View Full Version : Eating Problem

20-05-09, 09:25

Does anyone ever have trouble eating when they suffer from anxiety. Sometimes Im ok but other days the smell or thought of food is enough to make me feel sick. This has been going on for a couple of months now and i have been to the doctor 3 times and he did blood tests they were all fine. He has assured me im fine and has suggested I have an anxiety with food. I am really fed up and keep thinking i am really ill. I have never actually been sick but just feel nausea a lot and theres no pain.

I have to go a see a mental health expert in July but I dont know if i can wait this long.

20-05-09, 09:56
Yes i get this i feel soo sick and can't face meals.. i have lost a stone in 4 weeks, i have started feeling a little better lately tho and have noticed i am starting to put weight back on.. it will pass when you start to feel better in yourself, i still have days where i can't eat tho x

20-05-09, 10:06
Thanks for that xx It makes you feel better when you know your not the only one with these problems.xx

20-05-09, 10:17
im the same if someone puts dinner in front of me i feel phsically sick atm, its all to do with anxiety,july is a long way off cnt your dr refer you to be seen sooner