View Full Version : ovarian cancer

21-05-09, 10:43
please help me
im so scared i have ovarian cancer.
ive had bloatedness, mild pains down below and am terrified.
i dont want to have to go to the doctor again
choco x

21-05-09, 11:28
Hi :)
I too have awful bloatedness and pains and I sometimes think the worst, but I always think the worst about any symptom that I get. When I think logically - I know for me the bloatedness and pain is probably related to the tablets I am taking.
If you had cancer you would have other symptoms and it would be picked up on by a blood test.
What did your Gp say? You say you don't want to have to go to see him again but your Gp is the only person who can confirm that you don't have ovarian cancer or otherwise. Why don't you make an appointment to get your mind put at ease, and explain your fears to him?

21-05-09, 11:45
There are NO symptoms for ovarian cancer, its called the "silent killer". The symptoms only happen when its really advanced and i don't think a mild case of bloating and a pain 'down there' are the them.

21-05-09, 11:51
Sounds more like IBS than cancer to me as well.

21-05-09, 11:55

I have had similar symptoms over the past couple of months - wind, bloatedness, pain and a sort of pressure in my lower abdomen. I convinced myself it was ovarian cancer. The doctor sent me for an abdominal and pelvic scan which were fine. I also had good blood test results like you did. The doctor said that, whilst it is not an adequate screening for specific cancers, it is a good overview of health and that your body is running normally and not fighting any infections etc.

I did a lot of reading about ovarian cancer when I thought I had it. It is very rare under 40. There is also a lot of evidence to suggest that having had children and being on the pill (even if you are not now) provide protection from this type of cancer.

I am now totally convinced that I don't have ovarian cancer but am now obsessing about bowel cancer as the scan couldn't really show up anything in the bowel!! Again, in my research I have learnt that it is rare under 40 and that 97% of bowel cancer is diagnosed in patients over 50.

I keep reading that cancer risk is higher after 40. God knows what I am going to be like then!!!

Don't worry about seeing your doctor. Tell them your fears. A simple pelvic scan can rule this out. Take care.
Jo xx