View Full Version : Hello Hello

19-05-09, 19:12
Hiya All, new to forum here!

have spent the last few days reading the forums though

Have recently been prescribed Citalopram and Propranolol after feeling like I've lost the last few years somewhere along the line.. have been diagnosed with anxiety overlying a depressive element. Many PA's over the years, and am now borderline agoraphobic, (still push myself to get out though it's easier not to ;))

anyway, I like what I've been reading so far and you all sound a nice bunch of peoples

19-05-09, 19:46
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

Fligh Princess
19-05-09, 22:25
Hi, you sound exactly like me! I'm borderline agoraphobic and can still only go in my little safe area (within 2 miles of my house if i'm lucky!) I've recently been presribed amitryptyline which i've so far only stared at!! as I had to stop taking my last tablets paroxetine, (my anxiety shot through the roof!!)
I've tried to make a pact with myself to get out for half an hour at least every single day. I've found this helps as I feel if I give up trying I've given in to anxiety.
So all I wanted to say is keep going out and never give in, we're worth more than that x

19-05-09, 23:23
i started doing a similar thing without even knowing it.. i went to work.. then sat in my room after work and couldnt be bothered to do anything that involved going out and socialising.. then the panic struck at work.. now ive started to go out as much as i possibly can in order to kick my brain into gear making it realise that theres nothing to fear. its hard at times but ive found that if you are with someone who is willing to keep an eye on you and will take you aside if u feel a bid edgy then it makes it much easier.. im not giving in to it.. cos i think the major thing with this is you have to help yourself more than anything.

20-05-09, 08:22
Thanks all, for the welcome.

re: agoraphobia, Some days I can get out fine, and have never failed to be able to drive my son to activities/parties etc. - though I sit outside when there, but I've stopped shopping, going to parties, anywhere I'm not sure I can get out of easily or might meet people.

this is my second attempt at meds (last prescribed 2 years ago). Like most I don't "do" pills very well, but this time I'm determined to give them a fair go as everything is now much worse - it's basically anything to be better and not miss out on any more of my sons (and my) life

20-05-09, 08:23
what have they prescribed you?