View Full Version : Bad feet... bye bye toenails!

19-05-09, 10:44
Okay so on Sunday I did my 27 mile cross country hike for charity. I thought it was gonna kill me, but the only death was to three on my toenails. Last time I did the walk I lost 6. Also, the last time, I allowed them to heal by themselves and all grew back perfectly. Thing is, this time I have health anxiety..... does anyone have any fast recovery suggestions? I can handle the blisters but losing toenails is always a nightmare. Any self help suggestions are welcome. There is no point in going to the doctor as she wont do anything other than advise me to keep them clean.

19-05-09, 12:10
First let me congratulate you on doing 27 miles!

well done

Secondly you know deep within yourself that your toenails will heal, don't you???

19-05-09, 12:43
Well done on the 27 miles - wow!

If you have been in the quiz the last few Saturday's you will have heard Alex going on about his toe much to our amusement.

He ripped the nail right off putting his sock on and it was horrible!

He has kept it clean with plasters on overnight so he didn't catch it in bed but mainly letting the air get to it.

It is now healing nicely and I am sure yours will too.

19-05-09, 18:06
yeah. i know it will heal. im only bothered because one of thetoes had a blister that went from underneath and over the top.... underneath my toenail. so the nail itself is only actually attached to the blister. i know its gross. but i think its me being squeamish thats making me anxious.

20-05-09, 21:32
lol man I once had to walk across Manhattan (I'm from NYC) and I got something nasty like that on my left foot. The pinky toe turned in to one giant blister and the nail disappeared!

I kept it clean and dry, and wrapped it up from time to time. It will heal.