View Full Version : depression question- how long did it take..

20-05-09, 01:18
How long did it take for you to go from feeling perfect, to full on depression?

20-05-09, 20:26
With the benefit of hindsight, I can see that it took a few years, but everyone is different. I battled on and on and on until one day I just couldn't handle any more. I went to the doc, who put me on Citalopram straight away. I've been on the meds a year now, and it is really helping, but it can take a long time.

20-05-09, 22:28
I think in rare cases it can happen quickly (e.g. bereavement or sudden trauma) but in most cases it occurs gradually over a long period of time. I read that depression can occur if you feel very low for several days or more.

23-05-09, 23:38
With the benefit of hindsight, I can see that it took a few years, but everyone is different. I battled on and on and on until one day I just couldn't handle any more. I went to the doc, who put me on Citalopram straight away. I've been on the meds a year now, and it is really helping, but it can take a long time.

sounds like my life

24-05-09, 00:09
Hi Romo

it took about 2 weeks from I felt perfect until I was feeling depressed. I went to the dr and they said it was anxiety and to take ni med for 2 weeks and it should have went away - but it didnt!!!! Started cipralex after the 2 weeks and have been on them for 10 weeks but still am far from what I was - hoping daily for a breakthrough.

Good luck to you

24-05-09, 00:53
Hi Romo,

I didn't think I was for ages cause I was stuck in this legal battle. When 2 years passed I knew something might be wrong cause I cried every day. 2 more year passed & then life slowly began to feel more & more unbearable. Another 2 years passed before I sought help, because I forgot how to be brave enough to leave the house & I thought, "I'm not allowed to be that pathetic". I couldn't get help at first, cause I had to get through 4 years of legality with workers comp.

It's easy to deny there's a mental problem when you have problems that are very real, because the truth is, no one could go through what I went through without some damage. I've seen other people stuck in the situation I was in & no matter how strong I thought they were, after 2,3,4 or 5 years of it, all of them have fallen apart. I truely hope that company goes bankrupt because I believe they are corrupt & nothing but bullies. But they are careful to only be nasty to the edge of the law, very well researched.

Take comfort if it hasn't been for long. That means it should go away quicker in theory, as it hasn't been building up for as long :)


24-05-09, 10:17
I agree that it can take from weeks to years to fall into depression.

It took months for me i think.
With the accumulation of stressors as a last trigger I fell into attacks and then after depression.
Then rolling in it.
3,5 years now.

Clearly understand most of the mechanisms now. Still feel vulnarable when relapses come. Though the tool box is pretty full now, and getting better when I talk on the forums like this.

Depression worries me much more than attacks as atacks go away fast, BUT LINGERING ANXIETY CAUSES DEPRESSION, AND I HATE IT THE MOST.
I hate being depressed as it is like the end for me IN MY PERSEPRIVE ASSUMPTIONS.

Any body the same?