View Full Version : classical depression

19-05-09, 13:40
I am 100% positive that i am suffering from classical depression, does anyone know abt this, any natural way to help myself?
i got all the symptoms, that i am always forever 24hrs sleepy and got no mood to do anything, i jsut want to lie and sleep. i am so scared of everything, iget angry fast.

what to do? help me, any help for 'classical depression' yeah i hv been alot of stress since last 2 yrs, with families and get bullied by office worker. i am so streess with that bully, she's a nacristism (don't know to spell) but a bully and also get shouted and hurt my pride by superior for not even my mistake, i am doomed, any help?

19-05-09, 14:11
You are not doomed. I had the same fate at a job that I had been at for 6 years. My manager actually spit on me and degraded me so bad she tld me she hopes I die. This was in the middle of my breakdown and did not help it at all. When I was fired in February, I have never felt better, my stress level is so down and my anxiety has all but stopped. There is no one in the world who should make us feel less than the great people we are. Take care, you are not doomed, just need a little refocusing.

19-05-09, 14:31
i keep asking about the dr have you actualy been with any of these symptoms your getting , there the only ones who can diagnose you really , we can all give you support but its always best to be checked medicaly with anything

20-05-09, 13:33
wow today i got a very bad bad attack or anxiety, from morning till night i got this light headedness feeling, so dizzy, giddy and out of balance, i can't even stand straight i must slant to balance myself i don't know what is wrong, it is so so tough, each time when i come to office i will have all these feelings, i feel so trapped in the office, and also that narcissism woman is around, i feel so tense i really don't wish to met or pop or accidentally see her, so i am quite tense al the way. from then i start to have this out of balance feeling like i can't control myslef, when ireach home i feel more giddy and just lie on my bed and just wnat to do nothing, staring at the walls, and i get shouted from my hubby and i forced myself to wake up take a long bath and now i felt a bit better, not too giddy but still out of balance, why i thought after the bath i should be fine, but not really still the remaining balance of my anxiety, heart beating fast, and light headed is still here, and it is like going on and on and on, and tomorrow it will start again , when will these ever end, will it end. am i suffering from depression or anxiety or panicc attack, help me. i want natural cure.

20-05-09, 13:34
:weep: wow today i got a very bad bad attack or anxiety, from morning till night i got this light headedness feeling, so dizzy, giddy and out of balance, i can't even stand straight i must slant to balance myself i don't know what is wrong, it is so so tough, each time when i come to office i will have all these feelings, i feel so trapped in the office, and also that narcissism woman is around, i feel so tense i really don't wish to met or pop or accidentally see her, so i am quite tense al the way. from then i start to have this out of balance feeling like i can't control myslef, when ireach home i feel more giddy and just lie on my bed and just wnat to do nothing, staring at the walls, and i get shouted from my hubby and i forced myself to wake up take a long bath and now i felt a bit better, not too giddy but still out of balance, why i thought after the bath i should be fine, but not really still the remaining balance of my anxiety, heart beating fast, and light headed is still here, and it is like going on and on and on, and tomorrow it will start again , when will these ever end, will it end. am i suffering from depression or anxiety or panicc attack, help me. i want natural cure.

22-05-09, 15:00
by accident tdy i met or face to face with the most hatred person in this world, after looking at her face, suddenly ifelt so dizzy, lght headed the whole day, why is it happening, she is the most cruel, hateful and very destructive person that had been causing me with so much distress at work, and each time when i face this narcissism i get so nauseted, dizzy, giddy and light headed the worst is i get this feling worst than normal days, tdy it is worse until night also i have this dizziness. help pls, do you think if i resign from my work and not meeting or hv anything to do with this narcissism bully i be okay and healthy again? what should i do to avoid getting all this dizzy, light headedness each time acidentally i met this bully?

22-05-09, 15:14
Hello Alba,it sounds very much that your problems with this bully are making you very anxious,If you removed yourself from this enviroment if possible by getting another job .Im sure your nerves would gradually get better,The anxiety you feel especially when you are face to face with her is causing the dizziness.You could ask your Dr to perscribe you with some low dose tranqulizer in the meantime.Your nerves are sensitised by all the stress you are experiencing,even the thought of work is causing your anxiety to rise.The body produces too much adrenaline and thats why you feel sick and dizzy,this in turn makes you more anxious .Its a viscious circle. This will not get better without doing something,so please think about what I have said.Wishing you all the best Luv Sue x:hugs:

22-05-09, 16:39
thank you so much, you are so right i feel that way too becos all this happened after this bully find all ways to attack and humilate me in front of everybody in ofice and i am too scared and dumb to do anything, i feel so depressed and it hurts me badly, for the time being i can't leave becos of money matters, i leave later, but time being pls help me what should i do if i met this bully again, it is making me madness. i am trying my best not to take medication even though my dr prescribed librax for me to be taken at night, iam so afraid to take. i took xanax before and after a while i have all kinds o feelings like feeling very sleepy out of sudden, and even shopping walking can cos me to feel so dizzy light headed, i guess it is becos of me taking xananx 2yrs ago, so i promise myself never to take it again. is there any help?

