View Full Version : Can you feel glands/lymph nodes in your neck ??

19-05-09, 17:58
how many of you can feel glands/lymph nodes in your neck??

i feel lymph nodes either side of my neck around 1cm in size, those who have read my previous posts know these are of great concern to me and i constantly check them for difference in size. Despite being told by 2 doctors its normal to feel lymph nodes as long as there not bigger than 1cm and hard..........i always thought feeling them meant that they were enlarged but this is not the case.

As quoted from patient.co.uk
"Lymph glands are normally pea-sized. You can sometimes feel some under the skin."

If you could reply to my poll id appreciate it greatly......


19-05-09, 18:05
interesting post as I know a lot of people tend to worry about this. I can feel mine in my neck and one just in front of my ear, I have been able to feel them for many many years. I think the first time a person 'notices' them then they possibley start to panic as to what they are.

19-05-09, 18:11
i have always been able to feel the gland in my neck on the right size. It is sausage-like and movable....and about 2cm long. Always has been.

19-05-09, 21:03
lots of views not many responses guys and gals,

if your logged in id love for you to place a response in order to canvas opinion amongst us all

cheers to those who have replied

19-05-09, 21:10
I can only feel mine when they are 'up' like at the moment I have an infection so the gland on the right side of my neck is swollen & hurts!! Otherwise I can't feel them I don't think, but never thought about it.


19-05-09, 21:17
Mac, I can feel mine. I would like to know why you spend so much time feeling them. What condition do you actually think you have?

19-05-09, 22:32
Yeah I can feel mine too. You can also feel them in your groin too. I had Glandular fever about 7 years ago, they were certainly raised, the ones in my neck, i mean they were visible, but all ok now back to normal.

20-05-09, 03:39
guys also please remember that palpating your nodes can actually enlarge them further. they can swell and become tender.. if you are really an HA sufferer that tends to pronate towards the lymph node obsession variety of anxiety .. then you KNOW what it feels like to have sore/tender nodes that you most likely caused yourself by prodding them so much. STEP AWAY FROM YOUR LYMPH NODES.

20-05-09, 03:41
in all seriousness though, i had a major bout with lymph nodes in the neck that i spent nearly a year dealing with, seeing several docs, having scans etc., convinced i had lymphoma, and managed to overcome it (FINALLY) and overcome it for good. even now i get swollen nodes and i don't blink an eye. i know how taxing and awful it is to go through a lymph node obsession, it really is its own class of anxiety almost .. so if you need help let me know and i can share my story, and how i got over it. you really have to try otherwise it can go on forever, seeing as the lymph nodes naturally ebb and flow and they are a tangible thing. an HA sufferer's worse nightmare, if you will.

20-05-09, 12:23
yes - and just discovered a couple in my groin that has sent my anxiety sky high. I have found reading the responses here very helpful. I am going to try to just drift through although I find it really difficult. I'm better if I don't prod but then when I do the anxiety is just as bad as I am hopeful they have disappeared!!

20-05-09, 20:20
thanks for the replies keep em coming!!

justbannanas id appreciate if you'd tell me your story as it sounds similar to mine if you look at my other posts ive had lots of blood tests done never any scans but the doctor does think there necessary

21-05-09, 03:07
i have one on my right side right behind my ear for over 5 years. I have had two docs tell me it is fine. the first doc had me do some bloodwork and everythign came back normal. A few years later I had a new doctor and I brought it to her attention and she said it looked fine as well, she said I could have a biobsy if I wanted, but that kinda scares me more then the lump so I'm leaving it for now.
My 12 year old daughter has on her neck that is way bigger then mine and her doctor says its fine as well, she has had it for 2+yrs now and it changes in size and definately gets bigger when she plays with it. I would love to just see them go, I know she would since kids ask her all the time about it. I wonder if what could be causing it for both of us, it is it something in the air? like an allergy? virus? I feel better now that I have had it for so long I don't worry as much, I have asked the doctor all kinds of questions, even if I felt stupid but I have had it so long I don't even have anything left to ask her. lol

22-05-09, 14:27
bumping for Andy to read.

22-05-09, 14:52
im currently having a problem with this at the moment.I should have probably posted it here but I didnt see this thread and ended up posting it elsewhere.reading this has helped me though as I now feel like it isnt just me thats worried about glands in the neck.

22-05-09, 14:54
Incredibly helpful, thank you mummyto4! x

28-05-09, 10:23
I too have glands that i can feel in my neck. They are still a major source of worry for me.

They arent very big at all, much less that 1cm and the are squidgee - if you know what i mean but they worry me becuase they have been there for at least two years now . I can feel one on the right side of my neck running below my ear ( but much further down) and at least 5 on the other side, some as small as pin heads. Buty i also have one under my jaw an the left side that is actually quite big albeit soft. Feels more than a cm but not sure. I can also feel one the size of a match head in my cheek. All have been there since i started feeling for them two years ago when this nightmare started!


28-05-09, 17:52
thanks again guys i really appreciate the replies keep em coming this has made me feel loads better.

when you guys say you can feel your glands what are they like hard, soft firm? moveable?

28-05-09, 18:09
i'm not going to check now,because they will either worry me or i will find something else in my neck that seems off, but yes i have felt them there before. i remember freaking out about them in jr.high, and a decade and a half later, no signs of anything that could have been related to that. also, my two year old has had hers swell to where i can see them, she was a little sick at the time. i took her to the doc once for it and brought it to her att. she didn't seem concerned...at all. then a few weeks later she saw another doc for her physical and when i brought it up, i got the same reaction. i guess she had them pretty swollen on both sides, maybe that was a good sign. i quit thinking about it til now, that was months ago.

28-05-09, 22:40
mine are up all the time - doc said it must have been an infectio at some point that brught them up and they have stayed up!. i used to worry about it but theyve been there so long id be dead by now if it was anything to worry about.

29-05-09, 00:43
I never felt mine or even knew where they were until I began to worry about HIV. How stupid of me....I mean i know that if i had HIV to the point that my nodes were swollen, I'd have other symptoms too and would not have had a - test. But I still check....sometimes more than once a day. It got worse when a kid at my school got bit by a tick and the ones on his neck swole up BAD...then I learned where those were. I never knew before then....so I have pretty much felt the side of my neck and the back of head everyday since....why?? cause i can diagnose myself with HIV thats why...LOL I hate the way my mind works sometimes folks!

29-05-09, 10:07
bumping so kraggy can read

16-06-09, 17:19
Justbananas...please tell me your story. I have a terrible fear of Lymphoma! I should start by saying Im new to the forum and registered bec I discovered a new node I felt in my underarm last weekend, and it has sent my HA into full attack. :( I have a node on each side of my neck, near the corner of my jaw, that I can always feel (the ones that come and go with colds, im fine with those. lol) I have a teeny one on the left side of my neck that is the size of rice...so small i know, but still it set me in panic off and on for 7 years until I finally went to a ENT doc and he told me it was nothing, and did bloodwork and CT to assure me. Great news! I was then relieved. Well then nearly two years ago, I discovered two swollen nodes in the deep aspect of my underarm...went to GYN and she referred me to Breast specialist and they are benign...ultrasound confirmed. So now last weekend I found this node, pea size, at the edge of my breast where it meets my underarm. It has me in a panic thinking misdiagnosis of the other nodes (that havent changed by the way) and the awful *L* :( I am trying to stay positive, but it is not working!!! I am on my period, and have allergy issues and a sore throat for the past three days as well...and everyone says to wait and it will go down...but I doubt it will. I have been told I have shotty nodes from illness in childhood, etc. and being a thinner person, you can feel them...blah blah blah. Is this really true? Are there are other people out there that can help me? Do you have nodes that have remained swollen for months, years? I mean, if they have been there for years, most likely it is benign, or I would have had other symptoms, but now a new one?! The panic begins again! :(

17-06-09, 16:58
iv replied to your pm awill

24-06-09, 09:52
I always feel mine, about 2cm's and move when I touch them. It's not something that worries me tho. I had glandure fever as a teenager and after that, they seem small and stable, so I don't think about them.

24-06-09, 16:32
hi there - listen i have swollen nodes on one side of neck, they are sore, and it hurts when i turn my head, also eye and ear reffered pain - am waiting to see if it goes in another week, and then its back to the gp for 'tests'...not sure what for. could this be globus hystericus? does anyone know if GH gives pain on the outside of the neck too? am obv getting anxious that this is cancer.... i have always had a raised node at the back of my neck...and its given me anxiety for a long time, but nothing ever comes of it. This neck and lump in the throat thing is a new one...hey ho!!! cheers

24-06-09, 17:25
Hi there,

Lymph nodes do swell up for a number of reasons, it could mean your run down, have a cold coming, worried about something. etc etc.

I had cancer (which spread to two lymph nodes in my neck) and I tend not to check my neck because I worry too much lol. My Dr checks it every 6 weeks though and I think it's natural for people to instantly think that lumps mean cancer. But they don't - I always hear if you have a lymph node that is swollen for longer than a week, just get it checked by your GP. It really could be nothing, but it's best to get them checked anyway. :)


25-06-09, 09:45
over 1000 views well this is a popular post thanks again for the responses NMP this post really helped me out im starting to feel much better. the glands are still there but knowing so many people are able to feel there glands and some are over 2 cms makes me feel loads better

Thanks again

01-07-09, 09:44
I am worried about a swollen glang about 1-2 cm long on side of front of neck. It's been there for about 3 months. Finally went to GP two weeks ago and she said it's probably due to my getting dental braces (brackets) at about the same time. I guess that explanation made me feel better but the soreness is still there and I'm getting worried again. Is it sore b/c I keep tuching it and when will it just go away???

01-07-09, 10:00
BKF, I've had swollen lymph nodes for month's now aswell, and it might never go away, To me it seems like they are directly connected to anxiety. when i've been nice & calm for a few weeks and havent been touching them they seem ALOT smaller, but when I keep touching them and keep staying worried they just stay the same size. Besides even when they do swell, in 99.9% of the time it is not serious at all, and if it is sore its even better news I guess! ^^ Just try to relax, If your Health Anxiety goes, you're lymph nodes will probably go aswell, even though it'll probably take a while for them to dissapear comletely, and they can allways come back up :P

12-07-09, 23:24
I agree with justbananas - keep your hands off your lymph nodes.

One little prod becomes two (just in case the first one missed something) becomes three (because wasn't that a little sore) becomes four (OH GOD SOMETHING'S WRONG) becomes five and we all know what comes next.

13-07-09, 01:59

I am 27 and have 2 children. Last week I noticed a lump in the hollow of my neck (right between the collar bones) and it is not my thyroid.

Anyway, for the past 4 months I have had a cough and the past 2 months I have had nosebleeds (I NEVER used to have nosebleeds). The lump is quite hard and is about the size of a golf ball cut in half. It is now irritating my swallowing, as it is beginning to feel restrictive, even to breathe as well.

I also have pain shooting from my colloar bone through to my left shoulder.

What is this? I have never smoked and have not drank any alcohol for 7 years (since I've been a Mum).

So what is this? Has anyone else had this? Please tell me!

22-07-09, 02:10
I found a lymph node in the right side of my neck, about an inch above the collarbone. It's pea sized, mobile and firm.

I went to my doctor who told me that its nothing to worry about and is probably due to a severe upper respitory tract infection I had about 4 months earlier. He said it may never go away.

I still wasn't convinced & continued to poke & prod it. As a result, more lumps have popped up. They are all pea sized or smaller, and there seemed to be a bulge just in front of the original lymph node too.

I began to panic as the location is close to my right collarbone, and when I googled it, alot of scary stuff came up.
I finally went to get a second opinion.

The doctor said that it is definitley a lymph node & nothing to worry about...but because I have been sooo stressed about it, my neck was extremely tight and all my neck muscles were in spasms from the constant stress & poking. The bulge was the spasms in my neck muscle.

So, in the end, I made my neck 10 times lumpier, through constantly touching and stressing.

If your doctor says nothing is wrong, get a second opinion if you must, but it usually means that it's all ok.

Sometimes I think the more we worry about things, we can actually make ourselves sick or actually cause these things to happen.

22-07-09, 23:30
please can i ask a question on this subject ever since my car accident in april i ahve had problems with my neck and throat it feels like i have got something stuck in my throat but there isnt and when i get stressed the right side of my neck really hurts feels like its going to explode and i keep trying to clear my throat sometimes when i turn my head it feels like it is cruching wind pipe is this a lymph node the doctor is saying it is a swllen gland but not doing anyything about it thank you

12-08-09, 12:56
please can i ask a question on this subject ever since my car accident in april i ahve had problems with my neck and throat it feels like i have got something stuck in my throat but there isnt and when i get stressed the right side of my neck really hurts feels like its going to explode and i keep trying to clear my throat sometimes when i turn my head it feels like it is cruching wind pipe is this a lymph node the doctor is saying it is a swllen gland but not doing anyything about it thank you

Hi there

You should have a read of the anxiety symptoms on the left hand side of the screen. It explains the whole neck and throat tightening perfectly. I dont mean to be presumtious - i hope you know what i mean becuase that is sooooo not spelt right!! - but were you very stressed after or becuase of the car crash? if you are then it meakes sense that stress is causing your neck sensations. The gland has probably alwwys been there just the tightening making you aware of it.

Hope your okay

12-08-09, 16:24
I can feel the glands in my neck and on my right side there is one that has always been HUGE due to when I had mumps and numerous ear infections - its never gone down to its original size!

12-08-09, 16:28

I am 27 and have 2 children. Last week I noticed a lump in the hollow of my neck (right between the collar bones) and it is not my thyroid.

Anyway, for the past 4 months I have had a cough and the past 2 months I have had nosebleeds (I NEVER used to have nosebleeds). The lump is quite hard and is about the size of a golf ball cut in half. It is now irritating my swallowing, as it is beginning to feel restrictive, even to breathe as well.

I also have pain shooting from my colloar bone through to my left shoulder.

What is this? I have never smoked and have not drank any alcohol for 7 years (since I've been a Mum).

So what is this? Has anyone else had this? Please tell me!

