View Full Version : Ear problems, so worried

19-05-09, 09:44
I'm frightened I have a tumour behind my eardrum. I have had off balance feeling on and off for ages. Lately been constant. Doctor said maybe virus...
Trouble is I had operations on my ear years ago. Titanium implant to replace one of the 3 small bones destroyed by infection. I have pain running down from bottom of ear into neck, not all time but often. My neck is also sore lately and stiff. I have pain in my cheekbone (on same side as my bad ear) and sometimes my eye aches. I'm so scared something bad is happening connected to my implant.

19-05-09, 10:22
Hi Judy,
I get the pain down into my neck and also my back when I have an ear infection. Its horrible so I do sympathise. Have you been given any anti biotics for it?

19-05-09, 18:56
Thanks for replying. No I havn't had any antibiotics. Doc. just gave me travel tabs Stugeron to help dizziness. They didn't! I am going back Friday morning. Think I will ask if I can try some. If that doesn't work need to think about getting ear checked by specialist I suppose. Today was awful with that unsteady feeling. I hate it. Anxiety bad enough without this.:ohmy: xx