View Full Version : Lower back pain or buttock?

19-05-09, 10:38
Please help me because this is driving me crazy. I keep getting a sort of pinching, burning ache where my back meets my right buttock, occassionally I think that it moves a few inches down and is in the buttock itself, but it's never quite low enough to be sure. Once when I was sitting down in the office I felt the pain radiate down the back of that thigh, but it didn't last long, didn't come back and isn't debilitating. I've also been woken up once with cramp in the back of that thigh at night. I've had this very localised pinching ache at top of buttock on and off for a while and it is always on the same side.

I'm currently going through a second anxiety period over cervical issues despite my last smear being normal. Yes, I'm catastrophising again!:weep:

In a last ditch effort to be rational I'm begging for some suggestions! Could this be sciatica despite the limited effects on the leg?

19-05-09, 12:19
Helen it sounds very much like sciatica or as I call it toothache in me buttocks.

A friend of mine drove into a police carpark and sat tooting his horn until some cops came out to see what all the racket was about.

He had had an attack whilst driving and was in agony and figured that was the nearest place to get help!!!!!

Never did hear the end of the tale as I was on the floor laughing at him!

Having told you all that, it is a very painful condition.

19-05-09, 12:34
Thank you, Mau!:hugs: I think if it was more definately in the buttock rather than on the very top where it's borderline lowerback/buttock then I would be more comforted.:weep: It does occassionally seem to drop down more into the buttock as I mentioned and I say to myself "see it *is* in the buttock", but then later I convince myself that I'm imagining it to make myself feel better.