View Full Version : Great Books On Health Anxiety - Please Read

19-05-09, 15:22
Hi everyone, sometimes I suggest these in a post but wanted to make a separate post. You can bet them on Amazon used and if not, they are worth every penny. I urge you to get them and if money is a problem, skip a takeout meal, a new CD, skip anything but get these. It's our whole life ahead of us. I am not cured of this but these books have helped me a lot. I was worse before. I pull them out when I am in a bad state and highlight things when I read them. OK, here they are:

Stop Worrying About Your Health by George Zgourides

It's Not All In Your Head by Gordon Asmundson and Steven Taylor

The Worry Cure by Robert L. Leahy (this one has an excellent chapter on health anxiety, if you can afford it, great book but the first two are the ones you should get first). Leahy is the most well known cognitive therapist in New York. As I am looking at it now, I would say get this too...that chapter really looks at it from a psychological view and so, so helpful, you will relate to this, I promise.

Asmundson is one of the pioneers in this field. He wrote a book called Treating Health Anxiety for the therapists to learn how to treat US. I would say you don't need that book for now as the first one I mentioned is far better for our purposes.

I know that some of you go to cognitive therapy and that's great but to have these experts at our fingertips, who really studied this specifically, is so valuable. I hope you can print this post out and please let me know if you get these and if they helped.

19-05-09, 16:18
Thank you very much for your recommendations. I have heard about the first two you mentioned before. I have just ordered them on Amazon and will let you know how I get on.

Thanks again x

19-05-09, 17:14
If you order them on Amazon please use this link and NMP gets a small amount of commission:



19-05-09, 17:15
I am reading the Treating Health Anxiety and I would not recommend it as a light read - it is very very heavy going!

19-05-09, 17:53
I have The Worry Cure and It Is Not All In Your Head. If a UK member would like one PM me your details and will send it on to you on the understanding you send it on to another member when you have read it.

19-05-09, 18:10
I have all just purchased it is not all in your head from play.com at a good price.
Thanks for this Lauren

19-05-09, 18:12
Nicola, that's so cool that NMP gets something from them. I agree with you about the book meant for therapists and am wondering if you read the second one, It's Not All In Your Head and what you think of it. I think this guy is fantastic.

19-05-09, 18:15
I wouldn't mind reading It's Not All In Your Head and I can pass it on then. I will PM you Itoldyouiwasill

19-05-09, 19:25
Just a heads up that a couple of health anxiety books on amazon give you the 'look inside' option. This basically means you can read the first 8 pages or so of the book for free. I' sure that It's Not All In Your Head is included. As I recall those pages are pretty good as it touches on somatic anxiety and how it can be confused with neurological disorders etc.

PM sent nic.

19-05-09, 19:55
The Asmundson book has been a life saver for me. Anyone in the US that wants to borrow my copy and send it back when they are done, PM me with your address.

22-05-09, 14:48
I am bumping this post up because I see it only got 85 hits. I hope the moderators don't mind. I just think these books are so much better than any answer I can give to the posts on here and I see so many people worry about their glands this week..it's not the glands that are the problem, it's our heads, what we conjure up. I have health anxiety too, all of my life but am somewhat better, not from a therapist but from these books. Please guys, check these books out, jot them down, worth every penny.

22-05-09, 15:02
I am bumping this post up because I see it only got 85 hits. I hope the moderators don't mind.

We don't mind at all Lauren.

22-05-09, 16:01
Thank you Nicola. I know you're also a fan of these books and it hurts me to see people hurting so much here. I know they can identify so much with the different scenarios in the book and more importantly, be helped by the author's insight and advice.

miss diagnosis
22-05-09, 19:40
i really wish that thread was up earlier. i ordered one of those books...emm the one by george whatever earlier today on amazon. i would have used the link if id know :-(