I just been talking to my mum today about something similar with her friend. She said her friend has had a lump and has had many tests ect and they ahve all been clear - apparently she got to the bottom of it eventually and it was something to do with nasal liquid leaking into throat!

Have you been to the docs?


22-08-09, 23:40
I recently recovered from sinusitus that followed a shocking cold, and in response my glands came up all over my body. My whole neck felt tense and stiff and is now swollen at the back and sides. I normally have a boney neck but it is so swollen with the glands being up that i cant feel the bones anymore.
Also i have swelling around the upper chest near the clavicle i think its called, as well as under my arm pits on the inside of my elbow (hard golf ball sized lumps) and behind my legs and in the groin. They don't pertrude much but when you feel around they are hard, sensitive and ache sometimes when im anxious about them.

Hope this puts your mind at ease.

27-08-09, 10:25
Thanks for this post it has made me feel so much better :)

I have a lymph node obsession at the moment, it started when i found a grape like lump under my right jaw, it could have been there for years but never noticed it before (but never really looked before)

I got myself in a frenzie and started prodding and prodding my neck and i could feel really tiny little lumps!! well then i couldnt leave them alone and was touching them a hundred times a day to make sure they didnt get bigger.

This obviously has made a couple come up! they are still only pea sized and very moveable but i panicked because they was smaller. I went to the doctor who said that i was perfectly fine but cant stop probing and now i have another one come up, still pea sized and moveable (they was like tiny bb bullets before)

I started feeling famly members necks and i could feel some of theirs to!!

I think i need a collar or something to stop from touching them because i really think this is what is making them enlarge slightly.

:( i hate thinking the worst in every situation its a nightmare but nice to know im not alone x

10-09-09, 09:30
I think im almost over my node obsession as some of you know i went to the doctors yesterday who had a check and it all was fine i had made the area tender from all the touching. So there's a lesson there the more you prod and poke the sorer it gets and it does nothing for your anxiety best thing to do is leave them alone unless they are really abnormally big. Mine too were the size of bbs or tiny peas but apparently that's normal.
If im honest though I did have a little feel today trying to ween myself off of doing this by distracting myself and remembering what the doctor said. It's still a bit tender but again not surprising since iv poked at them so much and the doctor was quite heavy handed on them too

15-09-09, 14:55
A few years ago I went to see a specialist after I fely pea/grape size lump in my neck, just under my jaw-line , about half-way between the front and side. It wasn't visable, but I was very worried.

I was told by a specialist, that it was simply a saliva gland, that was a bit larger than the other side. He said it was totally normal. TThy both feel the same size now.

Perhaps that's what you can feel Little Mac/Meg??

Just a thought!


21-09-09, 02:32
could having braces swell up your lymph nodes?

couple weeks ago, my left jaw was sore for a bit after i had sneezed too hard.
weird, i know.

then couple days ago i randomly started feeling for my lymph nodes and noticed under my right jaw i had dime sized bump.

is that normal? i never noticed my lymph nodes until then so i could have had this for who knows how long..

Cell block H fan
03-10-09, 13:09
I think you're supposed to be able to feel them???
My ex picked the kids up today & was telling me that he had to go to the hospital last week, as one of his glands got real big in his throat. They put a camera thing down his throat & within a few seconds told him he had a stone in hi saliva gland???? Thats what had caused the gland to swell. It wasn't painful, but it did seem to stick out when he ate he said.
No treatment was needed as the stone dispersed itself, all he's left with now is a slightly large gland still. That will go on its own apparently.
But he was stressed for a week or so, thinking he had something nasty. He is a happy bunny now :)

14-02-10, 20:37
how many of you can feel glands/lymph nodes in your neck??

i feel lymph nodes either side of my neck around 1cm in size, those who have read my previous posts know these are of great concern to me and i constantly check them for difference in size. Despite being told by 2 doctors its normal to feel lymph nodes as long as there not bigger than 1cm and hard..........i always thought feeling them meant that they were enlarged but this is not the case.

As quoted from patient.co.uk
"Lymph glands are normally pea-sized. You can sometimes feel some under the skin."

If you could reply to my poll id appreciate it greatly......


Hey, I searched for neck lumps because I felt one in my neck the other day and it's starting to worry me. I'm gonna wait a few days, as I have felt like I have a bit of a cold, so I'm hoping it'll go away when I start to feel better.

I just wanted to say though that I have one on the left side of my neck which is about the size of a pea, and very hard. It cannot be moved around. I have had it checked by two doctors and both assured me that it was a normal lymph node.

I just wonder why one doctor can tell you one thing and two others tell me something different? No wonder people get worked up about things when doctors are sometimes giving mixed messages. :blush:

Rachel W
11-03-10, 12:09
I would just like to ask if it is normal to feel the lymph node tissue along either side of the front of the neck if you look up? It is like an extra muscle down inbetween the front and side muscles but there is very little bumpiness to it except perhaps near the top. Is this just the lymphatic tissue in its normal mode and would pea-like or bigger nodes be obvious if they were swollen?


Sorry I have been on here quite a bit lately.

11-03-10, 12:29
Which part do you mean, Rachel?

11-03-10, 13:17
You're talking about the submandibular lymph nodes, the classic nodes that swell in response to any kind of cold or flu. Many times nodes don't shrink back down to their normal size after an infection and so either you have an anatomically larger node or it's one that just hasn't shrunk down.

But if it's smaller than a marble, smooth and isn't growing then no submandibular node should ever worry you.

Rachel W
11-03-10, 14:31
Marley, it is in between the front of your neck and the side muscles, in the recessed part. I don't feel any round lumps, but on both sides it is long and just feels like recessed muscle in the gaps, maybe has a bit of texture. I was just wondering whether this is just normal lymphatic tissue that is NOT swollen, but is just noticeable as all lymphatic tissue is there at all times. I was wondering whether swollen tissue would actually feel like round lumps.

I suppose I am not doing a good job at explaining.
Basically if I look straight ahead and feel, there is nothing to be felt, but if I look up then there is a bulge on each side, but it is long and just filling the gap a little but, no obvious round or bean like lumps.

I must admit that I had a really bad cold over Christmas and I started prodding only a few weeks after so I do have two rounder lumps below my ears behind the side muscle. Could they still be there because I have been prodding them? None of them are tender or anything.

15-03-10, 11:01
I still have this swollen node behind my neck muscle (posterior cervical) - I didn't touch it all weekend and felt it again today an it's still the same size...

If I bend my neck away from it it stretches right out to almost 2cm, but if I old my beck straight it's just 1cm. It's quite tough but it is easily moveable in all directions.

This is starting to stress me out so much, I can't think about anything else.

15-03-10, 19:03
God.. I am really getting anxious about this now.

16-03-10, 00:32
hey anonybrit try not to stress it may be because on an infection

17-03-10, 22:14
cant believe this thread is still going i stated it nearly a year ago and im still here !!

as are my glands i think what most of you are feeling are just normal glands i wouldnt worry to muh i still think about them now and again and check them but aslong as there not growing you should be ok

18-03-10, 20:02
I had bad anxiety when I could physically feel a lymph node that wasn't too big, hurt, or hard under my jaw. I went into panic mode more so because it was around the time I found out my dear aunt had been diagnosed with non Hodgkin's disease. I automatically thought oh no..what if I have it..I was OBSESSED with touching it on a daily basis..making sure it didn't get any bigger. I do not have any of the lymphoma symptoms and I come to realize by reading up on it..it may be just a shotty lymph node..sometimes I feel it..and other times I don't. And when I can feel it.. it's only when I point my chin up. Sorry I'm babbling on..but I am glad I am not the only one who has that this experience!:D

04-05-10, 21:00
i noticed one under my neck over a year ago. now i have discovered many both on the left and right side of my neck and just below my jaw. i can also feel them in my groin area.
i also went to doctors who did blood tests for lymphoma and god knows whatever else and the results were all okay.
this has been on my mind every day since i discovered the small bump on my neck and now im SO happy to see so many people are in the same situation as me!
Im 18 and have been smoking (not heavily at all) for over a year also.
ive come to a conclusion, as im also a soon to be medical student, that the tar build up in the lugs attracts masses of airbourne bacteria. its a perfect breeding ground for them. this obviously initiates the bodies immune system and so the phagocytic white blood cells are always clearing up these particulates and bacteria from the lungs! so maybe this is a reason why i can feel them
and maybe the other people on here are also smokers or live/in close contact with people that do smoke?

05-05-10, 15:33
In response to the commenter directly above me - I don't think the reason we can all feel our lymph nodes is THAT complex; I think the reason is simply that it's normal to be able to feel some lymph nodes, even when they're not pathologically enlarged.

We come into contact with all sorts of allergens, bacterium, etc... on a daily basis. An efficient immune system (of which the lymphatic system plays a most integral part) helps to stop these particles/irritants from doing serious harm.

05-05-10, 23:36
oh yes ofcorse. i wasnt saying it applies to everyone. ive now quit smoking for about 3 weeks now and i have noticed they are FAR smaller.
but yes...from what ive seen on this forum it definitely seems like being able to feel your lymph nodes is normal for a lot of people, unless they are enlarged ofcorse

17-04-11, 07:35
I've quite a few painful lumps in my neck, one under my jaw which is movable, a hard pea sized one under my chin, a few round hard ones down my neck, and swollen glands too!

20-04-11, 14:35
I know exactly how you feel, I am currently going through the same situation and this site has helped me more than anything! I have an ongoing wisdom tooth problem and I am waiting to have it removed, but before I new it was my wisdom tooth, I noticed lymph glands in my neck which are still palpable today, i have 2 one side and 3 on the other side of the neck, these are pretty small a few mm, but one is like a pea and I panicked too, went straight to the docs, i think i seen about 3 lol all said they where fine, but the doctor could see i was worried so i had bloods done, they all came back normal. I found it hard to accept it was normal and thought, what if it hasnt showed up that I have something more serious, but rest assured if anything was serious with the lymphatic system bloodwork would show some kind of abnormality! i also can feel 2 nodes in my groin, but im guessin ive probably always been able to feel them if i wanted but never have known they where there until i started prodding about! Im starting now to try and not prod as much and enjoy life and not worry because it can take over everything!

24-04-11, 16:44
Hey! Wow this thread has been going for ages.

I have 3 lymph nodes that I can feel! One of which has been there since i was 3 (i'm now 20!)

I panic about them sometimes but I guess if it was anything sinister I would have known by now :) xxx

30-04-11, 10:50
i can, in fact i found them yesterday and i panicked all night they are about 1 inch above my coler bone and i have 2 thereabout 3-4mm in size move freely and are soft but i'm still abit worried. there's no point going to the doctor as i know really there is nothing wrong and i would look silly but i still worry i have lymphoma. i'm 18 so i know its realy unlikely and finding new lymph nodes beacause your poking arond istn't anything to worry about but i can't get my head to think that way! i have had ha about lymhoma on and off for about 6 months its really horrible because at points i'm almost certain i'm gonna die a slow and painful lymphoma caused death. after reading this post i feel much better as i now know so many people can feel them and have had them checked out to no avail. and that so many people can feel them. i don't have them on the other side, but the glands on my right became swollen (hugely) when i had chicken pox abou 2 years ago which would explain why they are bigger.

02-05-11, 15:38
i have always been able to feel the gland in my neck on the right size. It is sausage-like and movable....and about 2cm long. Always has been. i have that on the left side of my neck i can feel sort of various bumps if i apply some pressure just under my ear and jaw. but on the left side it feels like a small 1.5cm sausage or something long rather than round.

03-06-11, 23:37
can i just say, this board has really helped me. some information if a lymph node is swollen and is a sausage shape longer than wide, there is 97% chance of being a reactive lymph node. this is not to say circular nodes are cancerous it is just to help people rule out nodes.:)

04-06-11, 18:42
I can feel a long type sausage lump on left n right side as if got a feelable tube in my neck but when I bend forward the lump feels like a marble m
Moves bt it fEels hard I'm frightened x

04-06-11, 19:15
yes i have like 4 up right now and im sick. but i have had the once by the collerbone for years

05-06-11, 15:30
I had a raised swollen one on the back of my neck, I thought it was a tumour actually. So I went to the doctor and he said that a raised lmyph node is just your body doing its job. And should be nothing to worry about. I have a largish hard lump type thing on the side of my neck below by ear, it worries me a bit. But its always been there I think... anyone else get this?

08-06-11, 17:08
Yeah I can feel mine they can move and do not hurt and have been there for months after I found them, i'm 17 years old and it used to bug me but not much anymore after I got sick with has aches everywhere my node in my upper left jaw swelled to like 2.5cm or something it felt huge..then it lowered after I was better and I can still feel it but its alot smallar than when I was sick, I thought it was enlargered before I was sick! but I have a doctor app in july 5th it's most likely nothing maybe just normal size haha everyones different..I have sypmtoms for like every diesese known to man pretty much but if im still waking up at 8am for 1 hour jogs 3-4 times a week and heavy weight training I think i'm perfectly fine i'm sure something serious woulda happened by now.

little Mrs
31-08-11, 12:08
Hi, I'd just like to reassure you. I've just been to the doctor's with a similar query, I have a small pea size lump on the left hand side of my neck, not visible by looking, you can only feel it when you press and move your finger around. The doctor was completely unphased and said it was a lymph node, sometimes you can feel them even when they are not swollen. It is common. She said there was nothing to be alarmed about.
Researching on the internet only fuels panic (I've found) and doctors train for many years for a reason, if they were dubious about it they would send you for tests.

13-09-11, 10:55
Yep, I can feel a few, and they caused me to have my first massive anxiety attack a couple of months ago. One on the left jugulodigastric region that's (at a guess) 1.6cm long, and a few shotty ones in the right jugulodigastric region. Mostly, they're quite firm, and if I squeeze some of them, I can get them to "click" (urgh). Squeezing them has become quite a habit.

I really want them to go away :(

13-09-11, 13:34
I don't have any palpable lymph nodes on my neck but I have two behind my right ear.

