View Full Version : blood on stool

20-05-09, 23:35
Hi bit worried about having blood on stools. Over the past 10 weeks its been happening a few times.
It does not appear on the toilet paper though, not dripping into the toilet, just smeared on from from the start and not loads.
Hurts abit when i sit down though, doctor didnt seem to bothered, did an anal exam and said yeah its okay !
Then it started to get worse, bit more blood, all bright red though, so went back and she has told me to get a sigmoidoscopy. Now after reading stuff am really worred about Colon "C", rang NHS direct yesterday but they didnt seem to worried.
Am booked in next week, have read CC is generally for 50 plus? Im 37 and have read it does affect younger people. No family history though of it.
When i tense my bottom it does hurt at the bottom bit.....

Any ideas..? fanx

Captain America
20-05-09, 23:38
what color is the blood, and is it streaked on the stool or all mixed in?

20-05-09, 23:42
streaked, not mixed in, its on the surface

Captain America
20-05-09, 23:45
my guess is anal fissure. i have one, like not near the opening but further up. it comes and goes...they found it during my sigmoidoscopy...they're not extenal and obvious like hemmroids. i was freaking out too because i had the anal pain along with it, and the dr. who initially examined me said he couldn't find anything and referred me for a sig. sometimes the streaks were like 1/2 wide. scary stuff, but pretty normal.

20-05-09, 23:47
hmmm fanx for that, am worried, i think any blood always makes you worried, am very constipated too, when you put all the symptoms in the search you seem to always get the worse results which dont help

Captain America
20-05-09, 23:51
yeah i know. i completely freaked out too. i'd actually bet money on a fissure. i had the constipation first, that's what caused the fissure. i even had thin stools, alternating between constipation and diahreah...scared the hell out of me because those are all supposed to be colon cancer symptoms! alas, i don't have it. i added lots of fiber to my diet, took some suppositories, and the problems went away. they only come back now when i start eating like crap or drink alcohol.

20-05-09, 23:57
It does sound like either internal piles or an anal fissure to me, especially as you said that you are very constipated. The fact that the blood is bright red and on the outside of the stool means that it is coming from an area near your back passage and not from futher inside.

You could try a stool softener and a gentle laxative to get things moving again.

Please try not to worry and don't google :hugs:

20-05-09, 23:58
Hi there, i have piles!! and sometimes they get aggravated, especially when constipated, this unfortunately can make them bleed. I went to the loo not long ago and had this problem, and quite a bit of blood on the toilet paper, yes it freaked me out at first, but its something i am used to seeing, had piles for years!!! Piles are sometimes internal or visible (u can see them on the outside of the anus) They can become very sore and itch, especially after u have been to the loo! However you can get treatment for them at the chemist.

If the problem persists go see your Doctor get it checked out. : )

21-05-09, 00:00
Thanks for the replies, have started eating bran again as that has helped before.
Yeah it was like passing a lion bar, yelped abit

21-05-09, 00:05
I would say mine is number 2 recently rather than number 4


21-05-09, 00:11
Hehe mine are a combination of 1 and 6 !!

29-05-09, 08:26
I have had fissure on and off for 5 months. It was initially caused by passing a huge stool (TMI !) and felt like passing razor blades. Eventually it went after drinking loads of fluids, however this week its back:weep: and wow it hurts. So its back to the drawing board and getting back on track with diet. I bet this is exactly what you have and there is nothing to worry about its just very sore when you go. I have some suppositries which i have not tried yet but i think i will !.