View Full Version : Bad Adrenalin

21-05-09, 11:36

Does anyone ever get to the stage where they are so anxious and on edge they can feel adrenalin rushing through their body as though they are about to have a panic attack but they never quite get there unless another stimulus were to play apart and send you over the edge.

Im a currently sat at my desk and my I cant sit still, I am tapping my feet but if I think about it Im very near the edge but not there so I can just about ride it out and it almost feels like i can turn the bad adrenalin to good adrenalin.

I used to be a proper adrenalin junkie and one therapist suggested I might have lost the ability to harness the rush as it were and hence the panic attacks.

Sorry if this sounds like the ramblings of a mad man it would be nice to know im not the only one.


21-05-09, 11:48
Oh yes , when I am nervous or about to do something I am not keen on doing my adrenalin shoots all over my body, it's like serges and when it calms down it all turns to tension. I even went to see a specialist over this who thought I may have a problem with the adrenal gland but nothing was found so I guess it's just another anxiety symptom.


21-05-09, 11:49
Oh my. I had this the other day. I wasn't panicking, i didn't feel that panicky, but the sensations were most bizaare.

I was preparing dinner at the time and i felt the surge of what must have been adrenalin and it was like i was on speed (NOT that i have taken speed, just what i have heard from others experiences..lol). I was doing everything in fast motion. I was kind of shaking...or buzzing...i dunno, but i couldn't stop moving.

I had to step back and stop doing what i was doing 'cause i was frightened that i was going to lose control of my hands or something and spill dinner everywhere.

..and i say again, i wasn't panicking and i didn't feel anxious before it started...so for me....very strange.


21-05-09, 17:09
A doctor told me once that the adrenaline we release when we are excited is exactly the same as what is released when we get anxious - what makes it a pleasant sensation or horrible one is how our brains perceive the adrenaline and how we react to that.

This makes such sense, since I've had anxiety, a lot of the things that used to be pleasurable to me - going to gigs, going on holiday etc. cause me anxiety now. I'm going on holiday on Saturday and I've got butterflies about it - but before becoming anxious I would have had butterflies about it too, excited butterflies.

I feel it's my mind twisting the situation because I'm so afraid of becoming anxious. I get anxious about the prospect of becoming anxious.

21-05-09, 17:51
There are times I love adrenaline rushes like that and then there are times when they make me feel panicky. I usually get up and get busy cleaning to try to take advantage of the adrenaline and to distract myself from panicking. I've also found breathing exercises to help. Try taking 7 slow deep breaths in and 7 slow breaths out and reassure yourself that you will be fine.

21-05-09, 21:45
Does anyone get like a prickly sort of soreness on there skin as if you were sensitive to washing powder on your clothes. It makes you feel as if you are having a hot flush especially in your face and backs of hands especially.

I always put this down to a rush of Adrenalin with panic.


22-05-09, 11:10
Does anyone get like a prickly sort of soreness on there skin as if you were sensitive to washing powder on your clothes. It makes you feel as if you are having a hot flush especially in your face and backs of hands especially.

I always put this down to a rush of Adrenalin with panic.


I totally get this when ive been super stressed, its adrenaline without a doubt. It feels like a hot flush becuase i think that it is, im sure thats what hot flushes are, burst of adrenaline. Nasty i know


22-05-09, 12:18
I'm having that problem right now. It is so bad that I have not been able to sleep tonight. Now my skin hurts. I'm in bad shape