The first one is about a size of a marble, I honestly do not know if it's elongated or what. At first touch, it is hard, but once you poke it, it's actually tender. There's a second one just above the first one. It is a pea sized lump and is relatively hard.

I noticed this 6 years ago. No dramatic change. I worried about it for 5 months and just grew tired of worrying so eventually my HA went away for a little while.

3 weeks ago, I randomly remembered my lumps and have kept poking it for the past two weeks. I honestly do not know if it has gotten bigger or what.

Now I'm thinking that those lumps have stayed in my body long enough and now is the time for them to become life threatening and you-know-what. The location of my lumps (behind the right ear and not on the neck) makes it worse for me. I think I'm the only one with this.

Oh god help. Oh god oh god...

13-09-11, 14:47
Yes sweetie mine run bigger than normal so they always give me a scare as well, One thing that helped me and I compare them to is my son who is 12 I was of course worried he had cancer and he just has a little bit larger lymph nodes like me. The doctors have said they are closer to the skin so you can see and feel them more. I hope this helps

13-09-11, 17:25
I can feel mine, more on my right side. I suffer from re-current ear infections, when an infection is coming on mine swells. I've been informed that this is because they fill with fluid to fight the infection. I thought there was something very seriously wrong, however, it turned out to be the opposite, my body working to help me get better.

Hope this helps.


13-09-11, 17:34
I can feel most of mine in my neck. I have been able to for awhile, and doctors have felt my neck without being concerned so I'm not worried.

08-11-11, 20:38
Just joined this site as i have had issues with anxiety about my health for as long as i can remember..i always think the worse..i have kids and my main worry is the thought of dying and leaving them without a mum. I recently moved down south and have a new doc, i went to the docs as i felt a tiny lump on the side of my neck, at first she couldnt feel anything then said she could. She said go away, check in 2 weeks then another two weeks and we will do a biopsy if it is still there:scared15: i felt my heart go in my mouth! Thing is, after reading posts...non stop...the tiny lumps either side of my neck appear to be lymph nodes, could only feel one at first but after constantly feeling them i feel one either side, like an oval shape, 0.5 cm and it moves around, not painful! Anyone had the same thing? Called the doc again today as i was stressing and they said it doesnt sound sinister and are just acting on the side of caution!!! When am i ever going to stop stressing bout my health:blush:

20-11-11, 18:43
Yeah i can feel my lymph nodes too. If they haven't got bigger for 3 months does that rule out cancer? This crap never ends.

30-11-11, 14:52
Hi everyone,

I found this thread while doing the worst thing I could possibly do - google my symptoms! However I am relieved to find this forum.

I have also found a few lumps and bumps in my neck, notably on the right side only. I noticed them about a month ago and they only enlarged when I had a cold, they went back down after that but didn't go away entirely.

One feels elongated like a little sausage. My boyfriend also has the same thing in the same place but unlike me, he isnt worried in the slightest! My aunt also told me she has had one for years! Beneath that there is a little round one, maybe less than the size of a pea. Neither have grown in the past month.

On the other side of the muscle I can feel what seem like fatty lumps, they are quite small and squishy. They feel a lot different if I lie on my back, like they merge with the surrounding muscle. None of the lumps hurt.

I have seen 4 different doctors who all say there is nothing to worry about. They are not pathologically enlarged, as they call it, and one doctor said they were 'shotty' lymph nodes which may never go back to their original size. I began working in a nursery a couple of weeks before I found them so I'm guessing I picked up a bacterial/viral infection which has caused them to be how they are.

I still worry from time to time but I need to remind myself that 4 different doctors all say its normal, and I had a blood test which came back normal. Its also reassuring that they havent grown. I know what you guys are going through!

30-11-11, 16:15
Hi Maddieboo, I couldn't believe it when I read your post, I lost someone close to cancer and my mum is terminally ill with cancer. I have also become obsessed with the fact that all my health issues must be cancer related and have found a lymph node in my neck which is very enlarged and sore (although I do keep prodding it, which won't help!) My throat and gums are also very sore at the moment. I have been told it is more than likely related to the horrible acid reflux I am suffering from, but I still struggle to accept that. Going to the docs next week where hopefully I will be reassured!

01-12-11, 00:45
I have one on the left side of my neck which comes and goes either if I mess with it or if my wisdom tooth is hurting which is coming through on that side! I also have one behind my left ear which has been there for months! Its very hard but small and I can move it! They distress me soooo much but reading this I don't feel as stressed about them anymore! I think maybe they are down to the wisdom tooth which is my last one and seems to be taking a very long time compared to the others!

05-01-12, 21:16
Thanks so much for this post, it has really reassured me. I can feel some lymph nodes.. I went to the Dr about one I've had for years a couple of weeks ago and he said its fine. Since I've been prodding more I've found another on the other side. The one the Dr checked is more mobile than the other but they're both soft and I don't think bigger than 1cm. The 2nd one is flatter and a bit sausage shaped.x

09-04-12, 00:26
This is possibly one of the most reassuring message threads I have ever read! Do people get the neck nodes hurting along with groin/armpit/collarbone too? All mine hurt at the moment!

I have had anxiety for the last two months since a miscarriage, when I didn't know I was pregnant (ignored the signs as I had a coil/IUD in place), and am now over-analysing every single tiny lump or change in my entire body as I missed those massive signs of pregnancy! Of course I am truly scared that I have cancer, as I think a lot of people in this forum may be able to identify with...

Thanks again, an inspired thread to post!

20-07-12, 04:56
Hi, everyone. This thread is so reassuring!

I just discovered last night a small lump behind my neck. It is like a pea, semi-tender, and movable. I'm assuming it's a lymph node.

I'm currently under antibiotics because of an infected acne behind my head. The lump is near the infected acne/pimple.

It's so weird. When I tilt my head to the left, I cannot feel the lump. If I tilt it to the right, it's more palpable. If I just keep my head straight, it's not that palpable.

I didn't mind this before because I thought it was just a pimple, but it was only last night when I realized that it was indeed a lump.

Still scared out of my wits. :weep:

24-09-12, 19:34
Hi I to had a worry about lymph nodes in my neck scared of cancer for many years then my wife who never got Ill found a lump the size of a chicken egg under her arm and neck which turned out to be lymphatic cancer these lymph nodes to be worried about get quite large and painless there's. Also itching and weight loss so most people have these small nodes and are harmless by the way six years later and my wife fine

24-09-12, 20:20
perfectly normal to feel them. can be due to all sorts of reasons. I have some scar tissue under my jaw line from a tooth infection and subsequent extraction that has left my left node slightly enlarged so that I can constantly feel it.
Re groin nodes - I have a few in that area too that I can feel. About pea-sized and hard. Doctor says that's all they are and just watch that they don't get larger. If so, just come in and we'll take a closer look.
Really, nothing to worry about.

04-10-12, 21:08
Thank god for you fellow HA people!

I've never been concerned with my health, but about 3/4 weeks ago I decided to feel my neck (never have done) and what do I find, a jelly bean shaped lymph node on the right hand side, about 1cm give or take a few MM, underneath it directly is a tiny one size of the head of a pea (can't really feel that one)
Anyway looked online and of course LYMPHOMA.
I know deep down this lymph node isn't swollen, it doesn't come out the skin and it's like I said small and normal shaped, but of course anxiety doesn't let me think that :(
Ever since I was little I've had a lymph node in my neck on the left side that's HUGE about 3cm and when it gets infected it will grow to about 4cm!

What would the chances be aye, I decide to go looking for lymph nodes, find one, turns out to be cancerous. Very unlikely, if you go looking, don't be shocked to find something!
I've seen one doctor who said "yes it's just a lymph node" that's not good enough for my HA so going to have it doubled checked.
Thanks for the reassurance all :)

20-04-13, 11:07
normal gland sizes are round 1cm to 2cm and some hard and soft everyone has different some people feel them in there neck in different places on the side front and sometimes in the back which is still nothing to wrry about i give u my absolute permission to worry when there the size of a golf ball i had a friend dignosed with lythoma and there where 3 balls sticking out the back of hes neck and he had other symptons like purple whelts obn his legs and very pail skin for about a year and very tired

08-05-13, 23:00
This is an old thread but it just saved me from a full blown panic. Thank you. I have been obsessing over a lymph node on the back of my neck, about 2cm, and appreciate all of your comments.

09-05-13, 00:00
Yes I have always felt one on my left side. Got it evaluated, an ultrasound, saw a specialist. They all said it is normal. Years later its still there. The specialist told me it may have enlarged.during infection at one point and stayed that way.

15-05-13, 21:10
Dear all,

I can also feel 1 lymph node in the left down side of my neck .... I first noticed it coincidental when i was feeling my neck ... this was in march 2008 so 5 years ago ... Of course i directly made an appointment with my doctor at that time he did not even feel the node until i showed him the place and then he told me its fine its a lymph node that is suppose to be there an he said not to worry an i only needed to come back in case it would grow (which it didn't) ... I am now living in dubai an there an ENT specialist also checked my neck (i was having some weird feeling in my throat thats why i went there) an when he finished checking my throat he felt my neck as well i didn't tell him anything bec even i forgot about my node but he said everything is fine i guess he didn't felt the node either ... Now i am in holland visiting my family an for some reason my anxiety came back so i made an appointment with my doctor an when he was checking my neck he said where exactly do u feel the node? I said u don't feel it! He said no, so i pointed where it was an he felt it ... Again he said ah ok i see what u mean but it feels normal an its movable an the fact that it didn't grow in 5 years time means really u should stop worrying ... So for everybody that feels a node i guess its normal for some people to have a lymph node palpable as long it doesn't grow an moving around not rock hard etc i don't think u got to worry ... But just go to see the doctor they know what they feel when they touch the node a if they don't trust it for sure they will send u to do more testings ... Mine has been there for over 5 years now at least thats when i noticed it it might be there all my life already ... But i just wanted to post my comment to let others who worry know that yes there is people who can feel there lymph nodes an they got them for years an they are fine ...

15-05-13, 23:19
And for those worrying about rock hard lymph glands, these too can be normal, as I have discovered.

21-07-13, 23:16
This feed has been extremely helpful. So about a month and a half ago I had an itchy bump and thought it was a bug bite. however it didn't go away and got a bit bigger. 3 weeks later I found one in my breast. Then in the last 2 weeks I have a total of 7 small, painless and hard pea to marble sized nodes in my neck. I had gone to emerg, they told me they were non enlarged lymph nodes and the lump in my breast needed an ultrasound, to follow up with my gp. Went to my doctor and he tells me im just being a worrier, and its nothing. he felt my breast while I sat in a chair and said, oh its nothing. Everyone is telling me to get a second opinion, just kinda freaked out about it. Anyone have any insight? just don't wanna look like an idiot.

22-07-13, 00:31
I have several in my neck and i've had them for over half a year. ENT have tried to reassure me they are small and not a problem :) lol

22-07-13, 12:35
In all honesty I've never checked...

22-07-13, 12:51
yes, loads! some soft, some move, some hard, some fixed. more on left than right.

22-07-13, 13:03
Ok just had a feel, yep they're still there, nice little lumps - so I'm guessing mucoepidermoid carcinoma, EBV or Bordetella pertussis infection...

...I'm kidding of course, the only thing I suffer from is bad jokes :p

22-07-13, 14:34
Ok just had a feel, yep they're still there, nice little lumps - so I'm guessing mucoepidermoid carcinoma, EBV or Bordetella pertussis infection...

...I'm kidding of course, the only thing I suffer from is bad jokes :p

I think mine's Renal cell carcinoma :scared15:

22-07-13, 14:49
I don't think I can feel the nodes in my neck so I voted no. I remember years ago I had swollen lymph nodes in my armpit and they were VERY noticeable. They were swollen for ages but it was when I never worried about anything and they went away.

22-07-13, 23:30
Yes. Also first post here. :)

I been having really bad HA for the last few months. I have aways had a tendency towards HA and periods of extensive worry (migraine = brain tumor) .. would build up the anxiety for weeks , then get a MRI that came back clean and returning to normal life for months or sometimes years at a time.

Now pushing my early 30's and having a long anxiety free period , the HA is back with a vengeance.

In February my colleague passed away from Lymphoma. And since April I periodically believed I had: Melanoma, Gullian Barre Syndrome, Adult Chickenpox, Melanoma again in a new place, cancer i my armpit .. and now .. latest one only since yesterday lymph node cancer.

Being in a spiral of bad HA I found myself checking my body compulsively.. sometimes without being aware about it.

Yesterday I found a 5mm, non tender, kinda firm but not hard, and movable lump on my neck in the 'posterior cervical' area. Freaked out right away and went to the doctor. Doctor nr #1 did barely check it and said even if its enlarged there is nothing they can do or check .. 'so just let it be and wait'. This did not give me much confidence so went to a second doctor.

This doctor told me he could feel the enlarged lymph node, and quickly found several other ones on both sides (that I myself still can not find or feel) .. He told me it nothing to worry about , but to reassure me ordered a UltraSound and Bloood work.

I got extremely anxious at this stage, as I was hoping for a simple "this is nothing. just go home" ..

Managed to get the Ultrasound done that same day, and even if I have not discussed the result with my GP yet, the radiologist and the specialist doctor looking at the UltraSound told me there was nothing abnormal there and that I could be happy.

Still waiting for the blood results, and even if I know I should be happy with the first results being clean, I still worry about the blood.

Logic does not work for me right now. Even if part of my brain keeps telling me 'you just went through the same ideas with melanoma a few weeks ago' .. the other part of my brain just overloads me with 'but this time it might be something real..'

Guess not much I can do until i get the blood results. But any tips on how to manage the anxiety , especially during the time of waiting for test results, are highly appreciated :)

I found it strange that many websites write you should not be able to feel your lymph nodes.
I had a ear infection last week , and a cold 2-3 weeks ago, and have some foliculitis .. any of these things could raise my nodes a bit I guess ?

30-12-13, 22:43
Just bumping this thread as its reassuring.

I am sure I can feel nodes.

30-12-13, 23:01
I can't feel mine but I can feel my toddler. I worry about it a lot.