22-05-09, 16:59
all other ppl in my workplace in ok fine, except this one, can resigning from my job helps, will there be any regret if i resign? i think mental health is more important , am i right? thanks?am ia weak person not able to handle this?

22-05-09, 17:00
worst even now at home i can't even balance myself, i feel so out of balance even when sitting i can't control my balance, i feel light heaeded and can't sleep.

22-05-09, 17:35
:hugs: Alba you are not weak and it is not your fault.People like that always pick on people because they are quieter or are different from themselves ,because they know they can get away with it. Unless you stand up to her she will keep doing it,& the reason is because she gets away with it.She knows she is upsetting you ,and that makes her feel good about herself..Maybe she was bullied at home or at school herself.Its away for some people to gain control because in fact they are really weak themselves.Is there a boss at work you could go and report this to?If there is no way either of these options can happen ,you have no choice when possible to look for a different job.At least the others are ok ! ,could someone else tell her to leave you alone ,what do they do when this bullying is going on? how would they feel if it was them?.Ican understand you not wanting to take medication ,what about some herbal remedy,? many work very well.If you do not sleep properly your nerves get no rest,so you will feel worse.You need to learn deep relaxation techniques and deep breathing.there are lots of things that can help you de -stress your self .You must also eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water.Ido hope things improve for you soon Alba you sound like a very nice person and you do not deserve to feel like this. All the best .take care Sue:hugs:

23-05-09, 01:12
thank you so much, yeah idid report to my superivsior becos as i said she always get away with all the bad things she did, becos i am always running away from her or avoiding her she used that to tell my supervisor that its all my fault becos i have been avoiding her and don't know what other stories she create.each time isee her i feel i am seeing a ghost or so scary creature, i always run or tried my best to avoid her, becos she is so toxic creature, and iam so stress and few months i got to keep on runnng and avoiding her, it is giving me mental stress, becos each time iface to face with er i feel i am facing a devil or very bad scary creature, the moment i hear her voice i feel like vomitting, it 's not i like this, but it just happen this way, am i mad. but do you agree the best thing is to resign and never meet this person anymore?i guess if i resign i won't have anything to do with it.

23-05-09, 17:29
You are not mad Alba,she sounds a nasty spiteful person. Its obvious its her making you feel like this.If it leaves you no other choice ,I would say ,look for another job,I know this isnt always easy .But it will take you away from this awful ordeal every day .Once your nerves have settled down Im sure you will be feeling so much more like your old self.I wish you every happiness for the future .Let us know how you get on.Until then ,try not to let her see you feeling like this,she obviously gets some sick pleasure out of it! shes the mad one.Take care and look after yourself Sue:hugs:

23-05-09, 18:07
Yeah I Know She Is So Happy To See Me So Sick Like This, I Don't Even Comb My Hair, I Look Terrible And I Fel So Dizzy So I Can't Even Walk Properly In Office, I Drag Myself Each Day, She Is Getting More Confident And Hapy To See Me So Miserable Like This, But I Can't Help It, I Am Totally Miserable And Sick And Desperate, I Know If I Leave Now She Will Be So So Happy That She Won, Do You Think So? Thanks. Is It Ok To Let Her Win, Cos She Always Win, Becos She's Much Stronger But Yeah She Is Mad But She Is Strong, Not Like Me, I Am Mad But I Am Weak, Right?i Still Get Over With This. Do U Think I Should Get Back To My Make Up, Comb Hair And Wear Something Nice? I Just Want To Show Everybody Iam So Sick And Tired Of Working And I Am In So Much Pain, And I Am Hating Every Minute Of My Time With That Crazy Person. But Surely I Lose Out Right?

