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20-05-09, 08:38
I have suffered with Generalised anxiety disorder for over 3 years.
I have only been properly diagnodsed after 1,5 years i suffered.
I am married with 2 kids 6yo and 5. Untreated postnatal depression have contributed sagnificantly to my condition as well as some elements of domestic issues with my husband.
I have returned back to work 3 years ago and doing great there.
Though setbacks in my condition still happen and that throws me in depression after.
I am taking 10mg Cipralex and very rare some antiaxialitic.
I am not that much scared of panic attacks anymore because i have read Joe's Barry book Panic aways and keep reading it allot.
Knowing the process of attacks helps not to be scared of them.
I am trying to overcome the fear of depression now.

Take care

20-05-09, 09:33
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way, check out the menu on the left you'll get lots of information there.

best wishes

di xx

25-05-09, 12:12
Hey up chuckie egg, I share your fear of depression so if you want to chat or anything you can PM me :)

25-05-09, 12:36
Thank you Poet, tetley diane 07 for welcome.

Forum of this type is actually the only place that makes you feel normal for a change.
I am glad there are people out there that put together in reality these meeting places and hope that whatever I will ever say here might make some sense to somebody or at least will make somebody smile for a second and forget about darkness.