View Full Version : Ok so I ended up going to the doctors.....

19-05-09, 13:34
Hi NMP its me again,

after saying i wouldn't i went to the docs yesterday regarding my ongoing lymphoma saga and he felt my glands n said u look fine they feel fine. he also looked at the ulcer in my mouth and said its nothing it might just b stubborn gargle salt get some paste etc.

He also talked about my blood results from jan and march - i have had 3 cbc's, an esr, liver function, thyroid function, mono spot they were all normal except on 2 of the cbcs. eosinophil was raised by 0.08 on the first test on the retest it showed elevated neutrophils which raised my overall wbc count to 11000 on the second test...... then after anitbiotics it was in range with only eosinophil out by 0.04 and either Mean corpuscular hemoglobin or Mean corpuscular volume was slightly raised but the doctor isnt concerned by this.

Im still getting the hives sometimes not for a week, then i get them bad for a few days antihistamines cure them. i didnt mention this but last time he said not concerning most likely allergy, stress or idiopathic

why am i still not convinced im ok??
why is this all i think about? he even said your worrying yourself sick thats why your getting ulcers, i feel fine slightly tired due to my working hours but i was at the gym yesterday lifting heavy weights and doing cardio i do this twice a week and go running on cycling one a week

reassurance would be appreciated people


19-05-09, 13:41
LittleMac, Your last paragraph with the "whys"?...I think you know the answer. Because this is what we do. That's why we are on this board, not because we are sicker than our neighbor but because we obsess about the same symptoms our neighbor has and doesn't give a thought to.

That doesn't mean we don't ever get sick, we're human. But you had all these tests..you know what the differential of a white count is, we KNOW the terms and there are times where I sit and obsess about a high neutrophil count, compare it to last year's count and go crazy. I have done this for years and there is nothing wrong. These counts change.

Mac, have you read the books that we suggest on here? If not, would you like me to post the names again? Trying to help...I think they will help you.

19-05-09, 14:03
i would appreciate that if you could post them please.

I cant seem to keep myself from going on various cancer forums and other medical sites, again dont know why i go on them its pointless i just end up being more worried and find something that makes me think i have lymphoma or something else serious so whats the point?? do you look on websites and constantly check your body for lumps and bumps??

Thanks again Lauren

19-05-09, 15:00
yes littlemac, i am right there with you and do the exact same thing. i am constantly going on websites even though i KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is only going to make me feel worse. it's like a compulsion. so please don't think you are the only one! i do the very same thing.

19-05-09, 15:08
Littlemac, I don't check for lumps, I fixate on pains more. I am going to make a separate posting of the books since it will be seen by more people. I'll post it now, just look for books on health anxiety.