23-05-09, 18:18
When you get another job,just tell everyone that it is a better one and you get more money,hopefully that will be true.It doesnt matter what she thinks .Put on your make up and do your hair and try to pretend she doesnt bother you.Its nice to look nice for yourself . it will make you feel a bit better .Im sure your husband will appreciate it too..How can you be loosing out? you will be doing something to make yourself feel better, Sometimes there is no choice but to remove ourselves from situations that are having a bad effect on our health. All the best to you Alba :hugs: Suex

23-05-09, 19:10
Darling I'm so sorry you have been driven to this. You must seek help. You will get better with help. It takes time but you will get through this. Then you must sort out the problem at work. You have the right to be your own person. Bullying is not allowed. it must be sorted cos that seems to be part of the cause of your condition. I really feel for you. I have been through the same symptoms you mentioned. its hard. i send you my support and a big hug.seek medical help

24-05-09, 05:20
thank you Suzy-Sue and Bobobob, but what r the tings that must be sorted out, so i do have to resign right?
i just got fight with husband, he is so angry with me, for being so weak and tired and not doing a single thing, from yesterday ihv been lying on my bed and not walking at all, l just lie there and feel so sad, sorry and feel so so dizzy tha ti feel ike fainting, i am so angry inside me, i don't know why, and again today he got so angry with me and shouted at me, he say i am not a wife or mum. he say i am crzy. am i .i really can't move, but he don't understand, i ca't even go to shop or eat, i got no mood.he say ilook so ugly like 80yrs old granny.yeah i feel weak and tired and sick of the world

24-05-09, 08:29
Thanks Suzy, i cant resign now cos i need money, i am talking with my husband to let me leave by year end, i hope he agree, i am going to ask him

24-05-09, 09:04
I felt sometimes that the whole room was mooving when I was having hight anxiety at night, the noises were so loud I was feeling my head was buzzing with every little noise very loud.
I felt lik i had no skin and evertyhing was going throuhg me - pain, comments, news, noises, touches.

I do still have extreme anxiety at times, but i do not get afaraid of those symptoms.

24-05-09, 22:00
Thanks Suzy, i cant resign now cos i need money, i am talking with my husband to let me leave by year end, i hope he agree, i am going to ask him

Is it possible to find another job at a different place ? You shouldnt have to loose your income because of someone elses behaviour.Are there any other offices in a different department where you work now ,where you wont see this person? perhaps you could ask for a transfer? You really need to speak to your DR , about how you are feeling ,you sound very depressed and waiting until the end of the year is a long time when you are feeling so bad.Perhaps the Dr could arrange for you to have some counselling and therapy.Your husband doesnt sound like he understands what you are feeling like ,which is a shame as you need some support to help you through this bad time. .Please take care of yourself and try to eat ,something .God bless luv Sue:hugs: x

25-05-09, 11:53
not too easy to get job, i am back to work tdy quite stressful ,sometimes i get irritated with ppl, but i just keep quiet, someo f the i s not helpful, so i just keep quiet but inside me is upset, i keep quiet, and until now, i feel nauseas, dizzy, light heaed, like so sick feeling, i am keeping all in my heart, so i am in so much pain, i really must relax, open up an ddon't care, i guess its all in my head, i should just don't care, now i feel so sick,cos i feel unhappy, stress just now, so i feel dizzy suddenly, and tummy like so want to vomit and head so heavy, and drowsy and sleepy.its reALLY MY WORK THAT IS SO UPsetting i guess.

25-05-09, 16:03
i dont know why every night i can't sleep whereas in the daytime i am terrribly so so sleepy, until i can't even lift my eyes, so sleepy and tired and no energy, drowsy, dizzy, and i can't even walk, i am off balance, but when at nigth i don't feel sleepy at all, i am so alert, i can't sleep, there s so many things in my mind, like my future, my job burnout, the ppl in my workplace, it is all playing in my mind and i couldn't sleep.i keep on thinking dreaming of the day i can stop working and what i am going to do and my earning of living. i am so not sleepynot, but tomorrrow i guess i can't walk, or feel dizzy. it is happneing day and night, it isterible to be depression and mentally unstable.

26-05-09, 08:18
dont know why tdy i am suppose to be relaxing becos weekend, but my eyes feels so blurry, can't focus, so sleepy feeling , can't think and feel so drowsy and wanna sleep, but when i try to slep i cannot sleep.

26-05-09, 08:21
if we cannot take it, like feeling so so weak, sleepy, drowsy, light headed, do we really have to push ourselves up and move on or should we just lie down and sleep, i tried but still can't sleep and i am wasting so much of the time, can;t do anything, except feeling so scared, worried, i miss alot, i can't even coach my kids cos i am lying in bed feeling scared.my mum come and force me to wake up wash face and go on but i can't help. me plsi am scared, i feel why my eyes feel so sleepy when i slept all day and why i feel so drowsy and my eyes feel so blury can't focus.