View Full Version : need some reassurance....!!

20-05-09, 12:00
Sorry to bother everyone but would really like some reassurance from anyone.

I had a baby six months ago and i have long standing fear of hiv, although have been tested negative four times at least four years after could have got it if at all.

Have been having CBT and feeling a lot better about it all until this week.
When i had my baby i had to have an emergency c section and lost blood during this and was told was aneamic and given iron to take. I took it for a week and then after that i felt better , although major anxiety kicked off and i didnt really think about the iron thing again. went to docs in January about hiv fear again and they took more blood for full blood count and liver and kidney function and everything came back normal apart from a slightly higher white count wich they put down to a cough or cold shortly before ( had a really horrible fluy cold then sinusitis and slight chest infection when my baby was three weeks old.)

Had a slightly heavier than normal period that finished about 12 days ago and for the last four days have been feeling like someone is pushing down on me when i stand up and really dizzy when i smoke( .. i know bad habit!) and a bit like im seasick most of the time and soooooo tired and dizzy and cant think straight at all. I think i felt like this after the c section, although its hard to remmber becuase was so stressed .

Can anyone help me to stop worrying tthat this is caused by hiv and that its okay to go to the drs- im sooo scared to go incase they tell me i am aneamic and that its caused by hiv . I know that i have had tests but im just really worried that the tests didnt pick up the strain that i have.




20-05-09, 13:43
Sorry to bother everyone but would really like some reassurance from anyone.

I had a baby six months ago and i have long standing fear of hiv, although have been tested negative four times at least four years after could have got it if at all.

Have been having CBT and feeling a lot better about it all until this week.
When i had my baby i had to have an emergency c section and lost blood during this and was told was aneamic and given iron to take. I took it for a week and then after that i felt better , although major anxiety kicked off and i didnt really think about the iron thing again. went to docs in January about hiv fear again and they took more blood for full blood count and liver and kidney function and everything came back normal apart from a slightly higher white count wich they put down to a cough or cold shortly before ( had a really horrible fluy cold then sinusitis and slight chest infection when my baby was three weeks old.)

Had a slightly heavier than normal period that finished about 12 days ago and for the last four days have been feeling like someone is pushing down on me when i stand up and really dizzy when i smoke( .. i know bad habit!) and a bit like im seasick most of the time and soooooo tired and dizzy and cant think straight at all. I think i felt like this after the c section, although its hard to remmber becuase was so stressed .

Can anyone help me to stop worrying tthat this is caused by hiv and that its okay to go to the drs- im sooo scared to go incase they tell me i am aneamic and that its caused by hiv . I know that i have had tests but im just really worried that the tests didnt pick up the strain that i have.





Please stop worrying and get on and enjoy your baby and life.:flowers:

20-05-09, 13:48

Please stop worrying and get on and enjoy your baby and life.:flowers:

Thnk you Trixie, trying so hard to. Got psychologist this afternoon so hopefull he will not say 'get out you are a maniac' although he probably should!

Thanks again


20-05-09, 14:01
Definitely all the symptoms of anaemia! nothing more. Anaemia can make you feel dreadful until its back to normal, so please keep taking the medication as it can take a while to build up. Hope you feel better soon.

20-05-09, 14:07
Thank you Trixie, trying so hard to. Got psychologist this afternoon so hopefully he will not say 'get out you are a maniac' although he probably should!

Thanks again


I would be cross if he did say get out you are a manic. You cannot help the way you feel but you probably know yourself deep down that you don't have HIV, because you don't.:)

Deepest Blue
20-05-09, 14:39
Aww Lisa:hugs: you are no bother, it's fine to tell us your fears as this will hopefully enable you to feel better about things.

I agree with mummyto4, it does sound very much like Anaemia because those symptoms show the classic signs of feeling weak and lethargic for a while before it gets better through medication.

Hopefully you can also focus on the 4 negative test results you have received which indicates you're safe from harm because I am sure something would have been detected from at least one of them.

Take Care.

20-05-09, 14:46
lisa..you dont have hiv...you would have been tested when you where pregnant with your baby..just enjoy your new baby..all the best..x

21-05-09, 00:13
Lisa, my sweet friend! You know better! You know that you DO NOT have HIV. I am so sorry that I negleted u today. When I got your email this morning, I had no idea you were feeling so bad about the anemia thing :( Honey listen....Anemia is VERY common, especailly in women. It does not mean HIV...it means u need to take vitamins and take care of yourself. You and I both know that what you have is anxiety...not HIV...whether u have anemia or not. What u read online about anemia and HIV was linked to Hemopheliacs (sp?) because they lose a lot of blood. STOP HONEY....NEG TEST NEG TESTS!!! Remember, u are not a scientists and u can't discover new strands ok! Hugs honey! Email me tomorrow and let me know what ur Dr says...he gives great advice!