View Full Version : Of all the things to worry about........

20-05-09, 01:18
I am so mad with myself, yet it's a wasted emotion & waste of my energy.

All the things going on in the world, all the heartache, illnesses, children dying before they've had a chance to live & I'm sat here worrying about why I'm cold, ffs!!!!:blush: :blush:

I know it's not that cold so I panic about why I'm freezing & then I go hot because I'm panicking, then that dies down & I'm cold again.................vicious circle. So why? I mean of all the things to worry about, this must be the stupidest!!! Why can't I just say to myself, 'ok you're feeling under the weather so that's why you're cold'. Oh no, I have to panic about it!!!! I'm so MAD!!!!!!!!!!!:scared15: :scared15: :scared15: :scared15: :scared15: :scared15: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I want to think like a 'normal' person, is that possible?!:wacko: :wacko:


20-05-09, 16:02
i too have panic attacks when i'm cold, i've gone from not getting colds/flu or even a runny nose to now being sensitive to cold and also feel that everything is wrong is wrong with me, we are still normal its just needing to re-program the mind so it doesn't send signals that you are in danger when everything is fine, i've just started cognitive behaviour therapy so hoping that helps me

20-05-09, 16:32
I know exactly what you mean. Our problems seem so trivial when compared with other things going on around us, but it's hard to balance them out when you have HA.
Such a little thing like a sore throat can send us into panic mode about what it could be. It doesn't work comparing 'big' problems with our own worries no matter how small they seem because we always seem to be able to justify our anxieties to ourselves.

take care


20-05-09, 19:28
Elspeth we can't help worrying about things it's the way we are unfortunately but it doesn't mean we care any less about all the other worries in the world. Mick is right it is really hard to balance the worries out when you have HA.