24-01-14, 14:08
in all seriousness though, i had a major bout with lymph nodes in the neck that i spent nearly a year dealing with, seeing several docs, having scans etc., convinced i had lymphoma, and managed to overcome it (FINALLY) and overcome it for good. even now i get swollen nodes and i don't blink an eye. i know how taxing and awful it is to go through a lymph node obsession, it really is its own class of anxiety almost .. so if you need help let me know and i can share my story, and how i got over it. you really have to try otherwise it can go on forever, seeing as the lymph nodes naturally ebb and flow and they are a tangible thing. an HA sufferer's worse nightmare, if you will.

Hello I'm having a real bad time dealing with this lymph node in my neck under my chin on the left, (no pain) been to doctors he just says it's nothing to worry about if it's still there in a couple more wks to go bk for tests to put my mind at rest, I think if it was ok then why would I need to go back I have HA :-( it's likes death sentence, how did u deal with it please help me, 32 with 3 kids

24-05-14, 05:02
This is a wonderful thread! I'm ashamed to say that I found a post I made at the start from 2009...I've been here in the terrible place for way to fricken long!

Worried 24/7
24-05-14, 05:42
Yes i can feel lots in my neck! I'm constantly worried about my neck nodes along with all the other ones...

24-05-14, 13:47
I voted no because I can't feel mine but I can feel my sons.

29-05-14, 04:26
Bump for those recent posters asking about nodes. This thread is helpful to see you are not alone! Look how long it's been going.

04-06-14, 13:58
Twice I had to take my daughter to the doctors because my wife could not stop panicking about the size of the nodes in this child's neck. Admittedly there was one that was way larger than the other, and it never seemed to go down. You can see it plainly.

The doctor told me there were more than 50 nodes in the neck. He showed me a diagram which astonished me. You simply could not feel them all individually. He was far more interested in the other symptoms (none), in order to decide if there was a real problem.

He told me nodes like this come up and down all the time to fight minor injections your body has, often without you even knowing. He told me not to worry about coming back even if this child's neck lumps stayed prominent for a year (in the abscence of other symptoms).

04-06-14, 14:11
I was told the same thing about my son.

06-06-14, 20:34
Really worked up about a gland on the right hand side of my neck. Kind of at the top of my neck, near the start of my wind pipe. Nurse said it's a gland.

I've been petrifired about lymphoma and then I thought throat cancer. One day 4 weeks ago, I raised my voice and missed the sound of a word which made me start to think my voice is being blocked by cancer. But people tell me my voice doesn't change. So why do i think it does? It's really strange. I've started obsessively checking if I am able to swallow.

It all started with a lump on the inside of my lower lip. It filled with saliva and i burst it twice. Then, left was a kind of scar lump. Dentist in March referred me to hospital but my appointment in late May was cancelled until the start of July. They tried to reassure me by saying I would have been urgently referred otherwise.

So, I've gone private and getting that lump checked in three days. So So scared about it all though cos I've had a really anxioius year and my old boss had lymphoma. I sometimes get an ache in my ear that lasts about 10 secs a few points over a a day.

So, worried scared stiff about lymphoma and throat cancer at different points. Looking for some reassurance

I've actually put on weight, which for once, I am pleased about

26-06-14, 20:56
Bumping for my fell NMP posters who are anxious over lymph nodes. (its Na86 by the way, had to change my name) x

25-08-14, 20:50
BUMP. :winks:

25-08-14, 22:49
I'm not sure...and don't want to go feeling as I'll end up scaring myself lol. But I do know it's very common, probably the most common area I've noticed HA sufferers obsessing over palpable nodes. There are so many there & they're often noticeable.

27-08-14, 13:55
Actually you can feel some but they're just like a little pea. For as long as it doesn't hurt, then well, it's fine. :D

27-08-14, 14:06
Yeah I can feel them and on my groin aswell they're pea sized and now know they can get bigger in size following an infection in the body viral, common Cold,etc

Tbh didn't know about them until I joined nmp, and after I had a read i started scouring my body trying to feel every one lol, jus shows you eh :)

Not nmp's fault just putting that out there lol

I was to busy worrying about other sinister things :doh:

30-08-14, 08:14
I'm worried about the same thing at mo. Lymphoma. I can feel a node/bump on left side of neck and freaking out. I can feel my pulse through t.

05-09-14, 16:46
Hi everyone, I hope people are still looking at this thread, it's been incredibly reassuring.

I just thought I'd tell you what my experience is with lymph nodes! And also HA in general!

When I was 18 I was convinced I had MS because I had tingling in my fingers and toes. The tingling only started after I had heard of someone being diagnosed with MS after having pins and needles. So looking back I am 99% sure I was imagining the tingling in the first place, but it felt very real at the time!

Then I went to university and didn't have any health anxiety for three years at all. Too busy to worry!

Then in 2012 a direct relative got diagnosed with lymphoma. And then I had stomach troubles, which weren't ever diagnosed as something specific, but I underwent loads of tests.... I was convinced I had pancreatic cancer. (Thanks to Google and a dodgy blood test) Kept checking my skin and my eyes for yellowing, etc. More tests, scans etc, nothing wrong. I'd almost certainly be dead by now if it was PC!

2013 noticed my left breast went dimply when I squeezed them both together - don't ask how I found this out! Then found a lump, Google told me dimple = cancer every time. Went to breast clinic - ultrasound showed hormonal tissue changes, fibrous tissue etc, no lump, no cancer. Specialist felt them, instantly said - fibrous nodules. Looked at dimples, said fibrous tissue + thin skin = dimples. (If you see a dimple always go and get it checked out, anyway.)

Somewhere in between all of that I found a small lump on left side of my neck when I turned my head to the right. I instantly had a cold sweat and the room spun but then I prodded the right side until I could find one that was vaguely similar and somehow convinced myself not to worry about it. Don't know how I had that power then and not now!!

Three weeks ago I felt the lump again and although I couldn't honestly tell you whether it has got any bigger or any harder, it bothered me and set my HA off immediately. It doesn't move as much as the ones on the other side, so I booked a doctor's appointment, he felt it, said the words 'nothing sinister'. I'm still worrying about it, but I realistically know I'm worrying about it because I'm a worrier, rather than anything else! I've found tiny ones all down my neck on both sides, none of them are symmetrical though, even near my collar bone which as we all know from Google is a terrifying area. I'm now going through the constant battle with myself to physically force myself NOT to touch them.

Sorry this has been so long. In summary - yes, I can feel them, they're not the same either side, the doctor told me nothing to worry about, and on more than one occasion I've survived Dr Google's diagnosis.

It's very reassuring to know I'm not the only person who spends days/weeks/years worrying about this crap.

06-09-14, 05:15
I'm glad too! Thanks for sharing your story, HAHol.

I've been feeling the nodes in my neck constantly over the last few days, due to pain. The pain runs from the top, left side of my neck down to the left side of my collarbone. I also have pain in the left side of my throat, on its own and when I swallow. ENT has checked a couple times and declared it acid reflux, but that doesn't explain the pain near my lymph nodes just under my jaw. Can anyone relate?

17-09-14, 08:52
I found a swollen lymph node in the right side of my neck three days ago. This has been accompanied by a strange ear pressure, which I have read can be a lymphoma symptom. I'm so scared because I'm certain something cancerous is going on. I'm only 21 but I've read the statistics and it seems too common for me not to worry. How can it be diagnosed?

---------- Post added at 08:52 ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 ----------

I just found out that a blood smear can detect lymphoma. I had one of these and got my results back on July 15th. The results were clear, so is it very unlikely to have changed within that time period?

06-10-14, 14:55
Hello everyone, new to the site but in a similar position to some of the posters here. I have two enlarged lymph nodes on either side of my neck (in the cervical region) and I have had them (knowingly) for almost two months. I suffer from generalised anxiety, which I assume has preceded into health anxiety over the course of time. Noticeably, I suffer from sporadic itching that is not localised (something that makes me panic about lymphoma). I went to see my GP just before I recently moved for university to make sure it wasn't anything serious, had a blood test, and the results came back fine. Now, my query is, is it possible that I may have naturally occurring large lymph nodes? They aren't visible to the naked eye, but I can feel them, and they are similar sizes on each side. I can't feel any nodes elsewhere after a thorough self-examination.

Thanks, hope this thread isn't quite dead yet!

09-11-14, 08:20
Hiya I can't belive this post is still going. I'm sure I can feel lymth nodes somthing round when I lift my neck up near my neck muscle and around my jaw can feel loads small ones been like this 5 or 6 months I wish they would go I g et bad aniexty... Reading all these makes me feel abit better as most of u can feel them :)

19-11-14, 00:38
Hello, I have had mine several months to a year, at first they really bothered me, hurt a lot but now I don't worry about them
The only thing that makes me remember they are there, they ITCH!!!! 1-2 times a day they will ITCH LIKE CRAZY, does anyone else have this issue?

21-11-14, 09:22
Mine is always been there for at least 10 years pinky size

02-12-14, 19:39
Hi I'm new on this forum. My HA also kicked off majorly due to feeling lymph nodes in my neck. I've always had a couple since I was a kid (and prob these new ones too) but discovered them in August and been super worried about them and Lymphoma since!! I'm slowly beginning to relax about them after having 4 drs say they're nothing to worry about. I have the mandatory seasonal flu at the mo and I've had some pop up around my ear so hopefully they'll go down. Mine do tend to go up and down in size so I'm guessing because im a bit run down they're just reacting to germs and nasties going around.

At one point I did think they might have spread from what my GP thought was skin "C"!!!! Luckily a dermatologist squashed that idea. You can imagine the kind of month I had going through that!! Lost tons of weight and was planning my future (or lack of it) with my husband!

Anyway back to lymph nodes! I have a few on my neck and ear...and judging by this thread it's EXTREMELY NORMAL!!!!

Just wanted to say NMP has been a life saver and it feels wonderful knowing I'm not alone. Although it's awful that anyone should suffer this way.

23-12-14, 21:16
My nodes various have swelled up in my neck but then they go down and another one pops up. I haven't got a soar throat or anything. Have recently quit smoking and went through the normal chesty cough, etc cough up phlegm etc. had a heavy night out a couple of weeks ago as well any thoughts guys

24-12-14, 03:26
I had this same thing happen to me, one day I just felt this lump on the side of my neck and I flipped. I checked on it for a week and when it didn't go away I went to the doctor and within five minutes he told me that it was in fact a lymph node, since then I've kind of read up on where exactly all the lymph nodes in the head and neck area are that way if I ever feel something strange I can confirm if it's just a node or something of actual worry.

08-01-15, 20:43
So glad I found this post (first time posting too) im 23 and for the last 4 months have felt lymph nodes under my jaw and one above my collarbone. I had a wisdom tooth infection which the doctor reckoned had caused them but they havent gone down!! So terrified that its something dangerous and I cant stop touching them all the time which is making things worse as I have started feeling everywhere for strange lumps. Mine arent big but obviously feel huge when im playing with them..just cant get them out of my head. I have 2 children so terrified of dying and leaving them especially since their dad passed away 2 years ago...and of course I found this post because I was doing the great google search of symptoms (why oh why cant i stop!!) and im convinced I have a myriad of problems :weep: arggggghhhhhh glad to know there are other people just like me!!!

06-02-15, 09:51
Hi everyone, I hope people are still looking at this thread, it's been incredibly reassuring.

I just thought I'd tell you what my experience is with lymph nodes! And also HA in general!

When I was 18 I was convinced I had MS because I had tingling in my fingers and toes. The tingling only started after I had heard of someone being diagnosed with MS after having pins and needles. So looking back I am 99% sure I was imagining the tingling in the first place, but it felt very real at the time!

Then I went to university and didn't have any health anxiety for three years at all. Too busy to worry!

Then in 2012 a direct relative got diagnosed with lymphoma. And then I had stomach troubles, which weren't ever diagnosed as something specific, but I underwent loads of tests.... I was convinced I had pancreatic cancer. (Thanks to Google and a dodgy blood test) Kept checking my skin and my eyes for yellowing, etc. More tests, scans etc, nothing wrong. I'd almost certainly be dead by now if it was PC!

2013 noticed my left breast went dimply when I squeezed them both together - don't ask how I found this out! Then found a lump, Google told me dimple = cancer every time. Went to breast clinic - ultrasound showed hormonal tissue changes, fibrous tissue etc, no lump, no cancer. Specialist felt them, instantly said - fibrous nodules. Looked at dimples, said fibrous tissue + thin skin = dimples. (If you see a dimple always go and get it checked out, anyway.)

Somewhere in between all of that I found a small lump on left side of my neck when I turned my head to the right. I instantly had a cold sweat and the room spun but then I prodded the right side until I could find one that was vaguely similar and somehow convinced myself not to worry about it. Don't know how I had that power then and not now!!

Three weeks ago I felt the lump again and although I couldn't honestly tell you whether it has got any bigger or any harder, it bothered me and set my HA off immediately. It doesn't move as much as the ones on the other side, so I booked a doctor's appointment, he felt it, said the words 'nothing sinister'. I'm still worrying about it, but I realistically know I'm worrying about it because I'm a worrier, rather than anything else! I've found tiny ones all down my neck on both sides, none of them are symmetrical though, even near my collar bone which as we all know from Google is a terrifying area. I'm now going through the constant battle with myself to physically force myself NOT to touch them.

Sorry this has been so long. In summary - yes, I can feel them, they're not the same either side, the doctor told me nothing to worry about, and on more than one occasion I've survived Dr Google's diagnosis.

It's very reassuring to know I'm not the only person who spends days/weeks/years worrying about this crap.

Going through the same thing at the moment. Found a pea sized lump on left side of my neck only really visible when I lean to the right. Went to Doc and he wasn't concerned. Said he'd take my bloods but more to put my mind at ease. Once I get something into my mind it can become all powerful. This type of worry is crippling and I know the worry itself is probably doing me more damage than anything physical. I've been considering doing a CBT course to see if I can come up with a way of alleviating my fears. I'm going to be a Father in two months and I've convinced myself many times I won't be around to see my son or daughter grow up. I really wish my mind didn't operate like this and any suggestions as to how to change it are more than welcome. I believe this deep seated worry stems from a very dysfunctional childhood where I was constantly waiting for something to go wrong. It's like my default setting but I don't want to be this way anymore. It's very reassuring to see I'm not on my own with this condition. I even feel a little better after writing this post.

