View Full Version : head problems

21-05-09, 00:06
hello everyone i hope everyone is doing better than i am today i am writing this because i cant stand my headaches anymore they are so bad and putting all of my other horrible symptoms from anxiety aside my headaches bother me the most i just cant get myself to believe anxiety can be causing these i just found out recently i have tmj and i know that can cause headaches on top of anxiety but i just cant stop thinking that my head pain is being caused by something bad like here it goes a brain tumor or something like that and i just feel like the thought of having something so bad wrong with me is giving me really bad anxiety right now and i go see a neurologist june 14 and im scared that something is gunna be really wrong and im freakin out any advice it would really help thanks so much:)

21-05-09, 08:24
I know it's really hard to follow this advice, and easy to give it out; but if you know you have TMJ and you know that causes headaches then that is the likely reason for them. I too have seen a neurologist twice about things but it is because I like you am a HA sufferer; in the cold light of day there was no need and it is extremely likely that he will just tell you you're ok, so just try to relax, as hard as it seems.

21-05-09, 17:50
thank you for taking the time to write me make some advice i really appreciate it alot and i know i just have to think positive its just hard sometime because the symptoms are so annoying i just get discouraged at times thanks again