View Full Version : Not having a great day

28-08-05, 14:34
Well, I dont know whats happened today? The last couple of days have been great - really good fun, I was on a complete high and today - BAM! Feeling REALLY low.

All I want to do is sleep. I have food shopping to do but I have no energy to even do that!! I'm finding it hard to even raise a smile today and thats not like me - I'm supposed to be going out tonight with friends but the thought of it worries me. Don't want to be really miserable and spoil everyones fun.

Hate feeling like this when theres no particular reason for it - makes me feel soooo frustrated!

Right - i'd better find some energy from somwhere as my fridge is empty :(

chow for now
luv Curly X

Sue K with 5
28-08-05, 14:42
Sometimes curly when I feel like that which i have done in the last few days I order a pizza , kick back and try to chill, instead of forcing the issue.

You have had some great days as you said and ther are times when you come down with a massive bump, but you will get back up and start again.

Its just such a shame you are feeling like this today!

Order that Pizza and do the shopping tom and go out tonight with your head held high, you deserve it so much.

have a few drinks for me wont you, I wish I could go out! I would flirt and get drunk if I could

love sue with 5


28-08-05, 15:17
hey Curly,

It's normal to have a bad day after a few good ones. It's always the way with me!! As Susan says, try to relax and chill out. Do something that you really enjoy as that will take your mind off it. I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

28-08-05, 16:23
Hi Curl,

Sometimes I don't force the issue either and do as Sue does and order pizza (depends on the bank balance, lol).

Tomorrow is another day!!

Love Pig x [8D]

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-08-05, 17:11
Thanks everyone for your replies. I'm feeling a bit better now. I will go out tonight but i wont be drinking [Sigh...]

Still, it will be nice to see all my friends :)

Thanks again - and heres hoping tomorrow will be a better day...
Luv Curly

28-08-05, 18:32
Hi Curly bird,

hope you have a good night,
keep telling yourself you will feel better tomorrow,
good luck

take care

kairen x

28-08-05, 19:54
Hey Curly,
Good on you for going out. You're right, it will be nice to see all your friends and you will be fine. And if you start feeling a bit funny, you can just make excuses about being knackered and go home.
Good luck tonight and i hope you'll feel better tomorrow,
Henri xx

29-08-05, 10:54
Hey everyone...

I did go out (Yey!) and had a really good time :D

I was only out for a couple of hours but it wasl ovely to see my friends - I'm so glad I went.

Today I'm feeling much more myself (thank god!!) - going to see my family. Think we're having a painting party, which should be fun :)

Thanks again everyone - have a good day
Take care
Love curlz

29-08-05, 10:58
Well done.

Glad you had a good time last night and hope today goes well too.


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