View Full Version : Hayfever

19-05-09, 19:55
Started today with an itchy blocked up ear feeling, I don't have a cold or anything, up my nose also feels abit aggrivated.

I don't have a cold, had laryngitis last week but I am over that now. Wondering if maybe the grass pollen season has hit? I am allergic to that and I don't get bad symptoms usually unlike my husband, he has been sneezing and scratching for weeks.

If you get hayfever what symptoms do you have?

19-05-09, 20:24
Hi Aimee,

I get Hayfever really bad, so hopefully I know how you feel. It puts a real dampner on my summer. I think people can get it at different times due to their immunity to it. Some people may pick it up quick but I do have a few friends that have it already.

*I get itchy eye which I itched so bad before the skin actually came off on *one eye and got infected. Not good lol
*Watery eyes
*Red eyes
*puffy eyes
*Itchy throat
*Extremely blocked nose so I cant breath at all or taste anything :(
*Runny nose

For blocked nose I would suggest Beconase if you arent using it already. If you want immediate relief though I used to use Galpharm Nasal decongestant which looks like this

I wouldnt use this all the time though becuas eit is not for prolonged use as I discovered when it gave me cold like symptoms and dried my mouth out, resulting in my loosing my voice for a few days and a sore throat lol But this stuff really works on me within minutes of using it and my nose is clear for the whole day.

If your looking for eye drops I use Opticrom and I swear by them. Nothing works quicker or more effective.

19-05-09, 20:59
Thanks so much for your help:-)

I have noticed I feel exhausted too and really heavy eyed.

20-05-09, 13:45
Aimee hi

I think that iam getting this too. I noticed it last year as well. Sounds the same as you have. I have itchy nose and around my mouth mostly ( although my face on a whole) and red sore tired eyes that are itchy. My nose is stuffy and runs a bit now and then. I also feel very tired and washed out and altogether dopey and not with it. Its gotten worse over the last week. D o you have red bits in the corners of your eyes near your nose? Because when this started for me last year at this time i went to see the drs and he said he had allergic something or other in these corner bits of my eyes... not sure what they are or the word he used though.

I also live quite near fields so wonder if this is why.