29-03-15, 15:42
Yes I can feel at least one in my neck. When I first noticed it a few months ago I was worried if it was somekind of cancer but my doctor said about it being a lymph node and it's normal. :)

29-03-15, 17:48
Yep! There's a little pea sized lump under my chin, and some more pea sized lump in my neck if I really dig my fingers in there haha.

05-05-15, 14:29
Yes I can. I feel some in my neck and one above my left collarbone and this is still freaking me out... Despite I had some bloodworks done and a neck CT-scan, which according to my doctor, was just FINE! At that moment I was so delighted that I didn't ask further... But now I am back at scratch... I am really worried about that above te collarbone, it is very small and moveable but now I am thinking the CT-scan didn't notice it?
I have had them for about 4 months and they did not grow, sometimes I even think that one of them in my neck is going down... But anyway, that one above the collarbone, if you google it... Brrrr... I am devestated... :weep:

04-06-15, 06:09
i have the same :/ but i have it symmetrical

07-06-15, 00:11
I have one above my right collarbone and under each jaw. The ones under my jaws are long and sausage like though...not sure if this is normal. I also have another one on my neck...I've got tons of them!!

12-06-15, 20:13
I too have 2 pea sized nodes in my neck and if I press hard I can feel one behind a bone if I really dig!
I am constantly terrified. But after being there 2-3 years without grown I and having much reassurance off this site I am not at ease. Still panics me though when I can feel them in my neck if I press hard even though I know it's normal lol

13-06-15, 13:14
I have a rock hard malteaser sized one behind my jaw that came up a year and a half ago with a bad ear infection. It just came up over night and it was absolutely agony. Couldn't sleep on that side for days and moving my head and stretching my neck hurt as well. Was sore to touch too. That hurt more than the ear infection! Its still here and the same size a year and a half on. Had it checked out 4 times and docs all said it is fine. I have a pea sized one lower down in my neck on the same size as the jaw one and that came up with the infection too. That is a lot smaller and not as hard and i can wiggle it under my finger. It is still there and hasn't grown either. Both have caused me so much health anxiety though! I was convinced I had lymphoma for ages.

17-06-15, 17:26
yes. I am 17, and about 2 months ago I noticed an enlarged node on the back of my neck on the right side. when I first noticed it, I could feel it when my head was positioned straight. then after a while, it could only be felt when I turned my head to the left. I spent two months basically depressed, fearful of the C word. over the course of those weeks, it didn't grow, but it didn't go down all the way. (it's texture- soft,moved freely, never measured the size though...). also, I began poking around my entire body to find other nodes and sure enough, I found two more in the front part of my neck. these bothered me a lot but it wasn't until a week ago that I scheduled a doctors appointment, which I went to yesterday. I was so scared. basically he felt my neck in detail, and said he felt the enlarged node but not any other "masses". then he asked me if I had any head trauma, dental work, or sicknesses recently. I told him I had gingivitis(which I didn't know could enlarge nodes.. for this long?). then he ordered a CBC(complete blood count) just to check and I got to enjoy many anxious hours following. I barely slept last night. doctors called this morning with good news and said my bloodwork was clean. they didn't mention any other infections, so I guess my nodes will just stay swollen... could be Shotty nodes... I'm going to have to try not to poke and feel them anymore, because If something were wrong it would have showed in my blood. basically, if you have swollen nodes, it most likely means nothing. just get them checked to be sure.

17-06-15, 23:24
I had the same issue about a year ago.. ones in my neck that are marble sized. There is a cluster of them and they don't go down. My daughter has the same thing and I took her to the dr as well. Both her dr and mine said that they were fine. I stressed it for whole then got over it.... until I realized the ones behind my ears were swollen. I went back to the dr and she said they weren't concerning, however they were still freaking me out. They eventually went down, and I think those were swollen from my head having a dry itchy spot I kept messing with. Anyways, my point is from my experience it has never been and issue. And I freak out about everything. Currently I am on an ALS fixation. Because my hands hurt. I am so ready to get past this, but I know after this it will probably be something else. Good luck with you glands, I am sure they are fine :)

03-08-15, 22:52
Hello everyone, hope everyone is well .
I'm from Brazil , excuse my English , I will use the translator . With few forums here , I could find this site in the midst of my despair .
My case is as follows: two months ago found a painless lymph node in my neck in the cervical posterior region at the time did not give much importance , but last week felt the same node and had not decreased in size , I began to do research on google and I extremely desperate, went to the doctor two days later, and the doctor told me I should not bother me , asked me for a blood test and an ultrasound of the cervical region of the neck , took blood today and also did the ultrasound , the radiologist told me that my lymph node was 1.3 cm , had oval shape , I am desperate my lymph seems too big = (
Anyone here had any experience like mine?
please answer me , and once again apologize for my English , I hope you can understand

03-08-15, 23:44
I can feel mine but then again I have been touching them all day convinced they are going to kill me.

18-12-15, 12:38
So. 4 years ago I noticed a lump on the right side of my neck where all the tendons and things are near my shoulder and collarbone. It freaked me out and I just started panicking. I never told anybody, kept it to myself (i was 16/17 at the time). Few weeks later I got a common virus, the left side of my neck became very swollen and tender. After the swelling had gone down I noticed another 'lump' there. This sent me crazy!! Google didn't help, I was convinced I had Lymphoma or Leukemia. I messed with them everyday!! Squeezing, prodding and poking, pulling ( I can pick mine up). This month anxiety came over me that I finally told my boyfriend and family. To my surprise they all burst out laughing.. I couldn't understand why?? I 100% have cancer and they're laughing at me? Turns out they all have them!! My dad's are a hell of a lot bigger than mine and so is my brothers. This still didn't put my mind at ease so i called my doctor who sent me for a blood test ASAP. The day after I called the doctor for my results and everything was fine - nothing to worry about! Me being me, and suffering in silence for 4-5 years I still want convinced so I called the doctor 2 weeks later (today) I told him the story and he called me in. He felt my neck checked my blood results again and said to me. ''Stop worrying, everyone has these and they are lymph nodes,in some people you can't feel them and in others you can. It's how your made, stop worrying. --- I also feel my nodes in my groin 2 little peas on each side (tender after I play with them) and one under my chin. Moral of the story??? Unless a lymph node is rock hard immovable and noticeable from the outside with symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, night sweats and itches please don't panic. If that doesn't reassure you then at least realise this is a really common thing, look at how many people come across this thread with their own stories!! We all have lymph nodes just because you can feel them doesn't mean you have a life threatening disease! Get them checked for your own peace of mind ... And ask to feel your families necks.. You may be surprised!!! Good luck everyone and please try not to worry too much :)

24-01-16, 00:03
Hello everyone, thought I would tell you my story. I'm 27 and have had enlarged lymph nodes for about 10 years. Had them checked out in the beginning but there weren't any larger than 1cm. Then about 5 years ago went to see an ENT consultant and had a CT scan and ultrasound guided biopsy done and it was fine. At that time I was a med student and i think that made it worse because i knew all the things it could be and had seen some of them in patients.

I still have them and i'm perfectly healthy - mostly on the left in my neck and behind my ears - I have never read anything in a medical book to back this up but i honestly think they can just get 'stuck'. I had bad tonsillitis in my late teens and it was interfering with studies so had them taken out when i was 19. The tonsils are essentially lymph nodes. I think all the bouts of tonsilitis caused them to get stuck and they probably always will be. After 10 years and having had them checked out i'm happy enough with them. As a doctor i'd notice any other symptoms which would make me worry. As well as this i'm quite a thin guy (all my family is) and i think they are more noticable in thinner people. Everyone has noticable lymph nodes i just think not many people ever notice.

It's hard not to worry and it is true that if you palpate them they will react and get bigger. I'd advise people not to worry about cancer - lymphoma is normally seen in people 65+ and although certain types can occur in young adults this is very rare (in UK about 1500 people a year) and most will have other worrying symptoms like night sweats. I'm glad i had mine checked out at the start and i'd certainly advise anyone with a large lymph node or lots of nodes to go to the GP and ask to be sent to an ENT surgeon/haematologist but after this it may just be something we have to accept and live with.

I recently got diagnosed with diabetes (type 1) and it made me think maybe its related to my lymph nodes (auto-immunity), i haven't been able to find any studies to support that but it would make sense in theory.

I'm a doctor and i understand cause i've been through this but, i don't think most gp's or specialists do understand why people get worried or obsessed about their lymphadenopathy. I know there's not much support out there are that much information about lymph nodes becoming stuck - i think there likely is a reason why this happens in everyone whether it's auto-immune, allergy, dental infection even, even keeping cats (a scratch can put your lymph nodes up for months), toxoplasmosis (a third to a half of people have this at some point depending on the country) is known to cause enlarged lymph nodes and isn't something to worry about either.

I think the biggest relief you can find is by reading this thread which has been going for years and realising everyone is still healthy and fine - as am i.

Get it checked out the first time (as you would any lump), tell someone, feel another member of your family/friend and realise that everyone has them and try not to worry from then on :)

26-01-16, 01:55
I've got what seems to be a lymph node on the right side back of my neck behind my ear, I'd say just below base of my skull. I'm so panicking about it, it's around 1-1.5 cms very hard and doesn't move. I've seen my gp that said its just a lymph node and had a blood test which was normal.. I've asked to be referred to an ent specialist because I'm so convinced it's something sinister :( I've still got another 10 days to wait and I feel I'm going insane!!
Google always tells me if its hard and doesn't move it's something bad and I can't help but always believe it :weep:

26-01-16, 16:55
I have a chronic enlarged 2-3cm, rock solid lymph node in the left side of my neck, I first found it about 5 years ago and the first time I found it I went through my first ever health scare in my life. It was what started my whole HA.

5 years later, it hasn't changed one bit, it's still there and the same as usual. No doctors were concerned at any moment.

15-02-16, 01:38
I have one right now on the left side of neck. Small but scaring the crap out of me. I can't stop obsessing over it and checking it a million times a day hoping it will magically be gone : (
It's still there. it's been over two weeks! No infection, or illness that i'm aware of to have brought it up, mind you I have no idea how long its actually been there. Just found it by chance.

17-02-16, 18:16
I was so worried about lymph nodes I found in my neck for weeks. Even last night I thought I found a third one (I know I did) but I had my ultrasound a couple days ago and just got my results.
The doctor assures me all is well. My ultrasound report said multiple normal size lymph nodes found in neck. Palpable nodules correlate with normal size of 4mm. (which I thought they felt MUCH larger ... I guessed 1cm for one and 1.5cm for the biggest) Without any abnormal mass lesion.
I am updating because its hard when you read through posts and never know what the outcome was.
The doctor assured me that there is absolutely no reason to suspect anything malignant. And that I do not need to worry any further or anytime soon about these nodes. Just leave them alone and don't even bother checking them ever again. Calm down. Leave them there, they may stay forever, they may go down. Could be an infection of something minor somewhere, who cares. Or I could just feel them because i'm thin.
She felt them again and said yah I feel them who cares. You are healthy. No doctor would bother doing any further testing on you. You clearly have anxiety about your health but that's a whole other issue. But as far as lymph nodes go no more need to stress. I said what if they get bigger. She said they won't. I said should I keep checking, she said nope you're fine.
So i'd have to trust that all is good.
she also checked thyroid and said ultrasound found a small cyst on thyroid 7mm. SHe said that's actually more concerning then anything we found in your lymph nodes and even so a 7mm cyst on thyroid gland is nothing to look any further into. She said most people she wouldn't even have showed these results to because there is nothing substantial to talk about. She just showed me to reassure. She would have disregarded the report all together if it weren't for needing to reassure my anxiety.

So please go see a doctor if you're concerned. They can probably ease your mind. I was worried sick for weeks. No cold, no infection I know of, no reason for these nodes to have been palpable but they are there and there's nothing wrong with me! And I promise when I feel them they feel about a cm each. The one on side of neck feels moveable a bit soft and 1cm and the one I found under my chin feels about 1.5 cm and harder. And I have some other hard feeling lump on opposite side of head near back and it feels extremely hard and fixed and I thought it felt about 1cm as well.
So don't assume what you are feeling is the end of the world. I sure learned a lesson!

17-02-16, 19:17
This was a huge worry for me last yeAr. I can feel it in my neck and was so concerned. I woild sneak off in work to measure it to see if it had grown. Doc told me it was normal. It's still there now. It's same size, feel, moves. Just a part of me. Under the chin too and sometimes in the collarbone and pelis. If you're slim like me you'll feel them all over. Only ever a slight concern of They're hard and don't move and over 3cm (I believe)

18-02-16, 08:58
Worried sick about this at the moment! I'm terrified of lymphoma or head/neck cancer or spread melanoma. I've discovered a small bump twards the back of my neck in the side. It's no larger than a pea and it's not very hard.. Just palpable. I know I can feel my lymph nodes in other places .. I'm fairly thin. But I don't know if I've ever felt this one before! I was trying to release tension and stress from my shoulder & neck by massaging but I discovered this instead yesterday and have been a worried mess since. I'm terrified to go to the doctors so I just feel so alone and scared that I'm dying. Reading this thread has helped some but a lot of you have felt the bump for years or just have had a cold. As far as I know I haven't had any cold or infection. I've been extremely stressed lately and this takes the cake. :weep: I was trying to say it's a muscle knot but i don't know anymore.. It could be a lymph node and I'm frightened. Just want this to go away so I can be happy again .

18-02-16, 09:55
Hi guys. I started a new thread, but really should have been on here, having read all the posts.

My story is that I have a 2cm lump under my jawbone. It has been there for about a year, and I have had many doctors feel and tell me not to worry. I also had investigations for a phlegmy throat (sorry) and constant mucus. It was all put down to reflux and post nasal drip. Again no one was really interested in my lump.

