View Full Version : blood tests results

21-05-09, 09:09
im having a bad time with my HA at the moment. Im worried because I have pains in places again and worry about cancer.
bascially i have been up an down for 9 months, HA, GAD and generally poorly, always catching bugs etc. Cant convince myself its nothing serious. Had blood tests lots, chest x ray, mri scan on head.
Had ear infection this week so feel pretty poorly but have tummy probs too. Docs think probably IBS. get pains down below at the moment (Sorry if TMI) not inside just liked ive been kicked! (sorry again) not huge pain just a mild ache sometimes.
so....you can guess ive gone into overdrive, bowel cancer last week, ovarian this week.
My question is would my blood tests show if there was anything sinister? I am so worried that something is there and has been missed, but ive had so many tests done.
please help
choco x

21-05-09, 10:27
I cant offer any advice but i am going through the same thing.I havent been well for 3-4 months and i have had various pains in different parts of my body and i have thought i have had stomach,lung,bone,back cancer etc and i have had endoscopy,chest xray,abdoman ultrasound,bloods done twice and all fairly normal.The doctor said if my bloods came back ok then there is nothing serious going on but i am like you i am not convinced because i feel so ill.I am now getting pains in my breast and under my arm so now i am thinking breast cancer but i feel if i go and say that the doctor will chase me away because i have been with so many different pains and symptoms.Why cant we be rational like our friends and family and be reassured with the blood tests?

21-05-09, 11:58
Blood tests alone would not diagnose cancer but there would be other readings in the blood that pointed the docs in the direction of infection etc.

So, they would question those results and get more tests done.