View Full Version : Are these all related symptoms?

Deepest Blue
19-05-09, 15:38
Hi all,

I've recently been getting a lot of unwanted additional symptoms such as mouth ulcers, numbness of the fingers/hands/face and heartburn, was wondering if these symptoms are all in relation to having Anxiety? If they do, would they only develop if your Anxiety is at it's peak? Normally I can tame my Anxiety but in the last few weeks it has become a little more difficult to handle :(

Thank you for reading.

22-05-09, 17:25
I'm not 100% sure that they're all anxiety related but I can tell you that I've suffered from numbness and tingling in my hands and feet and also suffered heartburn due to anxiety. probably the best thing is to have a check up with your doctor just to make sure. It seems there are so many different symptoms of anxiety that can be confused with symptoms of other illness.

22-05-09, 17:42
I had similar symptoms to these last year and my doc checked me for a b12 deficiency, it might be worth getting checked for this if you already hasn't.