Last week it swelled up, which it has done before but I decided to go to the doc - a new doctor as we have recently moved.

He sent me for an ultrasound, thinking it might be a salivary stone or enlarged lymph node.

Scan results came back saying it was a submandibular tumour. MASSIVE PANIC from me now.

Doc says probably benign, but that's not what my head is saying. Every little cough, croaky voice, twitch, ache and current extreme tiredness I am trying to link to this.

Had a biopsy today - ouch - and have to wait 5 days. How?????

Also they said nodules on my thyroid.

Please can anyone relate to any of this???

I am soooo scared and am panicking like crazy - I can't even look at my kids without crying.

Please - just some replies from people who know how I feel would be great, especially if you have info about these lumps.

08-04-16, 01:33
Hi guys. I started a new thread, but really should have been on here, having read all the posts.

My story is that I have a 2cm lump under my jawbone. It has been there for about a year, and I have had many doctors feel and tell me not to worry. I also had investigations for a phlegmy throat (sorry) and constant mucus. It was all put down to reflux and post nasal drip. Again no one was really interested in my lump.

Last week it swelled up, which it has done before but I decided to go to the doc - a new doctor as we have recently moved.

He sent me for an ultrasound, thinking it might be a salivary stone or enlarged lymph node.

Scan results came back saying it was a submandibular tumour. MASSIVE PANIC from me now.

Doc says probably benign, but that's not what my head is saying. Every little cough, croaky voice, twitch, ache and current extreme tiredness I am trying to link to this.

Had a biopsy today - ouch - and have to wait 5 days. How?????

Also they said nodules on my thyroid.

Please can anyone relate to any of this???

I am soooo scared and am panicking like crazy - I can't even look at my kids without crying.

Please - just some replies from people who know how I feel would be great, especially if you have info about these lumps.

Hey what were the results of the biopsy? i have the same symtoms as u but then again ive seen hundreds of post about lumps in necks so it seems pretty normal :)

06-07-16, 05:08
Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is well and worry free.
I just wanted to tell people how bad stressing and worrying can be for your body and Infact stress and worry can cause your lymph nodes to become enlarged as I learned.
I posted back in December about how I kept my supposed 'lumps' a secret for 4-5 years as I didn't want to worry my family and I have a huge fear of hospitals.
The stress and worry I carried for all that time was a burden and it feels like ive wasted years of my life worrying and fretting about something that was never there. NEVER CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS ON THE INTERNET. It's like somebody has paid Google millions to put 'cancer' at the top of every search engine.
I now suffer from health anxiety. Where every little pain I get it every little problem I believe it's cancer. I don't want to think this way but I can't help it now. It's my own fault though because I stressed myself out to the point where I over think everything and worry about the smallest things.
I am getting better with it though I'm meditating and using relaxation techniques. I just really wanted to try and stop this happening to anyone else. I'm only 21 and I feel about 40 my brain is constantly in overdrive and it all stemmed from me discovering my own lymph nodes. I'm still alive and kicking 4 years after I first found them. My immune systems good and working. My heart, lungs, liver and kidneys work so I think I'm alright lol.
To anybody new reading this thread though, just call a doctor don't wait, don't put it off. It's the only way to ease your mind... Trust me.
I wish all of you the very best and I hope you live a stress free happy life.

My lymph nodes are still there btw, same shape, size, texture. I don't even think about them anymore and I don't feel the need to touch them every 20 minutes either thank god!

29-10-16, 20:39
A couple of days ago I was feeling along my collar bone and can feel three small lymphnodes about 1cm, they are not hard but yet they do,like hard rubbery marbles. They do not hurt but they do move freely under my fingers and if you poke one it shifts away. I have been to my doctor and he says don't worry about it and see if they get bigger over a month, but I'm worried still. Should I get a second opinion? :(

---------- Post added at 19:39 ---------- Previous post was at 17:50 ----------

A couple of days ago I was feeling along my collar bone and can feel three small lymphnodes about 1cm, they are not hard but yet they do,like hard rubbery marbles. They do not hurt but they do move freely under my fingers and if you poke one it shifts away. I have been to my doctor and he says don't worry about it and see if they get bigger over a month, but I'm worried still. Should I get a second opinion? :(

28-11-16, 08:01
Hi everyone,
Since I was young I have always had soft movable glands in my neck and have already been told that they are nothing to worry about. I just recently found a hard one behind my jaw bone close to my ear! It is hard and when I first feel it it doesn't feel that big but it feels long! It does get smaller in size and then abit bigger if I play with it or get a cold! I have been to the doctors and had an ultra sound and have been told it is nothing to worry about! I still do get anxiety over it though and google has made me worried once again!!

I do also have constant blocked ears could this be why it's there

Please help! Should I be worried??

27-12-16, 23:22
Hello i am terry, i do fitness every now and again, i can feel 2 pea sized a bit hard but squishy lumps on the right and left side of my neck normally where the muscle is and one above it on my left side which is smalled than a pea and i have one which is under my jaw on the left side i had a nurse feel it in the street yesterday as doctors are closed i had it since september and it has t grown she said its like a gland and feels fatty bit as well she also said it could be a cyst i havent had any lymphoma symptoms or cancerous symptoms i am tryna avoid doctors as much as i can as i am off into the army when ibam 21 and want a clear ish med record so i get accepted any help the one in front of neck near windpipe is pea sized and a little hard but they all are mobile as well i can move it around and they dont case me problems just anxiety i have had a terrible christmas because of worry and prodding and poking no one in my family has had cancer other thn my grandad and it was kidney for him. Its gave me a relief finding this forum as its scary searching online aswell please give advice back she also said if it hasnt chanhed then nothing to worry about but just want a second opinion for guys in the same boat as me stay happy guys much love

28-12-16, 01:48
Does anyone know how PinkKermie is?

I don't see any update or outcome.

01-01-17, 18:55
What a fantastic thread!

I had a scan on my lump which they thought was a cyst but I was called in for a needle aspiration biopsy after a second opinion was sought. (That freaked me out no end!) Now they think it's a reactive lymph node and not anything to worry about. Mine was just under 1cm so pretty small and oval, radiologist said she would be more concerned if it was larger and round in shape. Waiting for results now, god I hate that part!

07-01-17, 14:45
Yeah three doctors felt it and then felt my lymph nodes and felt my abdomen and looked in my mouth they didnt need to send me for bloods or scans as the first 2 docs said it could be a lymph node or a cyst or a bigger gland but the last doctor gave me a more definitive answer and said it feels like a reactive lymph node what hasnt gone down

07-01-17, 15:08
Yes (especially right now, as I have a chest cold and sinus drainage).
There are two large ones under my chin, smaller ones in the back of my neck, and I think I can detect a few in the groin area. I'm pretty thin, so I can feel those. They don't seem abnormally enlarged, but they're definitely there.
Over a week ago, I thought I felt a new lymph node in a weird spot on the left side of my neck, lower than one would expect, nearer to the collarbone. But this turned out to be some sort of cyst or incipient pimple under my skin, and not a lymph node at all, although it certainly freaked me out for a few days.
I do not think it is uncommon for many people to be able to feel their lymph nodes, if they know where to look.

07-01-17, 15:40
I have one behind my right ear that I can feel constantly! Used to worry me but posts on here have made me realise it is more common than I ever thought!

07-01-17, 15:48
I have one behind my right ear that I can feel constantly! Used to worry me but posts on here have made me realise it is more common than I ever thought!

Behind the ear is a common spot for them. i have one there that comes and goes.

11-01-17, 02:25
Worried sick about this at the moment! I'm terrified of lymphoma or head/neck cancer or spread melanoma. I've discovered a small bump twards the back of my neck in the side. It's no larger than a pea and it's not very hard.. Just palpable. I know I can feel my lymph nodes in other places .. I'm fairly thin. But I don't know if I've ever felt this one before! I was trying to release tension and stress from my shoulder & neck by massaging but I discovered this instead yesterday and have been a worried mess since. I'm terrified to go to the doctors so I just feel so alone and scared that I'm dying. Reading this thread has helped some but a lot of you have felt the bump for years or just have had a cold. As far as I know I haven't had any cold or infection. I've been extremely stressed lately and this takes the cake. :weep: I was trying to say it's a muscle knot but i don't know anymore.. It could be a lymph node and I'm frightened. Just want this to go away so I can be happy again .
Hi, I have a largeish lymph node in the same spot. It's fairly common to get them there. If you can move it and it isn't fixed, not over 2.5cm and isn't rock hard i don't think you have anything to worry about. If it is a lymph mode (fairly sure it is) it will always be there sweetie, but it's not killing you it's helping you fight Infections and keeping your immune system in working order. Most large lymphnodes are triggered by virus' when we're children and they just stay with us for life. But please don't be scared and let the anxiety and panic ruin your life because for a long time I did, and you'll only regret it later. For peace of mind go and see your GP. You will more than likely have a blood test and that's it. It's all I had to have to rule out anything nasty. (They can pick up almost everything through a blood test). I was a bit stubborn and went back for an examination because my anxiety was still through the roof. It's so so common to be able to feel lymphnodes /glands in your neck. So please don't fret :) Also don't google your symptoms on the web, I think someone's paying google to put 'cancer' at the top of every internet search related to anything medical! It's the worst thing you could do! best wishes to you :) <3

11-01-17, 02:28
"I think someone's paying google to put 'cancer' at the top of every internet search related to anything medical!"

:yesyes: good one! I wouldn't doubt it. :roflmao:

11-01-17, 14:24
I just had an ultrasound done today on two lymph nodes I can feel in my neck. I first felt them in November. My GP said they were maybe a bit swollen but not overly large, and that he'd refer me for an ultrasound if they were still there in 6 weeks' time. So that was today. The radiologist didn't find them to be overly large or see anything special on the ultrasound.

So I suppose the conclusion is that it's normal to be able to feel some lymph nodes. :)

13-01-17, 17:54
can anyone feel them right next to throat?

Catherine S
13-01-17, 18:05
So far the graph is showing that over 80% of voters can feel the nodes, but 12% can't...including me. It's me who's not normal then :ohmy:


Stacey Lou
16-01-17, 04:49
Hey guys! Been lurking on the forum for a while after having similar issues to many of you with swollen lymphs, and figured I would post and tell you all my story. I got sick all the way back in In October with a nasty cold or flu virus, woke up a week later one morning to find a bulge in my left collarbone area, but couldn't feel any noticeable lumps, just a bulge. So I did the worst thing for people suffering HA to do and of course consulted dr google, which in turn sent me down the spiral of panic of you know what! Anyway, about 2 weeks after the (bulge) appeared, I noticed one of my glands on my right side was also palpable, only a few mm, but still there. Then I noticed my right salivary gland was protruding more then usual. Needless to say I panicked and went to my gp. They ordered bloodwork and an ultrasound of the area, because they didn't know whether the bulge was a mass or tense muscle. All bloodwork came back fine apart from low iron which I expected due to periods and not eating a lot of red meat. Whilst waiting for my ultrasound I noticed my weight was going down, and I had a swelling on my upper chest (right side) then I noticed a swelling on my groin ( also right side) by this point I was horribly sick (probably caused by anxiety) and my mum ended up taking me to the hospital. I'd recently had a bad scare with melanoma aswell so as you can imagine my anxiety was through the roof. I'm 23 by the way and been a long time severe anxiety sufferer for a while. Anyway the hospital felt all of my swelling and obviously alarm bells started to ring as they referred me straight to an ent specialist and admitted me to a ward for scanning and further tests. I had so much blood taken it's a wonder i could still stand, and had a ct scan done. It took the radiologist 6 hours to look over my report, and then one of the student doctors came out to see me, said that it showed a few enlarged lymph nodes (including in my chest) but that they weren't concerned because they would expect then to be bigger and that they were discharging me and I would have a follow up ultrasound, no explanation as to why zany of this was happening at all. Had my ultrasound 3 weeks later on my neck which apparantly showed lymphs all within normal range and nothing to worry about. I went back to my doctors last week as I wasn't really sure what was happening and wanted to go over my scan results, and he said all was reassuring, the radiologist did a really in depth report because of what they were testing for and because there were a few enlarged lymphs, and luckily my scan stated no evidence of lymphoma �� even though all of this had been said it's still hard to believe it given I'm still horribly swollen and don't feel any better, but I'm sure most of my pain is being caused by anxiety. It still scares me now and I'm still waiting for something else to pop up or to get more symptoms of that horrid word. But for now I have to trust the doctors and hope for the best. So like all of you I'm in the same boat with glands and fear of them, and can't wait until the day they finally go down and I can start feeling normal again. I also like many of you have prodded and poked and have made that many areas swell I can't figure out if iv caused it or if it's caused by something else. Also still have no idea why I woke with a bulge in my neck one day, but I do now have many swollen lymph nodes in that area as a result of prodding and poking continuously lol! Just wanted to share that with you all and hopefully put some of your minds at rest a little ☺️

16-01-17, 05:31
Thanks for sharing your story. I'm glad everything turned out okay.

Stacey Lou
16-01-17, 05:35
Thankyou, me too, the whole thing was terrifying, still is. Even though I know that's what they have a degree for, it still doesn't stop your mind from wondering and thinking the worst. Now it's just trying to stop myself from prodding them all the time lol.

20-01-17, 21:06
I can feel my right prosterior cervical lymphnode, I have felt it for a month and I can even see it when I twist my head at a certain angle. Trying to think positively even though it's hard sometimes.

28-01-17, 03:55
This site helped me, so I thought I'd share my story to perhaps help others to relax in future.

Around 8 weeks ago (Dec 5th), my neck started hurting before I went to bed. Didn't think much about it until the next morning when I woke up with a fever. Two days into the fever I noticed a lump on the left side of my neck slightly behind the large muscles in front, and about 1/2 inch above my collar bone. By my estimate, it was a little over 3 cm, moderately hard, and movable. You could see it pushing out from my neck! Like everyone, Dr. Google scared the hell out of me. Waited 4-5 more days then went to the doctor ( a real one).

