View Full Version : question for the ladies - Anyone on the pill?

20-05-09, 12:27
Im trying to not worry so deciced to come straight on here and ask you all. I gave birth 15 weeks ago, had my first period at 6 weeks and then went to the doc for the pill, i am on microgynon 30. Doc said to wait until my next period to take it but when it got to week 12 i still hadnt had my period so i started the pack. I have been lightly spotting but nothing major but today i am 1 pill away from the end of the pack and im having heavy bloody discharge sorry! Its not fresh blood its kindof brown and thick. Is this the pill causing this or my period? its only there when i wipe TMI. Obviosly my head is thinking cervical cancer.

Thanks guys xx

20-05-09, 12:41
Im trying to not worry so deciced to come straight on here and ask you all. I gave birth 15 weeks ago, had my first period at 6 weeks and then went to the doc for the pill, i am on microgynon 30. Doc said to wait until my next period to take it but when it got to week 12 i still hadnt had my period so i started the pack. I have been lightly spotting but nothing major but today i am 1 pill away from the end of the pack and im having heavy bloody discharge sorry! Its not fresh blood its kindof brown and thick. Is this the pill causing this or my period? its only there when i wipe TMI. Obviosly my head is thinking cervical cancer.

Thanks guys xx

Definately period / pill/ just had a baby hormone muck up without a doubt!!

Dont worry luv, it really wont be anything else. I would think that the chances of it not being caused by just hormone ups and downs are less likely than if the pills you are taking actually started speaking to you in french saying how are you today:roflmao: sorry thats silly but i am only being silly becuase thats how much i think you are totally fine


20-05-09, 19:02
A abit of a different situation. I had my last injection in december (stops your periods) and about month ago had brown thick discharge which put down as period. Got this abit during injection. So like me but for different reasons we have not had periods for a,long time so your body will be readjusting. My doc said can take 6-9 months for it to be normal again which can imagine would be same after a baby.

Tink xxx

20-05-09, 20:54
Hey I just started the pill too, and about a week and a half before the inactive pills i had a about 5 days of brown spotting. i think it was just old blood and also thats when i would have had my period off the pill. in my pamphlet it said spotting is very normal the first three cycles of pill-they say it takes three months for things to iron out. i had a totally normal period 2 days into my inactive pills so i didn't worry. Also, although your doc told you to take the pill after your next period, and the pamphlet says that also, technically you can start it absolutely any time, but i believe thats what contributed to my spotting as well, is i just started when i wanted to and didn't follow exact instructions. also im sure your body is going through way more than mine because you just gave birth! Congratulations by the way!:flowers: sorry to go on and on, i just kind of went through the same freak out too and wanted to share what i learned! xx

20-05-09, 21:09
Hi all, thanks for you responses. Lindzanne thank you! its always good to hear when some one else is going through the same thing :) x ( in the nicest possible way)