks me out too, but nothing happens and it does go away eventually.
Hope you managed to stave off the panick attack and are feeling a bit calmer now.:hugs: