View Full Version : very glad i found this site... a very worried person

21-05-09, 02:05
Hi all

Very glad i stumbled across this site. Let me introduce myself, my name is Andy and i'm 21 years old. Anyone who good could give me advice on my problem would be very much appreciated.

About 2 1/2 months ago i began to feel strange, like the outside world was unreal and foreign almost. At the exact same time i noticed some enlarged lymph nodes in my neck under my jaw. Previous to this i had been on a complete bender for about a month, or maybe from christmas time really. Ever since i have not felt right, the lymph nodes have not reduced in size but not got any bigger nor have anymore popped up. I have been a little more tired than usual, and my drinking habits have maintained to escape my symptoms. I was a victim of dr. google and saw all the horrible diseases relating to swollen lymph nodes and ignored the simple causes. I had to move back to my parents house from university because i couldn't cope with the worry, i would ring my mum up crying every night, i felt bad on her as she had some health problems of her own recently.

I have been to my GPs around 6 times, each time i tell them how worried i am about the nodes, they have a feel and check me out all over and give me the all clear, i have had 2 complete blood counts and inflammation blood tests, all normal. I was so worried one day i paid £130 for a 60 second HIV test because i knew i couldn't wait for the normal test result (the guy at the clinic after i had told him my sexual history said i had more chance of winning the lottery than having contracted HIV).

After these tests i was diagnosed with GAD, which didn't come as a great surprise, i have been over-anxious all my life but have hardly ever been ill. I was prescribed 10mg ciltalopram, which i did not take as i was too worried about the side effects, so i decided to go herbal with st johns wort but unfortunately the gastric side-effects were awful and i stopped taking it immediately.

But after all this i still feel these nodes are being over-looked, i am so anxious about them, i feel i may have a panic attack or start crying if i just look at my neck. I very lucky in that my parents have private health care, so im going to visit a consultant general physician for what will be a 3rd opinion.

I feel some other symptoms i have are caused by GAD, like muscle aches, headaches but i can't convince myself of that while these nodes are still up.

I have been all my life a happy person, i am in a working band and enjoy that very very much and never thought id get to a point where i don't believe 2 separate doctors diagnosis. I want my life back so much, to be able to sit on my sofa in my university flat and have a cup of tea without worrying about my health.

Thats about it, i am going to stop drinking for a while and see how that goes, ill be more anxious in the evenings but i know that the booze is a short term solution that creates a longer term problem.

Thanks for reading!

21-05-09, 02:21
Andy, it sounds like anxiety to me. I drank a long time to get rid of anxiety and it only gets worse with the drinking. The alcohol withdrawal causes anxiety symptoms or makes them worse. Take it from me quit the drinking now if you can or it can get worse. Like you said the anxiety will go away for a few hours but come back worse. It will get better hang in there.

22-05-09, 14:15
guys im sorry to nag but is there anyone else out there with similar experiences, people keep telling me to think positive, but i don't think they really understands


22-05-09, 14:24
Hi Andy, and welcome to no more panic.
It def sounds like anxiety to me too as seanpat has said. I can understand what you are going through and there was a very interesting poll/post on here just a day or so ago about being able to feel your glands/nodes. You may have been a bit run down, an infection of some sort and glands do stay up for a while, in some people they never go back down but it isn't anything serious. Your drs are telling you the truth and even though you feel its hard believing them as you still 'don't feel right', its anxiety that is making you feel this way. The 'unreal' feeling also points in the direction of anxiety. As for the drinking, well, I have done it, had a drink on an evening to help relax but for the last 3 weeks I have been on a diet and stopped any alcohol completely. I have to say, that I feel fantastic for not having any at all and I intend to stick to it as I feel so good. My sleeping habit are so much bette too. I'll have a look for the poll post on glands and bump it up for you to have a look at.

22-05-09, 14:26
Andy, everyone on here has similar experiences but different focuses. The lymph glands is a common one, not for me but for so many. Please realize that they go u and down and being tired makes them swell a bit. Believe me, the blood tests would show infection or viral flareups and they don't.

It's not the lymph glands that are the problem, it's our preoccupation with something in our body going wrong. That's what you have to work on...not getting blood tests and HIV tests, etc. Taking meds to help you along is fine but you, me, all of us have to solve this problem. Have you read any of the books that are recommended on this board? You can still find that post I made a few days ago. Maybe try to find a good cognitive therapist too but I find the books better than any therapist I have been to.

22-05-09, 14:30
Thanks guys, it's so helpful to hear from people who are going through similar problems, i am going to see a consultant on tuesday for a final opinion and anything he says/recommends im going to do. I'm especially scared of starting any kind of medication as i read on citalopram "in young people causes thoughts of suicide"??!! But will deffinately try and find a good therapist.

22-05-09, 15:36
hey andy - i'm glad you're going to see the consultant and hopefully that will help put your mind at rest. i also wanted to let you know that i definitely understand exactly how you feel. many times i say to msyelf "i just want to feel normal and go out and have fun with my family and friends without the ever-present voice in the back of my head telling me there is something wrong with me". it is a terrible feeling, and frustrating as hell because you think you should just be able to turn off that voice but it isn't easy. anyway, just wanted you to know that i'm right there with you and feel your pain. hopefully one day all of this will be a distant memory for all of us :) good luck!

27-05-09, 16:28
Hi guys,

So i went to see the consultant, a lovely man and he checked me all over (he is a specialist in multi system diseases). He felt my glands and said he could only feel 1 which was up a "tiny" bit, i really liked it when he used the phrase "glands will be glands". He told me i had had an infection similar to glandular fever (possibly epstein barr virus) but it had deffinately gone now, and i could still be suffering from some kind of post-viral stage. He told me to calm my life style down and avoid anti-depressants at all costs at my age (21).

He re-assured me on everything and said "if i had any type of symptom of a serious disease he would tell me".

I feel much better. I urge anyone (especially in the UK with the NHS) to keep going to the doctors until your re-assured, if like me you've seen 2 GPs and a specialist and are still feeling anxious, you have to make yourself see logic and think how ridiculous you're being.

Thanks all

27-05-09, 23:14
Dear Andypee,

I know EXACTLY how you feel, I've had swollen nodes for a couple of month's now to, and they also scare me alot. I went to the doctor several times already, and he said they feel fine, swollen, but fine. I did have a weird throat pain for a few weeks, but the pain seems to get less anoying & less frequent the past days, so I belive it is healing..None the less I did not think rational and decided to make an appointment with my doctor for this friday, well every visit seems to make me feel better, and since the last appointment has been nearly 4 weeks ago (A new record since my HA started) I guess it would be good if I pay another visit, hehe.

Anyways, let us know how things go on with you! :)