View Full Version : Feeling low and frustrated

20-05-09, 21:15
It's all because of my GP. Ever since I gave birth to my little girl 7 months ago I have been a complete wreck when it comes to thinking about my health and always worrying that there is something wrong with me - mainly fears of cancer. I'm extremely scared of dying and leaving my little girl behind and never being able to see her grow up.

To start with I quite happily went along to my GP for a check up to set my mind at rest, but over the past 3 or 4 months I have been there a fair bit to check things such as a swelling in my breast (which the doc told me wasnt there but was because my hubby confirmed it was), a lump in my throat (again which I was tld wasnt there and was just anxiety),and because I was tired all the time (which they have diagnosed as my thyroid), and every time I visit I feel that the Doc is getting more impatient with me. Now I am worried about the fact I have felt tight in my chest for a few weeks and have a dry cough (Dr. Google of course throws up the C word) and I want to go and see the Doctor but I just feel like a complete timewaster as it was only a few weeks ago that I went and I think that they see me as a "heart sink patient".

Does anyone else feel this way with their GP? I honestly don't know what to do. This fear of the C word is ruining my life at the moment but I really want to put my mind at rest WITHOUT feeling guilty for wasting the Docs time.

20-05-09, 21:25
hey there carrie. i'm so sorry to hear about all of your issues. i know how you feel - i have a major C word (not saying it) phobia. it has taken over my life on and off for a while, so i can definitely empathize. and ironically, i have been having the same symptoms (chest tightness/slight pain and a cough) for about a week or so! people have been telling me the chest stuff is anxiety (of course), though i'm not quite sure about the cough. my biggest fear is that i have a cancer somewhere else (lung cancer is highly unlikely - i'm 27 and have never smoked), that has spread to my lungs. anyway, i was thinking about going to teh doctor if this doesn't let up, and i think you should just go and ask him for a chest x-ray. it will really make you feel better, i think, to have that done - hopefully/assumedly the results would be just fine and you can carry on with your life. i should probably take my own advice! honestly, i know it can be a little embarrassing/intimidating to constantly be going to the doctor and you feel like a nuisance, but you have to be your own advocate. and if he doesn't understand, maybe it's time to switch doctors?? best of luck and please keep us posted!

20-05-09, 21:29
Yeah my mum says no matter how much I go I should just go because my National Insurance is paying their wages so I'm paying for the service!

Ahh see this lung "C" bothers me because I do smoke... I've cut down to an average of 5 per day but I have smoked since I was 15 (I'm only 22 now) but I was a heavy smoker when I was younger. I am trying to come to a stop completely but I'm finding I'm having to cut down rather than just stop because I just go off my head otherwise. I am absolutely petrified about me having the C word though :'(

20-05-09, 21:32
Heya Hun, maybe you could swap doctors to someone who understands about anxiety etc. But pleasee listen, i had exactly the same symptoms as yo when my anxiety first started, i couldnt stop clearing my throat maybe 20 times an hour and eventually made my throat sooo sore, googled - oh maybe its throat cancer, i had a tight chest and a slight cough - googled oh its lung cancer, i went to the doctors every week for 4 months - Oh and i was pregnant to ( being pregnant brought on my anxiety) my little man is now 15 weeks and it hasnt gone. Googling ALWAYS comes up with cancer or aids - always but i can honestly say your symptoms were exactly the same as mine and i can look back now and i know it was all anxiety. This can doo sooo much to you physically look in the symptoms section on this sight i bet you will be able to tick off the symtoms you have! Do not feal guilty for seeing the doc if he isnt helpful just ask to switch, try telling him that you think its health anxiety and you would like some help, my old doc was amazing he litterally would check every tiny ailment but only on the condtion i excepted it was anxiety. xx

20-05-09, 21:35
you're only 22 - i do think that you have a very very very very very low chance of having lung cancer at this age!!! i know you said you've been smoking for years (and it's good that you know you should quit at some point), but i would be shocked to hear of a 22 year old with lung cancer. i really don't think you need to worry about it right now, i really don't. that being said, i can TOTALLY understand the tendency to think that you do! trust me, every other day i think i have melanoma and since this chest/cough thing has started, i feel like i have melanoma that has spred to the lung. i know this is also rare but people telling me that really doesn't make me feel much better. so do know that i completely understand how you feel! your mom is right - just go and have it checked out - don't worry about your doctor thinking you're being a pain - you're just looking out for yourself!