View Full Version : Message for fellow HA sufferers

21-05-09, 09:36

I just wanted to share some thoughts to fellow sufferer's of HA.

I have had HA now for well over 10 years. You name it, i have had it!

It has only really come to a head now that my son was born 6 months ago for me to realise that enough was enough and that i have responsibilities now to him and my wife.

What i have found with myself and every ailment i have had is that focussing on a particular body part, consitently checking myself, googling the internet etc, talking to friends and family about my supposed illness really just add's fuel to the fire in believing you have something seriously wrong with you.

You get into a habit that takes over your life, you cant get these terrible thoughts out of your head that in turns fuels the negative thoughts and so on and so on.

What i have found is that you really really must try hard to occupy your mind (my son) and focussing on something other than your negative health concerns. Think to yourself that this is not going to take over your life, you are young with so much to live for. Get angry with your thoughts for letting you feel this way for so long as you really do deserve better.

I have not had a single health concern now for 6 months months as i have been so busy either at work or looking after my son that i have not had the time to worry as i used to. To me this really does prove that postive thoughts, keeping occupied and not feeling sorry for yourself goes a long way to feeling better and leading a normal life that all HA sufferer's long for.

I hope these words can help even one person to overcome there worries and concerns.

21-05-09, 09:50
Nice advice, thank you, and congratulations for sorting yourself out.

The three or four months around christmas were the worst of my life, I was convinced I was dying and I thought about nothing else. However I got tired of all the worry and for some reason snapped out of it one day around late February; it was the same day that I put some garlic cloves in the ground, the first things I started growing after winter (strange I know but it made me feel really good). I have been well on the mend ever since; there are a few weird things still bothering me which I have posted about on here to seek reassurance (bad I know) but in general I am much improved and am optimistic that like you I can make a full recovery and never be bothered by HA again.

21-05-09, 09:59
Hi Vastano

Thanks for posting those words, I for one am going to try and follow in your footsteps because I have had enough of all this worry now. My life lately has greatly improved but it is the HA that I now have to work on.

Well done, you seem to have got your head around this and I hope you continue to enjoy your family.


21-05-09, 12:18
Good morning Vastano,
What an encouraging post! As I wake up focusing on something once again, it is so good to see someone who was able to conquer this and for now, I am able to ditch what I am worrying about.

I have had periods of bad anxiety and panic attacks and one day I was in the supermarket, just walking down the fruit aisle when a flash of panic hit me. I had been in a great mood and you know, I just said "*&$# #%$ panic, you are not going to ruin my day!" and it went away! So I know you are right when you say sometimes we just have to get angry at it all and say "Enough" and realize that we ARE capable of focusing on something fun.

When I get in health-consumed states or even a depression, I say to myself, "You CAN reverse this, right now". It takes determination and practice. Your post was a shot in the arm and I appreciate it greatly. Best of luck to you with continued success in the right direction. xoxxo Lauren