She said my throat was also sore and noted several other nodes were inflamed, and that she wasn't concerned. She said these things stay up for 6-8 weeks sometimes, but to come back in to see her after 4-5 if it was still up. My fever broke the day after I saw her and I started to feel better two days after that. But the lumps were still there five days later. Then, the one above the big one blew up to almost the same size. So I had two huge lumps in my neck. This scared me as well, but I sat through it... Three days later they both started going down. Over Christmas, my neck didn't hurt, and I didn't notice any issues, though I don't think I ever got over the slight sickness. Around Jan 1st (4 weeks in), I checked and the lump was still there, but about the size of a pea (1cm?). I figured it was going down and forgot about it.

Until Jan 7th. Woke up and my neck hurt and I felt it when I raised my arms to take off my shirt and my neck was a bit sore all around. One day later, I was coughing and the lump felt very prominent, but was not as big - maybe 1.5 cm. Cough and slight nasal drip lasted a week, and is still a tiny bit there (Jan 27), but the node also is still there, and still bothers me when I lift my arms, and my neck still feels full and mildly sore. Can only feel the bump when I turn my head the other way. But, I was driving my wife crazy, so she dragged me back to the Dr. The Dr. said she still wasn't concerned, but sent me to get blood work and Ultrasound. Just going for those tests puts my HA into overdrive, thinking they might find Godzilla in my neck. But, got the results today - blood is all clear, and the US found nothing but lymph nodes, likely reactive. Interestingly, the one I was worried about was 1.2cm, which is about what I figured through the 800 times I tried to measure with string, tape measure and even a caliper!:blush: But, there are bigger ones (1.8cm) on both sides that I didn't know about. So, perhaps these things have been there forever, or are just doing their job.

Bottom line: I've been miserable about this for 8 weeks, and like everyone else, poking and prodding. I'm guessing they were just doing their jobs and I made things worse. It was hard not to, I've never felt them there before during sickness or health, and certainly not a 3cm one! So, this was a new reaction for me. But, I think (knock on wood), I can stop worrying, and hopefully this may provide some comfort to those in similar situations.

28-01-17, 17:34

I once went to the doctor for something mildly serious and she asked to feel my neck. She looked at me and told me my lymph nodes were swollen. She also mentioned that this could be a sign of some sort of infection. This was terrifying for me because while I'm okay with touching lumps or bumps, things in my neck are scary to me. But the point was that I could actually feel them in my neck and I can tell you that they were bigger than they were supposed to be. Maybe you could try going to a doctor or checking signs of an infection?

29-01-17, 02:40
Yes, one on the right side of my neck. Funny enough, it always seems to get a little bigger/firmer when I pay special attention to it - though I know that's likely just due to anxiety playing its tricks... :blush:

29-01-17, 02:46
Yes, one on the right side of my neck. Funny enough, it always seems to get a little bigger/firmer when I pay special attention to it - though I know that's likely just due to anxiety playing its tricks... :blush:

Poking and prodding will make a node react. Continued "special attention" can make it go shotty (permanently swollen).

Positive thoughts

23-02-17, 05:02
I have 2 on the lower left side of my neck and 2 on the lower right side of my neck they seem symmetrical the left one are more palpable but seem to be the same size on both sides the 2 nodes sit side by side. They feel around 1 cm in fact i had a ultrasound that one was 1.1 cm. Also i have a 1.9 cm node i think it's the one under my jaw which should be like 1.5 cm so its only slightly enlraged. The doctor told me they are normal. She also said when a patient comes in with a cancerous lymph node they are almost always huge like more than 4 or 5 cm i also heard that as long as a node is 2cm or less they do not even bother with it because 2cm< doesnt isnt significant. Nodes get enlarged for many reasons and most of the time it is from previous bacterial or viral infections or sicknesses and often these nodes never fully return to there original size, so say you have a 0.5 cm node and you get sick and the node swells to 2 cm that same node may stay 2 cm forever or drop down to 1 cm but never go back to 0.5 cm. So as long as the nodes arent causes discomfort like pain and they do not grow over a few months id say they are not of enough concern to run to the doctors constantly.

23-02-17, 11:05
Yes, i have had stomach symptoms for quite some times and have HA for about 3 years, convinced myself i have colon cancer about 2 years ago with only stomach issues. About 2 months ago i only just became aware of 'lymph nodes' and started to 'check', I found one that felt swollen on the right side at the top of my neck, bottom of head, ive later found i think it is the occipital lymph node. Of course, this freaked me out, and confirmed every suspicion and it diagnosed me there and then. I went off to the doctors with my death sentence symptom and he was like yeah, it is a swollen lymph node, but only one none of your others are swollen, stop worrying so much.

Its still swollen now, doc did a full blood test and ive just had results back today that everything was normal. Not sure why the blood test, maybe he thought it would make me feel better, but i know that if my suspicions were right it wouldn't show up on a blood test anyway. My only other suspicion is an infected tooth, ive actually got 2 at the moment and at the dentist this afternoon, one is a failed root canal that hes tried cleaning out twice already and just keeps hurting, i think i am going to ask him to pull it out, its hurting half way up my face which makes me think it must be infected and could be causing the swollen lymph node.

In diameter it feels about the size of a marble. But like a marble cut into half and only potrudes half way out if that makes sense. Cant really see it but can feel it.

---------- Post added at 11:05 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ----------

I did want to add, its possible, that this thing has been there for years and ive never noticed it. Wouldnt have if i didnt sit there one day and feel my body from head to toe to check. Im just keeping an eye on it now to see if it grows or not.

23-02-17, 14:03
Hiya guys you've probably seen me posting about my lymph node worries here and there on NMP over the years but lately, the lymphoma HA has been beyond a joke.

I've had 2 swollen nodes in my neck for bang on 3 years now. I have one behind my jaw/below my ear that came up with an ear infection in Jan 2014 and it went from grape sized to Malteaser sized after antibiotics and has stayed that shape and size since and then about a month after that one came up, I got some kind of flu/cold bug and on the same side as the Malteaser sized lump, a pea sized lymph node popped up lower down in my neck in the posterior cervical region. Both were absolute agony when they came up but didn't hurt much after the first few days of them appearing.

So I got the jaw node checked out and docs said over the years it was fine, especially since it got smaller and I never got the pea sized one checked out until last month. I put it off for 3 years - partly because I was too scared to get it checked and then maybe another part of me realised it was most likely fine but I mentioned it last month at the docs while she was checking my psoriasis.

She felt all over my neck for other nodes and she didn't mention finding any more so I'm assuming she didn't and she told me the pea sized node feels healthy, small and mobile and given how long I've had and that it hurt when it came up, it sounds like it was caused by an infection and that my psoriasis might be keeping it up now since its on my scalp and on the same side. She then said she wanted to do a CBC but promised me it would come back fine and she wanted to check for an underlying infections. This wouldn't worry most other people but its freaked me out since she went onto her computer to make the appt for me, she didn't tell me to make it at the reception desk on the way out. I keep trying to tell myself that she saw was a state I was in and she was probably trying to just reassure me.

She didn't ask any lymphoma type questions such do you have night sweats? Lost any weight etc? I keep trying to tell myself if she was worried she would ask questions like that as I got asked them when the grape sized node first came up before it went down with antibiotics. I keep thinking her tone sounded worried even though it probably wasn't and its just me overthinking or over feeling more likely. She spoke more about my psoriasis than the node. She also reminded me to book my test on the way out again since the dates she could find on her computer, weren't suitable for me since I was busy. Reminding me also scared me because it made me think "why is she so insistant on a blood test?!" even though the rational part of me thinks she was trying to put my mind at rest because I did have a little cry and say I was worried about lymphoma.

I still haven't been for the blood test yet. I'm too scared and I know it would probably put my mind at rest but I haven't got the guts to go through with it.

23-02-17, 14:25
Okay let me see if I can help (former Lymphoma HA sufferer!)

1. Three years you've had these lymph nodes. Lymphoma patients have golf ball sized nodes within 1-2 months.

2. Doctor's have already told you they're nothing to worry about, and they haven't changed since the all clear.

3. Blood tests tell you everything and nothing at the same time. They only confirm what you're thinking. Are you having night sweats? Weight loss? Fatigue? Fevers? No - you're CBC will be normal. Are you having any other metabolic issues? Dehydration? Real - not anxiety - tremors? Are you an alcoholic? You're BMP will be normal. BUT it's always good to have objectional data so blood tests are drawn.

Our bodies work with us, when they're sick WE feel sick. Do you feel sick?

23-02-17, 14:53
Okay let me see if I can help (former Lymphoma HA sufferer!)

1. Three years you've had these lymph nodes. Lymphoma patients have golf ball sized nodes within 1-2 months.

2. Doctor's have already told you they're nothing to worry about, and they haven't changed since the all clear.

3. Blood tests tell you everything and nothing at the same time. They only confirm what you're thinking. Are you having night sweats? Weight loss? Fatigue? Fevers? No - you're CBC will be normal. Are you having any other metabolic issues? Dehydration? Real - not anxiety - tremors? Are you an alcoholic? You're BMP will be normal. BUT it's always good to have objectional data so blood tests are drawn.

Our bodies work with us, when they're sick WE feel sick. Do you feel sick? Thanks for your reply, sorry to hear you were in the same 'lymphoma worry' boat as well at one point :hugs: How did you get out of it?

Nah, I don't feel sick. I feel more tired than usual but I do have a lot on atm such as looking after my papa who is suffering from kidney failure and is on the transplant list and then I have my wedding coming up and I'm starting schema therapy soon so that could explain it but other than physical anxiety and stress symptoms, I feel fine.

23-02-17, 18:55
Hi Ginger,

I hope you go and have your bloods done, is it the actualy 'having them done' you dont like or the thought of an abnormal result? I went yesterday morning, it took about seconds and didnt feel a thing. The result were back as fine this morning.

When i say i hope you have them done, i dont mean that as in id be worried, i mean because if it will put your mind at rest, it is worth it.

23-02-17, 18:59
I'm fine with getting blood done as I've had blood tests a lot when I was younger. It's the results that worry me instead

23-02-17, 19:11
Thanks for your reply, sorry to hear you were in the same 'lymphoma worry' boat as well at one point :hugs: How did you get out of it?

Nah, I don't feel sick. I feel more tired than usual but I do have a lot on atm such as looking after my papa who is suffering from kidney failure and is on the transplant list and then I have my wedding coming up and I'm starting schema therapy soon so that could explain it but other than physical anxiety and stress symptoms, I feel fine.

It's a rough boat, and currently not quite over it. I have lymph nodes everywhere and I will sometimes run my fingers over them just to make sure they haven't grown. But it's been over 3 months. They haven't grown, they're not big enough to warrant any type of biopsy, and aside from a little cold I've had, I am 100% feeling healthy and no symptoms.

But I too had bloods done and have had several medical professionals feel them (I'm in a PA school so I've bothered all of my professors and then when to a doctor). Worried I caught it early and no one was taking me seriously.

But I've seen cancer patients before treatment. They're sick. Even the lymphoma patients who don't present with the "typical" symptoms have something wrong that caught their attention. Like a golf ball size lymph node that hasn't stopped growing in 2 months.

I'm sorry you're going through such a stressful time. Stress and anxiety can lower your immune system which might make you more susceptible to infections that could swell your nodes too. Congrats on your wedding! Try to use the planning to get away from stress.. but I'm planning a wedding too and that's not always the eastist to do! :laugh:

23-02-17, 22:48
So I was fine and ran my finger across my node today and the fear came back all of a sudden. It's so ridiculous.

Althought it doesn't feel bigger, it's the fact that it's still there. No ENT appointment yet, it's clearly a VERY non-urgent referal my doc sent me of for. I haven't heard from them in 3 weeks now I think, maybe longer.

I stopped fiddling with node and it does feel like it's less swollen now. But then I think thats me trying to calm myself down.

I spoke to a friend and she said "Why would your anxiety convince you its smaller if it's not actually smaller?

And this is true XD why would my anxious brain convince me its smaller.

02-03-17, 10:47
I have been worrying about this also, I can feel a lymphnode in my neck towards the front of the jaw. If i look down to the floor and give myself almost a double chin i can feel it and it is about 2cm big. I have just got over the cold and about 4 days ago when I woke up this was sore I then touched the area and felt the 'lump'. I have been worried sick and CANT STOP TOUCHING! constantly searching for things on the internet.

A few weeks ago I went to the doctors as I could feel a small lump between the soft part between the neck and ear on my right side aswell, this flared up when touching but has went down to pea sized. The doctor said this may be a cyst. I am not as worried about the one on the back of my neck as I am the one at my jaw, just concerned and hoping this is only a coincidence that both of these lumps have showen up. I can only feel the one on the front right at the soft part of my jaw when I look down.

Hope this is an ok read and understandable. (I have went on a rant! lol)


02-03-17, 14:00
Lymph nodes popping up when you're sick is literally your body doing its job. It is normal physiology.

02-03-17, 16:42
Thanks for your reply PASchoolSyndrome.

Can they pop up after you are sick and feeling better? :shrug:

02-03-17, 18:14
Well the can stay up for long after your sick. I have chronic ones in the back of my neck that the doctor things actually popped up years ago.

If you had a cold and now have a swollen tender node its pretty normal.

02-03-17, 19:00
Thanks, no longer sore just swollen hopeully will pass. I will update on how things go. Thanks for your reply.

02-03-17, 20:03
Absolutely! keep an eye on it and it never hurts to see a doctor if it persists, sure, but it is so normal and common so try your best not to let your mind go to the dark and scary place.

04-03-17, 00:09
86.74% (including me) people can feel nodes in their neck, WOW! :)

15-03-17, 19:34
And for those worrying about rock hard lymph glands, these too can be normal, as I have discovered.

That is good to know. Anyone else with hard nodes?

---------- Post added at 19:34 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

I have a chronic enlarged 2-3cm, rock solid lymph node in the left side of my neck, I first found it about 5 years ago and the first time I found it I went through my first ever health scare in my life. It was what started my whole HA.

5 years later, it hasn't changed one bit, it's still there and the same as usual. No doctors were concerned at any moment.

