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19-05-09, 13:15

I found this forum after searching for Cipralex, the medication that I have been prescribed for anxiety and depression. I have just started taking it and am having chronic anxiety and tearfulness as side effects [or symptoms?]

I work for a mental health charity and because of this I feel a failure that I experience issues of low self esteem and confidence myself. In fact I fear for my job [I am worried they might think helping others with depression etc is something I should not be doing] But I know that I am good at my job. In fact my boss wants me to apply for promotion.

I know that I have had good cause to be stressed this year, having a disease called Achalasia which affects my ability to swallow food. Because of this I have had numerous medical interventions this year and maintained a cheerful demeanour throughout it. A few weeks ago I was supposed to have a very major operation where there was a real chance of dying during it. When I got to the hospital I decided at the last minute not to have it [basically my courage failed].

I am having to carry on and manage the best I can [I may one day have no choice about having this operation] but I have fallen into an anxious depression. On Sunday I did nothing but cry all day and feel incredibly panicky and anxious even thinking about killing myself. But I know that the thing I must do is to hang on as time and medication can heal these feelings.

I know that I probably have good reason to feel anxious but it does little to ease the feelings of panic and feeling lost inside me. I have only been taking cipralex for a few days and I hope that soon the side effects will subside and I will soon feel the benefits.

Thanks for reading my story!


19-05-09, 13:43
Hi Tim

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way, there are loads here that will understand what you are going through, i don't do meds so can't help you there but lots on here can.

check out the menu on the left hand side, you'll get loads of good information there

best wishes

di xx

Veronica H
19-05-09, 15:38
:welcome: Tim. It is impossible to make a decision when your nerves are so sensitised, so don't beat yourself up about not having the surgery. Give yourself a few weeks rest and then maybe you can think again.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can not recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. You will find comfort and support here.
