View Full Version : dizziness....

19-05-09, 16:13
any tips on how i can stop this? Im doing quite well within myself, feeling quite good - but the dizziness is still there and really annoying me!

thankyou :)

Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mint.

19-05-09, 16:14
Correct breathing techniques will help it apparently.

19-05-09, 16:29
thankyou Nicola xx

20-05-09, 08:23
dont know if i can help bit can really relate. I am feeling much better and coping without any meds but i still have floaty, dizzy, removed, ligtheadedness......so annoying.

21-05-09, 13:31
anyone else............
ie feeling better but still cloudy in the head?

22-05-09, 18:24
I have had dizziness for the past two years on and off even when i'm feeling very happy and totally calm, i can still all off a sudden feel dizzy this can last mintues to days to weeks when it flairs up.
I have it today but I have been fairly stressed today but for the past two weeks it has been the best it has been for a long time, i also do sometimes find if i drink loads of water daily it seems to help too.

22-05-09, 18:57
i have also had dizzyness for as long as i can remember! drink water and practice breathing techniques help!

23-05-09, 11:51
I think it would help us all if someone could explain exactly why we suffer from dizziness when we're anxious. I've always found that having the whole thing explained to me gives me reassurance and in turn I worry less and suffer less symtoms.
So does anyone know exactly why this happens?