Wow that is interesting to hear. It means not all hard and large nodes are cancerous. :yesyes:

26-04-17, 17:35
Hi everyone, I know how scary and unsettling it is to find lymphnodes for the first time. I myself dealt with severe anxiety about having Lymphoma for over 4 years. Logically, having them for that long with no further problems or symptoms means there's nothing serious going on. However, anxiety doesn't let you think that way, especially health anxiety. So I urged anyone logging on to this site for the first time to please go and see your GP. You'll have a blood test and that's it. It's the best thing for you and the amount of relief and elation you feel from getting the all clear is amazing. Please don't google your symptoms or live in silence and torture like I did, because it can cause further problems and ruin your life. If you had Lymphoma your nodes would be the size of a golf ball and be very very sore, you'd have other symptoms such as night sweats, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea etc. It's very common to feel your nodes in your neck and other areas on your body, so try and relax and call your GP. Good luck and best wishes to all �� STOP STRESSING YOURE GOING TO BE FINE! Xx

01-05-17, 00:51
I am glad to find this thread and this lovely forum with such a relief title.
My son 3yo got few lymph nodes in groin area they are moveable except of one small pea sized which is hard and immoveable, gp seemed concerned about it and said "i am sure there is nothing to worry about but i will refer him to the hospital to have an ultrasound to make sure everything is normal"
I can not stop panicking about the hard one and i think gp did not tell me the truth!
I have HA especially when it comes to my children's health i am so paranoid.
Anyone got any idea if its normal to have small immoveable nodes in groin area?
P.s my son has very dry skin especialy in legs

16-05-17, 00:51
I am glad to find this thread and this lovely forum with such a relief title.
My son 3yo got few lymph nodes in groin area they are moveable except of one small pea sized which is hard and immoveable, gp seemed concerned about it and said "i am sure there is nothing to worry about but i will refer him to the hospital to have an ultrasound to make sure everything is normal"
I can not stop panicking about the hard one and i think gp did not tell me the truth!
I have HA especially when it comes to my children's health i am so paranoid.
Anyone got any idea if its normal to have small immoveable nodes in groin area?
P.s my son has very dry skin especialy in legs

Hi, most children would have them especially if they have an illness or have had an illness. The lymph nodes are there to help fight off infection. Sometimes even long after we're well they'll stay 'enlarged' even though there's nothing wrong and that's completely normal. My doctor told me that my lymph nodes are probably the size they are because of an illness I had as a baby or youngster that have grew with me. I used to obsess over them uncontrolably but not anymore, I don't even think about them. Hope all goes well for you and your child! Xxx

16-05-17, 06:49
Hi, most children would have them especially if they have an illness or have had an illness. The lymph nodes are there to help fight off infection. Sometimes even long after we're well they'll stay 'enlarged' even though there's nothing wrong and that's completely normal. My doctor told me that my lymph nodes are probably the size they are because of an illness I had as a baby or youngster that have grew with me. I used to obsess over them uncontrolably but not anymore, I don't even think about them. Hope all goes well for you and your child! Xxx

Thank you very much, really helpful [emoji1360]

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17-05-17, 01:33
For me I can feel some lymph nodes in my neck, I can also feel other things that I cannot determine whether they are galands or just a normal structure in the neck. I've spent many months obsessing over lymph nodes.

Tomorrow will make 2 weeks since I decided to not touch them, I've had a little feel here and there a few times but I've mostly left them alone, it has helped my anxiety but the nodes are still palpable.

17-05-17, 01:42
I really didn't know that people had HA and I wish I could offer more support. I just worry about the future and how silly is that? I never think of my lymph nodes other then when I have a sore throat and they swell. I hope you find peace in your health worries.

23-05-17, 11:40
I have received the ultrasound referral letter for my son this morning, and when i googled the radiology unit i found its for cancer patients or who are concerned to have cancer. I am so worry now [emoji24]

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23-05-17, 11:57
No radiology doesn't automatically mean cancer - that's oncology. Radiology is to do with x-rays and that can be anything from an ultrasound to a MRI scan so don't worry too much.

23-05-17, 15:39
Dear all ,
from 1st of may i am suffering from sore throat, i been two DR twise doctor said there is nothing to worry but still not recover and again i went to DR 22 may 2017, Dr says there are nothing to worry, check my neck there are small glands but he said its normal, I am very tired of this if any one facing the similar problem?

23-05-17, 15:57
No radiology doesn't automatically mean cancer - that's oncology. Radiology is to do with x-rays and that can be anything from an ultrasound to a MRI scan so don't worry too much.

Yes that what i know but i mean the radiology department who sent the letter are in a wing for cancer patients, not the radiology department in the outpatient centre which i went to in the past. That what made me worried.

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---------- Post added at 15:57 ---------- Previous post was at 15:55 ----------

Dear all ,

from 1st of may i am suffering from sore throat, i been two DR twise doctor said there is nothing to worry but still not recover and again i went to DR 22 may 2017, Dr says there are nothing to worry, check my neck there are small glands but he said its normal, I am very tired of this if any one facing the similar problem?

Yes i think its normal to have swollen glands with sore throat and they can stay there for long time. Do not worry x

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01-08-17, 22:10
Bumping for my fellow lymph node worriers..this thread has helped me a lot!

31-08-17, 17:55
I have two on the side of my throat almost of the same side that iv been going nuts about for the last few weeks thinking it just has yo be cancer. The on my left is like 1cm and a bit more attched under neath it, its not poking out of my skin or anything but can be felt and mabye changes in size when I play with it a lot bit I can't be sure. And a much smaller one on the other side of that I just found the other day so of cores I'm scared what ever I have is spreading...I went to the er after having trouble swolling and was told is was tonsillitis and was put on meds which hasn't help and now I have this new one so I'm pretty scared. I'm glad other ppl seem to deal with this kinda HA and it turns out to be nothing. I'm going to a ent on the 11th so I hope to put this all behind me soon..

Thank you

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05-09-17, 16:55
i have no idea what to feel for...but i'm sure once i feel it, i will google and start obssessing over it...i don't want to do it!

26-10-18, 05:52
Love this thread ! I have the whole node HA and seeing how many feel nodes helped a lot !

21-11-19, 15:19
Yes, I can feel mine. And you can feel them in your armpit and groin too.

I currently have a virus so the left one in my neck is huge right now. Just means it's doing it's job I guess!

05-01-21, 20:47
I just wanted to bump this thread for anyone dealing with lymph node/lymphoma fears. It really helped me last night.

I had been doing pretty good for several days, not touching my neck at all (my HA actually decided to get at me with different weapons—my temp was slightly elevated (99.1-99.4) that led me to conclude these were lymphoma fevers and I also got randomly flushed and my legs got sweaty at night which led me to conclude these were lymphoma night sweats. Still, I stayed strong and kept my hands from poking and prodding my neck. I also rationally told myself that those temps (which have since returned to normal) were not true fevers, and being a little sweaty doesn’t equal a night sweat.

However, last night in a moment of stress and weakness, I started digging and lo and behold uncovered several more lymph nodes or mystery squishy balls in my neck. These were all mobile and pea sized, and not nearly as large feeling as the two that have been bothering me since summer (1.7cm and 1cm via ultrasound measurement), but they sent me in a spiral none the less because I hadn’t felt them before and didn’t know if they were new—why hadn’t I uncovered them in a previous prodding spree?

I decided to read this entire thread and was relieved to find out how many HA sufferers seem to be able to easily find and feel lymph nodes when they are looking for them. I hope it can help someone else too.

I won’t lie, a part of me is still totally freaked out and even more freaked out when I twist and turn my head to see if they can pop out a bit and I can see some of them, but I am really trying to not go down this rabbit hole because I have been dealing with this particular worry for months and HA for years and it’s exhausting.

I am going to try again not to touch or check my neck for as long as I can and see if this helps. I keep thinking that until I just officially refuse to give in to this worry, HA will keep finding new ways to create the narrative of my worst fear. There’s always that fear of “but what if this time it’s for real and I don’t get it checked out,” but I keep reminding myself I got the large ones checked and imaged and got blood work and all was fine and I can’t go running everytime I dig and find a pea sized squishy lymph node in my body. I do wish my annual doctors appointment was sooner than 6 months away but I am really trying to stay strong and believe there is nothing wrong with me.

This might have turned into more of a dear diary but hopefully it helps someone out there struggling the same way I am. I am always fascinated by how similar our thought processes can be.

13-01-21, 10:13
I know this is quite an old post but I am in a months long battle obsessing over two enlarged lymph nodes in my neck. Been to my GP, a hematologist, and a surgeon who all refuse to biopsy because they're "probably normal." Well "probably" doesn't help me sleep at night. Mind sharing how you got over it?

13-01-21, 15:10

So sorry you're going through this! Lymph node anxiety is the worst!

My battle with lymph node anxiety lasted a solid 2 years and although I have it under control, I still worry. Even this morning I found myself doing a quick check on the nodes that give me worries. My recovery began once had I received the all clear from my doctors. I got myself into therapy and began working on changing my thought patterns. I recently posted a much longer explanation on another post titled "Armpit Lumps? Maybe?" Go check that out. The TL;DR version is this: you need to trust your doctors and then challenge your faulty thinking. Remember, you doctors are medically trained professionals who know exactly what they are looking for. You even saw a hematologist who specializes in blood cancers (lymphoma) and were given the all clear. Please do not focus on the "probably". Focus instead on the "normal." If they don't feel you need an invasive biopsy, then you don't need an invasive biopsy.

Best Wishes

13-01-21, 17:03

I’m the one who bumped this thread because it helped me a lot to see how normal it is to have enlarged nodes that stay enlarged and can be felt and are nothing. Give the whole thing a read if you haven’t already. I also am the author of my latest novel, “Armpit Lumps, Maybe?” where NotDeadYet gave me some excellent advice that I am currently trying—on day 2 now!

13-01-21, 22:29
I find this a very comforting thread to read! Thank you! X

12-02-21, 17:49
Hey! Would you mind sharing your story with me? My husband (30 and healthy) and my mom both have swollen lymph nodes that drs have said are nothing... yet they get rather large and I can see them! Husbands is posterior cervical and movable, moms is submadibular. I went through this scare years ago- I have a constant paratoid lymph node that they did a ct on and nothing.. I can still feel it- but now I find myself constantly worried about them!

21-02-21, 21:01
I recently discovered (about a month ago) many lymph nodes that I didn't know were palpable. It all started when one day I felt my salivary glands on each side and thought they were lumps. They obviously weren't but after freaking myself out more, I started touching my neck and pressing and digging around and found lymph nodes. I can feel two on the sides of my neck - one on each side. The left one is deeper and I can kind of feel it but the one I was worried about was the one on the right side - it's more prominent as I can feel it more easily although neither are visible. They both feel like squishy beans, about 1cm and are soft. I've seen TWO doctors and both are unconcerned. My doctor felt the one on the right side and she said it was a normal sized, soft lymph node and wasn't concerned at all. I guess doctors know exactly the difference between soft vs hard, mobile vs immobile, etc. I've still been worrying about it and poking at it but I've told myself that I've seen two TRAINED doctors who have been doing this for many years and if there was anything suspicious, they would've investigated. And I don't even know if I would've noticed these lymph nodes if I weren't looking for them. They do say if you look for them, you'll find them especially if you're thin (I'm really thin).

22-02-21, 01:26
Yes I have many I can feel I have a post on them if you want to go check it out ;)

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20-03-21, 00:16

20-03-21, 05:36
Why did you bump?

What are you looking for TSMC223? You’ve received so much reassurance...probably too much. You’ve also talked to two doctors who have given you the all clear. Unfortunately we cannot keep providing you with reassurance. The next step is to seek help for you health anxiety from a mental health professional or your GP. If you want real solutions on how to overcome and work through HA then we are here for you. Other than that we are quite useless.

Best Wishes

21-03-21, 01:32
Why did you bump?

What are you looking for TSMC223? You’ve received so much reassurance...probably too much. You’ve also talked to two doctors who have given you the all clear. Unfortunately we cannot keep providing you with reassurance. The next step is to seek help for you health anxiety from a mental health professional or your GP. If you want real solutions on how to overcome and work through HA then we are here for you. Other than that we are quite useless.

Best Wishes

I guess seeing that other people can feel theirs gives me comfort. I cannot stop looking for it, poking it and I feel like i can SEE it even though it’s not visible. I wish I never found it.

Also i keep reading things, how do I know it’s not serious? What if the doctor was wrong? Why didn’t they send for tests? All these questions keep going through my mind.

21-03-21, 03:35
Only you can stop these questions. We cannot keep providing you with stories of reassurance because they are not helping you. You need to take a proactive approach and begin working on accepting that there is nothing wrong with you!

21-03-21, 19:31
Only you can stop these questions. We cannot keep providing you with stories of reassurance because they are not helping you. You need to take a proactive approach and begin working on accepting that there is nothing wrong with you!

I know :weep: It's so hard to. All these random thoughts keep coming up. Like how have I never felt that before? Is it because I don't check my neck like I do now? Could it have always been there? What if the doctors are wrong?

It's seriously such an awful cycle that I can't get out. :weep:

21-03-21, 21:09
I know :weep: It's so hard to. All these random thoughts keep coming up. Like how have I never felt that before? Is it because I don't check my neck like I do now? Could it have always been there? What if the doctors are wrong?

It's seriously such an awful cycle that I can't get out. :weep:

What are you hoping to garner posting about it? Nothing has helped thus far so...... :shrug: perhaps it's time to reach out in real life for professional help.


22-03-21, 04:15
What are you hoping to garner posting about it? Nothing has helped thus far so...... :shrug: perhaps it's time to reach out in real life for professional help.


I just don't know if I should see another doctor and ask about it or try to stop poking it and relax. I don't know what to do anymore

22-03-21, 10:00
I just don't know if I should see another doctor and ask about it or try to stop poking it and relax. I don't know what to do anymore

Read THIS THREAD. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?243713-Palpable-Lymph-Node-in-Neck-How-normal-is-this) There's some really great advice in it.