View Full Version : Hi everyone

28-08-05, 22:47
Hi all

My name is Natasha and I'm 21. I have a gorgeous little boy called Josh (17 months) and I'm married to my childhood sweetheart Rob.
Things haven't been really easy for myself and Rob. Two years ago our beautiful little girl was stillborn, but we have come through it and concentrated on Joshie. I am due to start a health course in college in 2 weeks as I am hoping to be a student midwife, however....

Two weeks ago, driving in my car, I had to pull over because I couldn't breathe, my head was spinning and my body was shaking, i was terrified! Since then I have tried reflexology and hynotherapy which are kinda working, but I'm still really nervous and don't want to go out much. I am having accupuncture next week and hoping this will work, apparently this is a treatment used quite regularly for Panic attacks. Has anyone tried it? I am really worried due to start my course in 2 weeks (and i have worked sooo hard) and if I continue like this i feel that I won't be able to go :(

I don't know what has caused this, however I have recently finished a really stressful call centre job working for the jobcentre and apparently, several of my colleagues are off with the same problem, so who knows??!!

Just wanted to introduce myself and thanks in advance for any repies!!

Natasha xxx

Mum to Josh and wife to Rob.

28-08-05, 22:59
Welcome to the site Natasha,
I hope you find alot of support here. You seem to be really trying to help yourself, if you're doing that after only two weeks you have a good chance of getting over this much quicker.
I've had reflexology before (not for panic though) but never heard of accupuncture for panic. I hope it helps you.
Have a look on the home page of this site, there's some great info on there that really explains panic well, it helped me understand things better.
Take care,

28-08-05, 23:21
I would have a read of the site, take care of yourself, no drinking too much alcohol and see how you feel , also try and read a few books on anxiety, there is a list on here somewhere

28-08-05, 23:32
Thanks for the replies, have been having a really good browse through this site, it's fantastic, i wish I'd found you all sooner!

Natasha x

Mum to Josh and wife to Rob.

28-08-05, 23:36
Hi tash

Welcome to this forum, it is full of advice and friendly people

Kazo xxx

28-08-05, 23:47
Hi Tash,

sorry to hear your story.

I'm having acupuncture. I've had it for a while and I always find it very relaxing. (As long as you don't have a fear of the needles obviously).
I don't find it as painful as you would imagine and, as I say, it always makes me feel calmer......I've even fallen briefly asleep in there!

As a guide, she puts about 3 or 4 needles in my head, 1 in centre of the chest, 3 across torso, 3 or 4 in each leg/foot and arm/hand. But it probably varies to some degree for each person.

I'd say give it a try and see if it works for you. Nothing ventured, nothing gained I reckon. :D

Best of luck,
Cheers Trev

28-08-05, 23:53
Hey, Natasha! Welcome to the site. Ive suffered from anxiety and panic for awhile now, and this site has helped me so much already. I've never tried acupuncture but I've heard that it can fix all sorts of things! including panic!

Well, just wanted to say "Hello" and I hope this website is comforting to you! Also, what a wonderful job you'll have being a midwife! I hope schooling and everything works out well for you!

Much love & best wishes,


29-08-05, 02:42
Hi Natasha,
Welcome to the forum, you will get loads of great help and advise here, its very friendly. Feel free to pm me if you need a chat anytime.
Take care
Trac xxx

its "just a thought"

29-08-05, 06:03
Hi Natasha

Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter.

It seems you are being proactive about getting help for yourself for the anxiety and panic. I've been having acupuncture and find it really helps with the anxiety, as well as hypnotherapy.

You'll get lots of help and support here.

Good luck with your course.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

29-08-05, 10:07
Hi Tash..

Glad you're seeking help already.

You can go to the course even if you don't feel completely right , the sooner you get stuck into it , the sooner you'll realize why you did all that work.
It may well be the anticipation of it all that has brought it on..

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Good luck


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-08-05, 10:27
Welcome aboard!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

29-08-05, 10:40
Hi Tash,

Welcome to the site - You'll find loads of help and advice here and it's full of really friendly people :D

My sister is a student midwife and she loves it - I'm sure you will too [8D]


Please PM me if you want to chat.

Take care
Luv Curly xxx

29-08-05, 10:53
Hu Tash

A big warm welcome to the site



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

29-08-05, 10:58
Welcome Tash.

Love Piglet:D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-08-05, 13:55
Thank you all so much for the replies! I have to say I have had an awful day today, yesterday I was feeling really positive, but today I couldn't even drive to the Spar for bread and milk :(

I am seriously considering giving up the course and just working from home, I am really down today.

Hopefully tomorrow will be another day and I'll have my spark back.

Thank you again for your support

Natasha xx

Mum to Josh and wife to Rob.

29-08-05, 17:00
Hi Tash

A warm welcome aboard the forum and I am glad that it is helping you.

Sometimes we just have off days so don't beat yourself up over it ok?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

29-08-05, 20:53
Hi Tash




29-08-05, 23:16
Hi Tash,

A BIG warm welcome to the site I do hope it helps.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X